
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

22 Chs


Let's see who can kill the most 7 Star shall we? I was speaking while smirking.

Yea I want to see who is more stronger since it's been so long before we faught eachother.she said with a smile as well but her eyes were glowing red.

Okay than we would later meet.

I will go north and you will go south.

There seems to be 7 of them here so it would be easy to figure out who won.i looked at the deriction I was going to go .

Okay she spoke as we both looked at eachother one last time.

We gave eachother a fist bump as we jumped towards the place we were supposed to go.


The whole mountain got crushed because of our jump but we didn't care about it.

{ I should probably kill some monsters in the way since it would be beneficial for me}I looked at a pack of monsters that were coming towards with full speed.

They were all moving very fast each one could be considered a city or country level threat by there power level alone.

I stopped in my tracks before I looked at the thousands of monsters below me.

{ I wanted to try the new skill I had gotten}

I pointed one of my finger towards there general direction.

{Lightning ball} I casted it in my mind.

In front of my outstretched finger, a small, glowing red orb slowly began to take shape, surrounded by a dazzling array of crackling lightning sparks that danced and flickered, almost enveloping me in their radiant display.


The scarlet orb descended instantly, impacting the place with a thunderous roar that reverberated through the air. In a blinding flash, it erupted into a catastrophic explosion, reminiscent of lots of nuclear blast. The once serene landscape was instantly transformed into a chaotic scene of destruction, with shockwaves rippling outwards, obliterating everything in their path and reaching distances of hundreds of kilometers within mere seconds.

My eyes widened with suprise before I had a small smirk on my face.

{This thing it's almost the same as the one that the giants did,but it seems mine is still weaker but a skill like this is crazy,I should increase the level of my ability so that this skill would also increase in rank}

[Special skill, lightning destruction lvl 3]

[Description: creates a small orb of lightning that is able to destroy a city with a single blow.

(Cost:100,000mana per use)

{I got this skill after I gained 3 abilities from the book,the book of speed,the book of strength and the book of defence,after gaining this i got this special skill that was at the same level as them, but i wonder what level 4 will be ,at this rate soon it might be able to destroy a country or a planet with ease}

[Ding you killed 1,000(5 star)monster,

10,000 (4 star) monsters and 100,000( 3 star )monsters]

[Ding you have gained a total of 30 million coins]

{What the hell just from one attack I got this much coins!??, maybe coming here was a good choice I can gain so many coins from just one attack,}

But suddenly I felt a cold chill run down my spine.

{Time stop}

I felt some figures behind me

I looked behind me just to see 7 giant monsters behind me with there skills raised and there skills fully activated.

{All of them are 7 star monsters }

I quickly ran away from that place in full speed I was going in a fast speed with red lightning cracking all over me.

{I can't deal with all of this monsters right now if I fight them alone I am sure I will be 100 percent dead,they all must have skills that are as dangerous as mine,if I have to fight them then i have to do it one by one but i was shocked as i looked behind,}

{Are those things moving??}

{No they are not moving in time stop they are just so fast that they are being able to move even in time stop }

{Although they look like a fast turtle moving right now but I am definitely sure if they use some inhancement of speed than they can move perfectly in the time stop with ease.}

{A 7 star monsters movement could be from 3 percent to 30 percent of the speed of light on there own and if they use skills then they are already a 100 percent of the speed of light so they are close to moving on Time stop, but they are only moving at 1 meter per 5 seconds right now}

I ran at my full speed as after reaching far enough I used my invisible skill to become invisible to them and I released time stop right there.


The whole thousands of kilometres got shock waves from those swing alone.

All of the 7 star monsters immediately became aware of the targeted person gone from there positions.

They looked around and used their magic detections but they couldn't find him no matter where they used it.

GHHHAAA a huge colossal monkey Shouted.

My people my citizens he started to shout with a cry as he looked around nervously.he reached the place of my skill used as he only saw some chared place and only some dead body 's of monsters.

The monkey looked at it with disbelief,he slumped on his knees as he started to tear up.

He slowly picked up a body as he spoke in a desperate voice, please please please don't leave me zuku your family is still there waiting for you please don't die on us.

He frantically looked around for his other people.


I WILL FIND AND KILL THE PERSON THAT DID THIS TO YOU!! His face Started to change from a SAD TO ANGRY as his face turned menacing.

I WILL KILL THAT PERSON!!! He suddenly shouted and started to hit the ground.

DAmG fdNg.

{Well I am able to move at 100 meter per second in the time stop so I am 100 times faster than the speed of light}

All fo the gigantic monster,the monkey,the fox,the rihno,the elephant,the frog,the snake and the eagle,all of them had humanoid figure.

All of them looked at eachother with suspicion.

The fox looked at the monkey with a little sadness but immediately turned stoic to not show it,she looked at the number of fox people from her kingdom that died in that single attack.

Her face although showing nothing on the inside she was feeling like a piece of her heart was broken and she felt regret of her not being able to protect her kingdom's people.

{I promise to you all dead soldiers I Will definitely kill the person that did this to you all and kill him to avenge you all.}

All of the god in there had the same emotions sadness, regret and anger.

The monkey looked angry as he shouted, fox I know your whole clan is a sly monster that wants to kill and dominate our clan just because we are superior than you and you are jealous about it , so must have you planned this out and killed all of people.

The eagle looked at all of this with a disgusted look to the monkey as he only wished he was strong enough to kill his every enemy and protect his people's but he could only watch as his kingdom's soldiers were killed and he couldn't do anything about it.

The frog smirked sadly as he spoke.

It seems I was not that fast or strong enough to protect my own frog men's why am I so weak,he looked at his frog hand.

I promised them that I would protect them but Infront of my eyes they all died.

Hus eyes suddenly squinted as his body showed some kind of blue particles in his hands.

It disappeared instantly.

The frog god looked nervous as he almost released something secret .

{I can't show them this power yet i will use this when needed to kill all of the other gods in this world}

The rihno looked angry as he spoke.

How many of my people's died just because of me holding back should I have just not hold back and destroyed that guy in an instant then the death of my rihno people wouldn't have been done,the next time i see that guy ill not back that time and kill him in an instant.

The elephant God looked down as he calmed himself down from his anger .

We should all try to create an alliance right now because we don't know that persons strength but judging by his showcase of strength he is not far from our powers but he had a friend as well when he came here so they may target a specific kingdom and attack it to destroy it .

We should all make a temporary alliance to kill the intruder and after killing him and his friend we can part ways .

He gave a suggestion.

All of the god's got quiet as secretly they all were wary of eachother.

After some discussion about their alliance.

They all went to there own home but

All of them had the same thought.

{Some unknown new god has entered our domain with no permission and killed thousands of my kind and i couldn't even touch him , just how will I show face to my citizens and tell them I can protect them ,the other gods must be trying to betray our pact and Start a war with eachother i should probably br ready for a war}

But the elephant god has a different view.

{This god's are too self centred and dumb,but I can understand them because of their lose .but they think everyone only want to kill their kind for their own benefits, although I can't blame them for it ,I still remember the time humans came and destroyed our place and killed our kind for just our teeths and they also kidnapped us to stay in a cage , killing our parents Infront of us and making us breed eachother forcefully so that they gained another elephant slave, they used us as transportation and hit us for the most little things we didn't understand}

{All of the other races have faced this slavery as well and all of them regret not being able to evolve and kill the Humans ,but they are too blind with rage for them to work with eachother, they can now never trust someone other than there own race }

{Thankfully I could get them to get a pact or alliance for some time to kill the new god intruder.}

{I also felt soo e special powers coming from the frog god aswell so he may be hiding something like me , maybe I should be extra careful and kill the intruder fast}

In another place

I was confused by the place I was in .

This was like a whole new world to me it was like an ancient civilization of humans that live in the jungle with wood houses but instead of humans monsters live here.

{System I want to buy a 6 star skill, illusion}

[Ding -1,000,000 coins]

[Ding you have gained a 6 star skill illusion.]

[Abilities: you can create illusions through the memories of other people or your own.

You are able to trap people in an illusion.

You can know the difference between an illusion and a real thing.]

I looked at the frog people that were wearing some kind of old armour.

I changed my apprence to a frog man and I used changed my appearance to an citizen of the city.

As I slowly entered the place I got immediately stopped by the guards.

The guards looked at me with suspicious eyes.

I have never seen you here and you don't seem to be with the hunting team so why are you alone in the jungles.

I took out a kind of metal that was illusion.

I am a solo scouting team and I usually Hunt at night but suddenly a explosion caused me to be not able to come here ,and wait for it to end.

The gaurd looked at me suspiciously as he spoke.

Okay you can enter,you should be more careful ok I heard the monster other monsters are being more active this Days he spoke to me with a big smile.

Okay I spoke as I entered the village.

{I can't believe my omniscient eyes can read others mind so easily and I can even read there memory's with it,I truly made the right decision by buying this item}

As I entered the bustling frog village, the air was filled with the sounds of croaking and splashing. Frogmen and frogwomen were diligently going about their tasks, some gathering water plants, while others tended to the fields or crafted tools from the surrounding resources. The frog children, full of energy and joy, were engaged in playful antics, hopping around and chasing each other through the village's muddy paths. It was a lively scene, showcasing the harmonious life of these amphibious beings.

I was quite surprised by there way of living since I thought all monsters live just by killing and gathering food.i never expected them to

Live by building places like this.

I walked around the village to see so many different frogmens.

I could even see different colours of them like blue, green and purple.

The green one were normal citizens or some traders,the blue ones were the guards or strong frogs,the purple ones were exceptional like they are respected by other frog mens,all of the frog womans were attracted to the purple frog men.

{So this place also has different colours of species that live together, although some frogmens Even looked fully human of not for there feat i would have thought this were Humans,}

I walked around to find some information since I don't know anything about this world .

Suddenly I stumbled upon a lake to find something unexpected here.