
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

22 Chs


As we looked up to the sky we were shocked to see the big black horn and red giant flaming body with no injuries except some scratches in his burning face.

So this is a demon commander, my attack had to sacrifice my right hand and burned my left hand but that thing isn't even damaged by a little,it was a attack which was used for extreme emergency but that didn't do shit to that guy.

Now what I said with a defeated look to my sister,she looked at me and exclaimed with a devilish smile what are you giving up this early the Battle has just started of course we would fight even if we have to die we would still fight this ugly creature,she looked like she wanted that demon's head under her feat.

I looked at her not understanding who is the demon here that guy or my sister I stood up with a smile knowing we are going to die if we fight that guy but what else can we do my teleportation magic is on a cool down and our speed is nothing compared to this guy since he found our base so quickly even though it's supposed to be at least hundreds of kilometres away from that forest,but i just hope uncle comes here fast and alarm all of the ability user to be ready for another massacre.

I looked at the demon who was just standing there waiting for us to attack and looking bored of our talk,his ears immediately perked up when he heared we were going to fight him.

He looked at us with a smile hoping this time we would show something better than before.we took our Battle stance with me on the right and her on the left we both were quite familiar with eachother's abilities and fighting styles so teamwork was easy in between us.

I looked at the demon and my hands which one was burned and the other was gone, I used some magic to create a temporary magical blue hand to help me fight that demon .

We took a deep breath as we both charge forward with insane speed and we both tried to punch that guy on the same place as where that sword had last landed hoping to at least create a small scratch, but that demon just grabbed our hand like a toy and slammed us into eachother we both bleed from our mouth and spited it .

I immediately tried to grab his face and tried an elbow punch but he didn't even dodge instead grabbed my face gave me an elbow, umghuu Hu

My face immediately distorted and my chin was destroyed I couldn't speak anymore it felt like a heavy object had been taken out of my face, my sister immediately took the chance and made a huge sword to cut this demon From behind but the demon used his knuckles to break that shining gold sword by turning around.

LIA expecting this smiled wickedly as she grabbed the moutg of the demon,

HEAVENLY CRUSHER!!she screamed at the top of her lungs as she tried to take out the demons chin as well for destroying mine.

The demon's Mouth opened a little,that demon immediately became angry for the disrespect the girl was showing to the demon, as he immediately punched that girl to her face and lia went flying to the ground with blood flowing From her face like a river.

Just when he throwed the girl he screamed a little that opened his mouth just then something went inside his mouth, the girl in the ground immediately smiled as the thing inside his mouth exploded in his mouth, his eyes unconsciously saw what throwed that thing inside as he saw a jawless man looking at him with another arm gone from his shoulder.

That girl again stood up and looked ahead and she saw two lawless people staring at eachother, that demon felt first time in his life had he been humiliated by Humans first time in his life has he been damaged like this and to make it worse it was from two human kids .

Just as she looked ahead at the demon and me she was in shock to see I disappeared from my place and only some of my clothes and the demon looking at me with Anger were she could see, she looked at her side as she saw the demon beside her with my body in his hands.

Her eyes immediately changed from red to black as she saw me not being able to even move, the demon crushed my foot Infront of her in an insane speed not being even able to see.

She suddenly moved at the speed of Mach 8, a speed which she had never gained and tried hitting that demon with a special explosion magic in her hand,but before she could hit the demon,that demon moved even faster and reached Mach 9 to hit that girl before she hit him,

I looked at this with desbileif I myself can't even reach Mach 3 at speed with all my energy but this people were going on Mach 8 and 9 like it was a walk (Mach 8 means 8 Times than speed of sound and Mach 9 means 9 times than the speed of sound)

The difference in speed was unreal at what I was watching, this two were fighting at another speed way faster than me .

I tried to get up but my legs were crushed and my mana was low so I was as good as a disabled Oldman in a fight.but didn't give up stood up on the fine leg as I immediately used a healing spells on my body to help me not die of bleeding,my leg was only crushed and not taken out so I could fix it with my healing magic but it would take some time since I used up all of my mana, 99 percent of my mana was wasted in the nuclear blast of mana and it sacrificed both of my arm.

I looked ahead just to get punched in my face and I was sent flying towards the buildings behind me who were not destroyed when I used my nuclear blasts, I went through several of the buildings and finally stopped about 300 km away, I immediately became angry with that shit how dare he sent me flying here when I hadn't even stood up properly, i immediately ran towards them with all of my speed and reached Mach 5 due to my body letting go of my limits for a head to head fight as I was heading there lia and that demon were fighting fiercely and although lia was taking so much damage and she was outmatched by the demon,she continued fighting it with a smile of a devil and the eyes of the epitome of darkness, that demon momentarily stopped because of fear in his heart but he didn't back down because of his pride and his anger, my sister exploded her mana every time he got close and that demon went through it and tried hitting her with his fist,lia dodged it put her Palm forward to the destroyed jaw of the demon and her small red mana balls exploded in his face,

He went a little back due to his pain and his fear since this girl even though weaker and slower was still talking advantage of his weekness and no matter how many times he tried this girl just wouldn't die she had already stabbed her many times but her body just automatically somehow regenerates it like nothing happened there, the demon got furious at this girl as he put his hands forward and suddenly a huge explosion occured there but to his suprise that girl looking like a devil came forward although her entire body was burned and she was dark as a charcoal and her eyes were full of fure she didn't stop there she was so into the battle that she didn't care about her body atall, she immediately gave him another big blast to his face and this time it hit his small part of his brain his body immediately jumped back out of instinct to protect itself and as he was about to run away on the other deriction a hand came forward from the other side as he immediately made another big blast to his face completely destroying half his brain,.

I looked at her body burning with flames as I grabbed the demon commander's hand and tried absorbing some of his mana, after I did I healed lia from her flames and she again started to regenerate again from her injuries and I healed myself from my injurys as well.

I looked aty body that was completely destroyed both of my arms were gone and my legs were looking like a little push will break it .my sister lia immediately hugged me and excitedly exclaimed, BROTHER WE DEFEATED A DEMON COMMANDER WOOHOO, NOW WE ARE THE STRONGEST ABILITY USERS ALIVE.

She almost broke my ears with her screaming but ,I couldn't believe myself we actually defeated a demon commander that was supposed to be the strongest demon their is right now,.

Although most of the battle was faught by my physicopathic sister but the first damage and the last damage were done by me so I am a huge contributer to it, just as I was about to fall down on the floor I felt a black curse suddenly touching us ,my heart immediately skipped a beat as I suddenly realised what was going on ,I could see my sister having the same expression,

I looked at the dead body of the demon as it had disappeared from It's place, I couldn't believe myself for thinking destroying half of his brain was enough to kill it I was a stupid person and now we are going to die because of my stupidity, lia tell uncle we won't be able to meet him I said as I saw from a far away a white haired 40 years old man with a jacked body running towards us with fear in his eyes.

Lia understanding the situation looked at her father and shouted DON'T COME NEAR US WE HAVE BEEN CURSED WITH THE DEMON'S CURSE,

As soon he heard the shout from his daughter his heart immediately dropped and he looked at them with desbileif in his eyes not knowing what was happening and why they were saying such things.

WHAT DEMON ARE WE TALKING ABOUT he was making sure if it was a lower demon or a higher demon but looking at the destruction here he was getting nervous it might be a high demon.

I looked at Lia's dad knowing what his reaction will be after our answer, IT WAS A DEMON COMMANDER I shouted with my most of my energy.

He immediately became stupified,Hoi stop joking here will you he said with his eyes looking dead,

Why would another commander demon be here,he looked like he was about to cry and he looked at his daughter and niece with teary eyes as he realised they were telling the truth since the curse was trying to find another person to spread to ,black things covered them like silk wrapping a worm.

He looked at them with a last tear dropped from him and started to cry by letting go of his tears from his eyes he gritted his teeth with and he said some words , I am sorry,I am sorry, I am sorry, I couldn't protect my last promise I made to my wife and brother but i still couldn't fulfill them ,

I could hear his words from faraway because of my ability and I knew why he was crying hopelessly, this curse is no normal curse, the main reason on why millions of ability user's died was because of this curse, the main hero who got this curse tried to treat it by asking some people's to help him but it turns out this curse spreads like wildfire and it will keep on spreading until there Is none near to curse, this curse is a slow painful curse and in this state all of the monster can sense you from faraway and they will hunt you down no matter what. Because of which people had to stay away from the cursed one, this curse killed over millions just in one night.

People were qurintined to place different than normal people,and Normal people could see a cursed one from far away because of the unique black clouds sorrunding them.

I couldn't believe it not only does this curse attract monsters, this curse will slowly but surely eat it's host and make it a new demon, a new monster or just a living dead.

We knew what would happen if we let ourselves be eaten by it so, we had to do something to kill this curse and the only way to do is to burn our body.

I looked at my uncle one last time as I began to feel a tear run through my eyes and and my sister looked at us while gritting hard knowing what is about to come, we both said our last good byes to our uncle,.

I am sorry uncle I couldn't protect her and myself,I apologized with my head down,

I am truly ashamed of myself for leaving you alone in this world she said with me,

Please we are truly sorry so don't die or suicide for us we want you to live like you want and make a new world where humans could again live in happiness,

I am so sorry we have to depart from this world leaving you behind and going to meet our parents before you .

I wil meet you in heaven and I better see you accomplishing our original goal, we are sorry for leaving you on our journey like our parents did.

We bowed respectfully and cried with our eyes like there was no tomorrow,well there wasn't a new tomorrow for them.

The uncle looked at them with broken look.

Why does everyone keep leaving me behind WHY!! He shouted to the top of his lungs .

We looked at him one last time and said our last goodbye as we both grabbed our hands knowing what is about to come we both closed our eyes as we began forming a huge explosion for is to die without pain, he looked at us with sadness as he began running at us while shouting WAIT DON'T GO , PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME.

We immediately knew if he came near us he would also get cursed so we immediately used our explosion and as our body startted to burn we gave eachother one last hug.

Hgguguguhyghdhdurgdheu, the fire burned our body and left nothing behind.

The uncle came there and looked at the ground which they just burned he fell on his knees as he couldn't believe his last family member's died Infront of him he started to fall down as he layed on the burned floor with with tears that were forming in his eyes,he looked at the sky with regret on why he couldn't protect his only family members .

As he looked in the sky he made a vow.

LIA ,RUKA I will definitely fulfill my our goal and make a place for all humans to live in peace again YOU HEAR ME I PROMISE!! HE SHOUTED WITH PAIN IN HIS VOICE.

As the world got darker suddenly I opened my eyes.