
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

22 Chs


{that fu*king bitch is still alive?}

I was shocked to see that guy was still alive, since what he casted at us was a curse which could easily spread on his own body as well,and the injury's we gave him were deadly so I am surprised on why he is alive.

I remember my past battle with him in which we both sacrificed our lives to kill that demon but we couldn't kill it because of our carelessness and we both died because of that bastard.

Lia let's get ready for a battle we are going to beat Shit out of this people. I had a dark face with full of rage on it .

Lia was quite surprised about my eagerness to kill something.

She looked at the sky where I was looking with curiosity on why my mood changed as she saw that place her expression immediately changed.

That fu*king bastard is still alive?.

I looked at lia with a surprised look.

{Why does she think the same way I do?}

Well first let's kill those demons and gain some coins after I gain the coins we both will kill that demon commander, since that commander is at least 5 times more stronger than when we first met him and I also Don't want to fall on his trap again.

Okay if you want but I wonder how they got in here since I thought this whole place was supposed to be protected by a invisible barrier which stopped the monster to get in here.

How should I know maybe they used some kind of high level magic to do it or they used a spy to infeiltrate this place,

Hum infiltrate I suddenly remembered something.

Our teacher that girl tried killing me on the first day of school and just after her class was Over right now the demons started to come in our school, could it be that the miss is the demon spy or something.

My train of thought was stopped when I saw several demons coming to this place.

All of them are 1 star demons so they are not that strong but to the lower rank students it's a nightmare .

{System upgrade the 1 star skill fire arrow to the 2 star skill}

[Ding it will cost 150 in total to increase a whole rank]

{Yes increase it}


[Ding you have gained 2 star skill fire arrow]

[2 star skill,Fire arrow]

[Abilities: creates 100 arrows , each with str,SPD and Def of 100 .

Leaves a burning effect of 50 hp per second for 100 seconds,

For 100 mana ler use,cool down 10 second]

It seems the cool down is also decreased.

But I don't have time for all of that.

Lia , take Cassi with you and protect her it will help you with your training and she is your friend so do It I must kill this bastards for Intrupting my peaceful life.

I went towards the window as I opened it and I casted a spell


100 FLAMING ARROWs appeared around me as I let it all go towards the demons.

It hit the first hundred demon that were trying to come towards the gate of the academy .






After being hit all of them started to burn with pain.

Just after some seconds.






{Huh I can't believe I got 300 coins in just one go }

{Well my cool down is up so I should attack again}

{Fire arrow}

Another 100 flaming arrows formed beside around me.


As the another barrage of arrows came the 1 star demons couldn't do anything as they all again started to burn with again but I knew it wasn't enough,the demons are coming from all over and are in hundreds of thousands.

I would have to fire a thousand times for this to end and with the speed of this demons I cannot win.

I need more fire power.

{System Increase the 2 star skill,to a 3 star skill}

[Ding -1500c]






{This place is bad for attacks like this,I am having trouble creating fire arrows ,I need to go outside the window to attack them, looks like the skill float will be useful right now.}

I jumped outside the window but instead of falling I was standing there my foot was standing on the air with no problems as if it was ground or something.

I casted a spell.


This time all of the demons and humans looked at me with shocked eyes .

Because before them a human was flying in the air.

That human was a student by his dress but to their surprise human was casting a 3 star spell.

As the human showd up.

In his sorrunding 1000 different flaming arrows formed.

But as I let go of this arrows.


I felt a knuckle on my chest that was pushing me with so much force it might have broken my every bones in that place.

I was sent flying and broke all of the walls as I finally stopped after breaking so many walls of this academy.

My whole body was throbbing with pain and suffering,I couldn't move any part of my body.

I slowly was about to die because of that deadly attack.

Just then.




[ABILITIES: REGENERATES 1000 hp,100 STM per second for 100 mana.]

My stomach Which was fully covered in blood started to regenerate back.

Outside the academy.

Huh I can't believe i was not able to hit that guy before he let go of the mana arrows,and his defence was quite good too as if i was hitting a cushion although he was a little stronger than I thought he was he must have died by now.the demon king was mocking me.

{I can't believe my protective barriers were easily crushed and I couldn't even react to that demon,is that the power of a demon king?}

I would take about a Minute before I am fully recovered from this hit.






I am slowly recovering I should probably hide for now.

{5 star skill, undetectable}

{My body became fully invisible after activating this skill.

This was a skill I got from gaining the class assassin.}

Teachers were all panicked about what has happened.

The principle slowly came out and floated on the sky.

A white haired guy flyed towards the demon king and stopped in front of him.

So you are the one that attacked my students and my academy, you were quite confident in your ability,when you just tried to kill one of my students just now.

But let me tell you this much,if any of my students are hurt in this battle than I am going to kill everyone of you, with no holding back.

The demon king looked at this guy with a smirk as he spoke in a human language,

So you think you can defeat me even though you are weaker than me? You must be daydreaming since we outnumber your whole academy, to strength and in numbers.

How are you going to win?.he mocked the principle.

The principle looked at them with a smirk.

You may have numbers in your side but.for strength I wouldn't say that about it.

10 teachers came beside him with.

All having more than Intermediate 4 Star .

So now I see where all of your confidence comes from you have more advanced 4 star warrior than me so you must think you can defeat us?.

He started to stand up as the fight was about to began.

On the other place.

Lia who was with cassian was walking through the corridor with full confidence.

Whenever someone tried to attack she would just blow him up with her magic with no issues.

But she was not having fun with it as they were just being killed in an instant.

As they were walking she was surprised by some figures.

1 demon generals and 10 demon leaders walking in the hallway as well.

She looked at them secretly smiling at the opportunity,This would be fun,she spoke in a Small Whisper.

She immediately jumped towards them in an insane speed.


Before the leaders could understand anything Lia grabbed them with ease as she secretly smiled.


Two of the demon leaders were smashed to the ground floor as they both started to bleed and die in seconds.

Now this is defence I wanted, able to withstand my punches but not enough to survive.

I actually feel I am hitting something, since others just turn into nothingness the moment she punches.

She looked at the other leaders and the generals who looked scared of her entrance.


Before others could understand what happened,Lia kicked a demon leader.


Th demon leader got Sent flying towards the wall and it also took out the 2 demons behind him aswell.

DDDDUNG!all three of them were dead in just a move of Lia.

And 3 leaders were unconscious just from one kick .

The demon general looking at this with fear before used his special ability.


A spiral of blue flames was thrown at her .

But lia was gone from her position and the general didn't feel his hands he looked at his hands just to see that it was cut of before he knew.

Pchirk! The blood flooded the floor.

He screamed loudly because of the pain suddenly rushing.


some demon commander were confused on what happened so one of the demon commander took a leave.

While the other 19 stayed there.

The 19 and the other 10 teachers Started to fight with intensity as the moment they started to fight in just a second the whole place was filled with lots of different colours of abilities.

While on the place of Lia .

She just punched his face since she didn't like his sound.

It irritated her .

She started to punch him harder as she made sure to crush his bone on the body.

Ghatek! ghatk !ghtak!

The general was there just lying in the ground with his body filled with Pain,he was hoping someone would come and rescue him .

And someone Did.

A demon commander claded in a Knights armour was looking at them with a angry face.

That demon commander looked at lia .

The general immediately became happy since that was a intermediate demon commander so he is 4 Star intermediate.

Cassi was looking at this with shock on her face since she knew how strong those demons are ,she was shocked to see Lia defeat all of them so easily but now was terrified due to a commander's entrance herel .

Only our teacher or the principle can kill this commander,not students who just entered the academy,

{Lia would be dead if she fights the demon commander , but she is the strongest student here so maybe she will be able to run away from that demon general}

As Lia looked at the commander with no fear ar a smirk was on her face .

So it seems you have come to me now .she was ready to fight that guy.

A commder that had a metal barrier on his jaw.

You have chosen the wrong person to mess with you demon.she was arrogant In her claims.

Lia was gone from her place as the demon commander felt he was punched in the back and was thrown to a different place.

The demon commander was sliding so he tried to stop and look back but his face got blanked as a kick was sent in his face just from behind.

Lia smiled as she remembered what she had gone through because of this demon.

She again started to slam the demon to here and there killing hundreds of demons in the way.

The demon commander understood the pattern of her attack while being slammed imon the walls.

The demon was being thrown here to there but this time the demon squted to dodge the attack from behind and he was able to dodge and stood up fast while using his hands to throw back a punch.

Lia was shocked because of the demons dodge and she can't activate the skill in time.

The demon commanders hand reached her face on slow motion .


But just as he was about to hit her ,he was slammed to the ground by a feet.

You really are a arrogant demon I mocked.

You really think that you would be able to kill her ?

Lia became ecstatic to see someone here.

Yo lia,a voice came .

Max she screamed in enthusiasm

The demon tried to grab my foot but before that


He was kicked towards the wall with full force.

He was sent flying towards a group of demons on the academy.


Max Audry

Rank:4 star begganer


STR:25,000(250,000kg punch)

SPD:25,000(25,000 meters per second)

Stm:25,000(25,000 second sprint)

Def:25,000(can take 25,000 kg punch)


Mana: infinite

Well would you look at that I wanted to test the upgraded version of my skill and you are here.

(Special skill,flash time lvl 2)

(Abilities: your sense can be on par with your speed.

Your speed is multiplyed by 20 times for 10 minutes (cool down 1 minute).

You can stop time for 10 minutes,in which you can only move at 10 meters per second.

(Cool down 1 minute).

I was itching to fight someone strong for warm-up you seem like the perfect person to fight with.

I activated my second ability from that skill .

My eyes suddenly let a electric spark of red lightning.

My speed suddenly became way faster.

All fo this people looked like they are only moving in slow motion.

I could walk and run like normal and the person I was fighting was like a snail to me in speed.

I looked behind to see Lia also had electric sparks on her eyes.

I smiled as we both ran at the demon to see who would reach him first.

As I was ahead I reached him first so I kicked that demon towards lia.

The demon only felt being kicked and being thrown around here and there.

We were playing catch with eachother and the demon commander is the ball.

I still remember his actions that caused me to sacrifice my life .

I punched this guys stomach towards lia .

Ghhhaaaak the demon was spewing blood around the place .

Lia kicked this guys face and sended him back to me.

The other students who were only seeing sparks of red lightning go from here to there and a demon commander which was being thrown around.

They were astonished by our speed and strength.

But They didn't have that much time as they were fighting other demons.

Cassi also was fighting the demons seeing us fight the demon commander with ease.

Cassi also wanted that kind of power.

She casted a spell.


She became swifter and more stronger as she fought the demon leaders and a demon general.

Dang ghuyguuwa

The demon commander looked at the two red lightning monsters.

We stopped to see if the commander will do anything after this since it would be completely unenjoyable without any actual challenge.

And I wanted to see this demon try his everything before dying by our hands.

The demon activated some kind of skill.


the demons power suddenly sored from an intermediate demon general to a beginner King power house.

I tried to hit that demon but suddenly to my suprise.

He dodged my attack.

His speed has become able to move and dodge our attacks.

I quickly became alert as he hit me in the face.


I hit a wall.


{System upgrade the skill regeneration to 4 star.}

[Ding -15,000 coins]

[Ding you have gained 4 star skill, regeneration]

[Abilities: regenerates 10,000 hp per second and 1000 stm per second for 1000 mana per SECOND]


that demon turned towards Lia and tried hitting her but Lia was already expecting the demon to come towards her and because her speed is still double she hit the demon with ease but to her dismay the demon didn't get any scratches from it at all.

The demon smiled devilishly.

As he grabbed her and slammed her towards me .

-240,000 hp

Lia and I had the same amount of stats so she was easily defeated as well.

Thankfully our hp stat is 10 times than our other stats than we would have died if not.


The time suddenly stopped all around us.

I looked at lia who was on the ground on my lap.

Get up will you I am feeling tired right now.i spoke to lia.

My back is broken how am I supposed to get up.she struck back.

I know you have a 4 star regeneration skill I gave you,it would only take 24 seconds at most to deal with the amount of damage you got from that demon.

Well let me rest for some time i am not moving till I am fully recovered.

I looked at the demon that was staying still on his place.

I looked at lia who was just lying there looking at my face.

Why are you looking at my face you idiot.i gave her a bonk on her head with my knuckle.

I just wanted to know with this time stop ability won't you be able to touch any girl you want without any resistance? Would you go and use this ability like that?.

I looked at her face with a dead look as I looked up to the ceiling I thought of her line.

I suddenly had a grin on my face,but someone put her feet on my cheeks.

I thought your back was broken so why can your leg bend like that?

My back is healed but let me tell you this if you use this skill to touch other girls than I will punish you she spoke with a pout.

I was not thinking about that.

I know you weren't I am just kidding,I know you must have had a plan for future.

Well you are right but want to see something cool?.I spoke as I put my hand behind my back.

Yes I love cool things! She spoke with enthusiasm.

I took out a book in secret.

As I showed her the book.


And why are you showing me that book?she said confused.

Read the title first and then tell me why I am saying this is a suprise.

She read the title.




She jumped up and sitted on my lap facing the other side.

I looked at her with a disbelief as she was sitting on me like it was normal .

Although her ass is also soft and round and I was feeling it in my lap.

I looked as she opened the book with enthusiam.

But the book got stuck.

[Ding the book must be first opened by the owner and than opened by another person without the owner's first opening no one can open it.]

I looked as she was trying her best to open the book

I laughed at her childish ness as I took it from her and opened it first.

The information started to fill in my mind and then I got the skill after which I let the book be opened by her.

I looked at the skill I got.

(Special skill, absolute strength lvl 2)


1.critical attack is increased to 50 percent.

2.increases strength by 20 times for 10 minutes (cool down 1 minute)

3 Can punch anything with no resistance,any kind of defensive or offensive magic or items will be useless and your punch will damage no matter what .(Time limit 10 minutes)

(Cool down 1 minute )

Level 2? Is it interconnected to the book of speed or something?

[Next chapter may 7 th ,4:15 am new York time]