
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

22 Chs


would you stop Sighing, said by a 1 year old girl beside me .

Oh hey Lia how was your day,we are going to celebrate our 1st birthday in this body isn't it weird how time fly's so fast,I can't even believe I have died two times already I remembered our past.

Well it is true but why are you Sighing, did something happened?she looked at me curiously.

Well we will soon again be in the battle for survival , although you like battle I don't like battle very much,so it feels weird to me that because of me a great war will be done and I will fight with the creators of this worlds so I am quite conscious of the future battle.

What are you talking about right now you should be trying to be stronger and and be more prepared for the next survival, instead of living in the future you should do something in the present,you dumbass she said as she knuckled me.

Can you stop doing this I am not that strong you know my body is of a child,it hurts way more than it should right now,and also have you seen the outside it seems like there is a huge crowd in there.

It seems the awekaning will be held on this temple I said as I looked at the amount of people that were out side.

Awakening what's that?she asked me with confusion.

Huhhh I sighed,I should have known you wouldn't know that and here I thought you have gotten more mature you are still only a kid,you should try to listen to adults talking you know instead of coming to my room and playing with magic.

Well I don't really care what they do or what they say i already have far superior instinct and more experience in battle,and I also have you who has all the knowledge so why should listen to other people's blabers,not like they are teaching me how to use mana more effectively or giving me skills,they just try to play with me so I have nothing to do except come to you.

You shouldn't take me for granted you know we are eventually going to part ways in the future, you might find someone you like and I don't want that person to be burdened by you.

WHAT ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU TO GO AWAY WITH ANOTHER MAN !!? No way I am going to stay with you until I die and I will not let you go ,you are the only person that knows all of my skills and how to increase them ,and you have such innovative ways to torture people that i didn't even know existed,so why should i leave you? You are only mine

You should stop saying those words you are going to make me embarrassed to stay with you ,and also the awakening is soon to happen so i should probably tell you the details.

The awakening is a baby that will be doing a test in how strong a person's aptitude is ,or how fast a person will grow there strength, this test will change the baby's entire life,if it comes out good than that baby will be respect and if that comes out bad that baby will never be respected .

Although people can train harder for more strength, a fight between a talented and an untalented is as clear as day , you can only hope of more strength than you can have if you train hard, while the talented one can just do one tenth of your training and still be ahead of you,so that's why this awakening is important.

Although we both will be doing the awakening in secret so that people won't find our strength and our family's will make sure noone knows our real strength or talent to ensure our safety,but the commoners strength and talent can be shown to public since they don't have enough space for the whole city to stay in different rooms.

Our parents and other guilds will be on the lookout for kids with talent so that Is why they brought us here, although we are fully sorrunded by guards they are hiding in the walls making sure we are okay and safe,and with my sound barrier they can't hear us so don't worry about getting caught.

Although I do wonder why they brought us here, maybe because we were locked up in that house for 1 year that they decided we would be taken out side, to see the outer world.

Well today is our birthday,so they must have felt bad about locking there kids in the for so long.

Well do you think anyone one of the people that you have seen are talented?she asked me with a curious look,I see only 3 people at most what about you?

Well I see about 5 ,I said with a smirk.

Whoa you always have sharper eyes than me no matter what we do you are the more observent one among us ,she said patting me in the back.

Well get ready our parents are here I said as I felt there arrival with my skills.

As the other door opened some people came in there , with our family and some personal guards.

Samantha looked at us as she went closer to Emily and whispered.

Look at them don't they look so cute together,they are also smiling at eachother, how could you not tell me they are a future couples.

Shut up will you they are still children wait at least till they turn 18.

Humm she pouted, Okay whatever you say sis.

As they approached us our mothers kneeled down as she patted me .

{Although I already have 3 mothers including her ,why is my every mother the same looking with the same voice and the same personality,is she also reincarnating with me?.}

How are you my little boy,do you want me to carry you?she said looking at me with innocent eyes and a beautiful smile looking radiant even though she had a dark background.

I will walk I said with a smile ,I will need to grow up quickly and protect you so i must train hard and be strong,I will walk for my body to grow quickly and be the protector,.

My mother was a bit surprised by my words as she patted me in the head,than grow up quickly and not just protect me but her aswell she said while pointing at lia .

I looked at mother with a genuine smile as I replied I will,I will protect Lia and our family by becoming stronger.

Samantha on the other hand was looking at me with a smile,as she turned towards her baby girl.

I will walk,Lia suddenly spoke with an unemotional tone.

Samantha looked at her with a dead smile as she was crying inside because of the answer even though she didn't yet ask it.

{Why can't my girl be like him a bit more loving and caring, does she not have emotions,but she was smiling a moment ago with him,}

lia you shouldn't be acting like that people will be angry if you don't respect them.victor the white haired uncle spoke .

Okay father Lia spoke with no emotions.

Huhhh what can I do with my daughter she never respects the elder, victor sighed.

Well we should be going,the awakening ceremony will be starting soon and I don't want to lose out the talented ones that could be raised in our cadet academy,if we managed to bring about 100 talented cadets than it would be more advantages to our school,three years we could only bring 89 and we almost became 4th highest rank in the whole worlds academy because of not getting 1 more talented kid .

We should be aiming at the 1st position at the whole worlds best academy this year,she said while grabbing my hand and walking with me to the other door,.

We should walk than they said as we entered through a red carpet and we were all respected by all of the people's,as they knelt down when we came,I could see everyone admired us but they also feared us, like we were some kind of gods to them.

I looked at this place as I saw how big it was , this whole place was 10km big if we count the length of it.

We were definitely a godly existence to them since I come from a family who has about a tenth of most powerful soldiers in the whole world and we have Trained more than hundreds of thousands of students who have become high ranking people.

I could see why they were all scared and respective.

After we sat behind the the awakening place where there were about 1000 awekaning priests,all of them didn't dare look above as we sat at the top of some thrones,I could see hundreds of thousands that had came here for there baby's awakening,

Each awakening will take about 1 minute,and if all of the priests do their job deligently we can go back at 1 hour and 40 minutes,or 2 hours since there is bound to be alot of mistakes,

I could see alot of different guilds also staying at the place where the the people with babies leaving places was , they must also want to have cadit for there acedamays.

I could Finally see all of the people in one sight as I saw lots of talented babies in here.

{Well it seems like we would be able to gain alot of talented cadets and alot of future allies since I am the same age as them}.


The first in line showed the baby to the priest and the babies put their hands on the ball as the priest chanted.

And the ball started to glow.

I had learned that there were 5 colours that will Glow if you placed it in the ball.

White:below average ( 0 star people)

Green: average (1 star people or less)

Blue: above average(2 star people or less)

Red: talented (3 star or less)

Purple: extremely talented (4 star or less).

The colour shows how much you can achieve IF you trained your hardest.

Just because someone is blue doesn't mean they will reach 2 star,the 2 star Is their potential, like for example a person can dead lift 400 kg if they trained hard enough with dedication,but only some people can deadlift it, because the other people even though they can ,they will not because it's to hard for them or the better word , they are too lazy for it.

I watched as I saw 900 people have a green talent(average),and 89 have white(below average) ,and 10 had blue and 1 had red colour in there ball .

The green talent people left with disappointment,the white talent people Left with sadness and resentment,the blue talent people with happiness and the red talent person with enthusiasm,as they came to our side as our guard gave her a smile as he gave her a red card while dropping a little blood of her son in that card, which was a thing that signified their child as a talented guy,and an invitation to our academy, cause if someone gets a red talent than that person will be invited to our academy to study and make a better future.

A red talent can only be found in one in a thousand.

As we kept seeing the kids come and go lots of talented kids were being shown as as we had already found 91 red talented kids better than the last time by 2 kids and we still had more people left.

I am feeling good about this one maybe we would be able to become the 1st in talent findings of every three years.

Well yes I cannot believe there are still people.

As the crowd was getting smaller,I saw something two special kids that had something different about them one was a girl and one was a boy.

As we got alot of people coming I was seeing lots of people happy and lot's of people unhappy.

I could finally see there faces,the girl was a blonde haired girl with blue eyes.

And the boy was red crimson haired with red eyes.

Although they were in different lines they were both on the middle line and I could see them seeing eachother, looking at eachother with determination and happiness.

{Aren't these just one year old kids , although there were some three year old but why were they acting more mature than others,I could sense something different about these two specific kids.}

My mother looked at me looking at another girl and she started panicking.

{Why is he looking at another girl and that girl specifically, doesn't he have Lia than why,he isn't even in his puberty yet he is planning on cheating I must take responsibility for it,}

{I could sense her gaze as I stopped looking at her and looked at mother.}

Mother that girl and that boy when the next awekaning is happening you must check them out,I said with a little confused look so that she would get curious on why those two in particular.

As the girl and the guys turn came.

I looked at them intendedly as I kept watching the girls glassball started to glow.


All of our family members were shocked because finding a purple rank talent was way harder than a red rank talent.

A red rank talent can be called 1 in a 1000.

But a purple rank talent is 1 in a 1000 RED TALENTS.


THERE were only 100 thousand baby's here so they were quite shocked to find a purple rank in here .

My uncle and my father stood up as they both went to th mother and father of the purple rank girl,as they handed her a purple rank card, with which now she was fully under the protection of our family if someone tried messing with her they would face consiquinses of facing our family.

My mother remembered my words as she looked dumbfounded by it, she looked at the boy he pointed at earlier.

That boy had a red rank talent.

I was confused by it {Wait something is wrong a red rank talent I am sure I felt something above red rank,or even above purple rank but immediately went away as soon as it touched the glass ball, is he hiding his powers?}

{Yes I now understand,I looked at the boy and I realised there was something else in that body ,a unknown energy that was at least the rank or higher than the commanders rank demon I faught.}

{how did this boy gain such a powerful entity in his body wait}

{System does that boy have a system}

[..... Yes master,that boy has a lower rank system,I can shut it down or steel his powers for you if you want, that boy also has a 6th star entity in his body]