
Reincarnation of my favorite novel with the system

I reincarnated into my favorite novel as a commoner in the country of Yan. I possess a system that aids me in agriculture to become stronger, and I also know the ending of the novel and what will happen. I must prepare myself from now on, as all the main characters are nobles of the Yan country.

Raval_Wyx · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Elite

Chapter 5: The Elite

Six students gathered at Arena 1 where the supervisor briefed them concisely, stating, "Unlike other arenas, from now on, the focus for elite students will be on their rankings. The higher their ranking, the more resources they will have for cultivation." Upon hearing this, other students felt envious because the elite were the top ten students, meaning they would only have three vacant positions available to them, despite their number being over a hundred. Seven had already been pre-selected, each undoubtedly powerful.

Chang Ying's defeat of a hundred students without moving proved her immense strength. Now, she would face other elite students like herself. They all demonstrated peak cultivation levels before entering the Needle Stabbing Stage. Chang Ying hadn't revealed her cultivation fully; only about 30% was visible.

The arena supervisor announced the start of the fight. One of the six stepped forward with a confident smile, indicating his belief in victory. Chang Ying smiled back, saying, "Hello, my name is Chang Ying. Looking forward to a good match." The boy replied, "I'm Shou Hao. Looking forward to a good match too, Miss Chang." As the supervisor declared the start, Chang Ying and Shou Hao took their battle stances. Shou Hao made the first move, attacking her shoulder. She easily dodged and they exchanged numerous blows. Suddenly, Chang Ying smiled and disappeared from his view. Unfazed, Shou Hao looked around until Chang Ying reappeared, attacking from below and targeting his legs. He dodged, realizing it was a feint, but then suddenly felt a pressure and power that made him fear for his life. He yelled, "I surrender."

The supervisor, sensing the intensity, wasn't surprised by the strength displayed. The fight didn't last three minutes before Shou Hao surrendered. Chang Ying reappeared, smiling, and remarked, "That was a good fight." Shou Hao didn't respond and left the arena.

Meanwhile, in another arena, Li Wei watched the battle in shock at Chang Ying's speed and power, wishing he could fight at the same level. Reflecting on his defeats after ten battles, he saw Chang Ying's continued prowess. His second battle lasted thirty minutes, where his opponent, stronger than him, pushed him to his limits. Chang Ying, undeterred, maintained her smile until something strange happened: she gathered chi in her hand without moving and struck her opponent, seemingly wasting her energy until he was flung from the arena, coughing blood and fainting.

Students were stunned, some thinking she had killed him until the supervisor and Chang Ying confirmed he was severely injured. After medical assistance, Chang Ying stood on the arena, slightly sweating, and announced defiantly, "Who else will challenge me? I won't leave until the tests are over." Her statement surprised everyone, as four other elite students had yet to compete. She declared they couldn't defeat her.

One elite student, fearing a fate like the last, hesitated until one confidently walked forward, entering the arena. His aura alone intimidated everyone, including the supervisor, who announced him as a nine-year-old prodigy. Without further introduction, their fight commenced, lasting an hour. Chang Ying was cornered until she turned the tables two hours later. Both stopped, and he proudly said, "You've held out so far. I commend your bravery. Before you lose, I'll tell you my name: Chen Ming."

Panting slightly, Chen Ming prepared for his next strike, wounded but confident. Chang Ying warned him, "I'll defeat you with my next strike, aiming for your abdomen. It could kill you. Defend well." Chen Ming knew she wasn't bluffing but remained confident in his strength. Their intense battle continued, surprising even the supervisor. When he moved to stop the fight, both attacked each other. Chang Ying left her position, causing debris to fly, astonishing everyone.

Students couldn't believe their eyes, some speculating she had killed Chen Ming until she showed he was seriously injured. The supervisor, injured himself, declared Chang Ying the winner and asked if any other elite students wished to challenge her. None moved, understanding her strength. She remained in the arena, waiting. The remaining elite students went to another arena to prepare.

The supervisor announced, "Student Chang Ying has succeeded. No further tests are necessary. Her ranking will be first. Any student displeased can challenge her now." None moved, and she stood, waiting, while students understood she awaited any brave enough to challenge. Surprisingly, she didn't leave until the test fights ended.

Later that night, Chang Ying spoke with Yang Mi, saying, "That student was very strong. I had to use my strongest skill and pretend I was fine. Anyway, the prizes—I received them. Let's open them now." She left a note for Li Wei with Yang Mi.