
Reincarnation is Overrated

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A normal guy goes to sleep in his home then wakes up in the body of a clone trooper almost ten years before the clone wars. He tries to get back home by any means he can manage. It will be a multiverse trip type of story but not like most. I don't think it will be a harem story in the way that he collects waifus but he will have hook ups. No lemons in this one cuz I suck at writing them but I may make an attempt somewhere down the line.

5 タグ
Chapter 1Chapter 1

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the oc. Animes, video games, movies and books referenced in this fic are owned by their respective creators and companies.

AN: This is an alternative Universe. For Star Wars it is a mix of Disney Cannon and Legends Cannon. There will be things that may have been sped up, slowed down, removed completely in the timeline. I'll try to keep it as close as I can.



Chapter 1

Earth seen from space is a very unique experience that very few have ever experienced. Currently a man was waking up from his unconsciousness to a headache and the beautiful sight of the blue marble he called home. He had not been home in a decade and a half. He was finally home after what he had to call the strangest and hardest period of his life… well both his lives. The man that was currently taking off his helmet  and unstrapping himself from the pilot's seat of his spaceship, had lived two lives. 


In his first life his name was William Guerrera. He was just a normal guy in his late twenties. He was not very impressive to look at, he was 5'9", slightly overweight, buzzcut and tanned skin. He was the stereotypical office drone, he worked as an actuary for an insurance company in Kansas City, Missouri. He loved his family which consisted of his little sisters, little brother, parents, niece and nephews. He would drive home to his family ranch in Texas to see his family at least twice a year. He considered himself privileged to have had such a wonderful family and life.

That all changed one fateful night. He had just saved up to go on a fishing trip in Montana. He would be going alone since his father had just gotten diagnosed with Covid and his brother wouldn't be able to make it because he was currently starting a new job as executive chef in a fancy restaurant in New Orleans. His Brothers in law were also busy. He decided it would be a nice vacation anyway and was packed and ready to go on his trip. He laid down to get some rest for the long road trip. Unfortunately fate had other plans.


William awoke to the sounds of machine beeps, the smell of ozone and bright lights. To say he was discombobulated would be an understatement. He opened his eyes and was blinded by the brightness of the white room he found himself in. He tried to move from his bed but found he was fastened to the bed by strong metal strips and had tubing attached to his arms and temple. At this point he did what any normal person would do, he freaked the hell out. His last memories were of watching an episode of Swamp People then woke up strapped to a bed in a white room. He started to struggle in a desperate panic but then he saw one of the white walls slide open and a very tall creature with long limbs, long neck and small head casually walk in. The creature had large eyes with black sclera and white irises. The creature started to speak in a very unnerving squeaks and screeches before it reached out to touch him. William was hyperventilating at this point and quickly lost consciousness.

The next time William awoke he found himself in a tank of glowing blue water. His first reaction was to take in a deep breath but his body realized he sucked in a huge gulp of the mystery liquid. He started to panic at the thought of drowning in a tank but after a few minutes of flailing he realized he could breathe. As soon as the realization calmed him down he happened to see a tall creature enter his view. He flailed and tried to swim further away from the creature. The creature moved its mouth but nothing was heard. The only sound was of metal clanking before William was dumped unceremoniously under the tank onto the cold biting metal grates on the floor.

William was in pain, his body was aching and sore. He managed to get on all fours and cough up large amounts of the glowing liquid. After going through the shock of finding himself in a tank, getting dumped on the hard and biting grates and coughing up copious amounts of mystery liquid, William noticed a few things. First, he was cold. Second he noticed that his nose stung from the antiseptic and ozone smell, Third he noticed his hands were a lot smaller than he remembered, then his ears began to hurt from the noises he heard. As William was mentally cataloging his hurts and going through another round of shock he heard a seemingly gentle voice, but it was all wrong. The voice was devoid of any inflection that would convey emotion.

"Subject XC0187 displays signs of shock and of stress, most likely due to sensory overload."

William looked up immediately and finally got a good look at the creature that had just spoken, he had never gotten a good look at it before but now that he wasn't in the midst of a panic attack and was starting to get used to his senses he saw the creature in extremely sharp detail. He vaguely recognized the creature, it reminded him of the Cloners in the crappy Star Wars prequels. He didn't get a chance to say anything because he saw a small robot wheel over to him and its small metallic claws was a cloth and was pushing it towards his face. Willam stared at it for sometime but then felt a draft on his boys and realized he was nude. He quickly snatched the towel from the bot and wrapped it around his waist.

"Subject XC0187 shows to have slightly delayed cognitive function, may be due to shock of release from clone tank; further tests will be administered to chart cognitive function. XC0187 can you understand me?" 

William nodded slowly. "Y-yes I understand you. Who are you?" 

The kaminoan tilted its head slightly, "Interesting, it seems that there may have been some memory issues after the last genetic recalibration. Hmm… something to look into later. My name is Ko Sai. I am the Chief scientist of this facility and am entrusted with creating the highest quality clones available. You are experimental clone 0187. Come XC0187 we must get you to an examination room to check on the results of your genome's latest mutations."

William was at a loss. He just found out he was in the Star Wars universe and it seemed he was in the Canon universe, thank Goodness, because the Legends universe had so much evil crap to deal with. He felt a little put off by his lack of emotions and the quick and analytical mindset he had currently had. He felt that he should be more freaked out by the fact that he woke up in a fictional world but quickly accepted it and then moved on to planning possible ways to deal with his current situation. 

William decided that the best course of action was to hide that he had somehow reincarnated into the body of an experimental clone and that he had no memory of anything before he woke up in the tank. He shakily walked behind Ko Sai into a brightly lit hallway then to another brightly lit exam room. 

"Come XC0187, get on the Medical table and let the medical droid run some tests."

William complied, and got on the table. The medical Droid ran scans on his body then took blood, tissue and bone marrow samples. He was surprised that it was a mostly painless exam. It hurt but it wasn't outrageous. After being poked and prodded by the Droid while Ko Sai went over results on her tablet occasionally muttering to herself, William was told to follow the little wheeled Droid to his room.

William followed the little Droid and was taken to a very spartan room, it looked like it could fit 8 clones but he only saw one other bunk that showed signs of use. He was led to a locker which had his designation number on the metal name plate. 

The little Droid that left him to his own devices. He decided to open the locker and found a few sets of familiar blue uniforms. It was the same blue uniform used by the clone children in the movie. He dressed himself and explored the bay. He saw that his roommate would be the famous Clone 99, due to the designation on the nameplate on the locker next to his.

He decided to continue his snooping until he came to a wall with metal polished to a mirror finish and finally took a look at his new self. He looked to be about ten- twelve years old. He looked to be tall for a preteen. His face was in the awkward stage between a cute childish face and that of a young man. His hair was a mop top of pure white. His eye color was a milky pale blue. Overall he looked like a tanned boy suffering from Oculocutaneous albinism. Which simply meant his eyes and hair were devoid of pigment.

William decided that his appearance was not a good omen for him. He remembered from the few Clone War episodes he watched that the Kaminoans abhorred less than perfect clones and often terminated them. He would have to find a way to convince them to keep him alive long enough for him to grow strong enough to survive in the galaxy. He continued to conduct his self exam, he noticed his canines on both top and bottom jaw were slightly elongated.

William wondered what kind of experiment they were running on his body that he differed so much from the other clones. He decided that he would do his best on the assessments that Ko Sai had mentioned previously, hopefully he wouldn't be terminated and even if he didn't become a clone trooper he could help 99 with his job and when the time would be right he would get the hell out of Kamino.

For now he needed to gather as much info on himself and what the purpose of an experimental clone would be. He didn't have anything else to do so he picked a bunk and laid down and tried to remember everything he knew about Star Wars, be it movies, cartoons, video games or YouTube clips he had watched. 

William had been on his bed going through all of his memories and was monologuing a plan in his head because he didn't know if the room was bugged. He had been at it for almost an hour when the bay door opened a slightly younger looking 99.

"Hello there, you must be my new bunkmate. My name is CT-99. You can just call me 99, little brother." 

William was awestruck, he was by far his favorite character from the Clone Wars cartoon. The greatest hero to come from the Clones. He was a deforfmed and defective clone who had been put into janitorial services and wished to join his brothers but due to his defects was unable to fight and he was looked down upon by the others. He never hated his brothers and remembered every one of the ones he interacted with. He unfortunately died during an attack on the facility by the droid army and he died protecting his brothers both troopers and cadets. He was the epitome of heroism in William's eyes and cemented himself as his favorite clone. He slightly shook himself out of his fanboying and replied, "Hello, I am XC-0187. I-I don't have any other names so you can call me 0187." 

99 smiled at the boy, he knew deep in his heart that the boy was going to have a rough go of it. As a maintenance clone he was privy to a lot of information just by virtue that most forgot he was around. Their constant condescension made him practically invisible to his brothers, the instructors and the Kaminoans. He felt sorry for the boy.

While he was going about his duties he had overheard about the experimental clone project. It was a project to enhance future generations of clones by combining the DNA of the Progenitor and other samples to see if a force sensitive clone could be made. He had looked in on the experimental clone wing from time to time to take a look at his new brothers, unfortunately he never met any due to the fact that they either died due to their mutations or were born and went insane. Out of all the experiments only one had survived that being the boy staring up at him.

99 walked towards the boy and kneeled to meet his eyes, "I guess we will have to come up with a name then, in the meantime, you can go by 187. I bet you are hungry, why don't we go to the mess and get some rations. I'm sure you are hungry, although I have to warn you little brother. We… are different from our other brothers and they may say things that may upset you. Don't mind them, they are just letting off steam, so don't take it seriously."

99 squeezed the boy's shoulder and stood once more before he led the boy out of the squad bay into the brightly lit hallways and eventually to a very loud mess hall filled with clones. William found it unnerving to be in a room of people all with the same face. His own face was somewhat similar to his clone brothers but his face had sharper angles. That was of course not mentioning the obvious differences of his eyes and hair. They both got in one of the lines and chatted amiably until it was their turn. They got to the food dispenser and loaded their trays with grey slop. William was disappointed to learn that his first meal in his new universe would be the space equivalent of a protein shake and oatmeal.

99 then led William to an entry table and they sat down to dig into their "meal". William foresaw his future to be grim if this is all they were fed. He drank his water and ate his slop. The one positive thing to come out of his first trip to the mess was that he got to chat with 99. He was really an admirable sort. He was considered defective and less than but  he never retorted in anger to those who muttered less than pleasant things about him. He treated everyone cordially and although he was not much older than everyone in the mess he just held a wise quality to him. He also introduced him to a few friendly clones. It was hard to discern who was who since they all looked alike but William could tell their individual personalities were starting to emerge. He was still struggling to keep his enhanced senses in check and had to cut his interactions short but he was able to feel some comfort in a few friendly faces.

After their meal, 99 took him back to the squad bay, where he was given a datapad, which was preloaded with basic tutorials of most anything a growing child soldier would need. It was all mostly skewed with everything relating to war. One more peculiar thing that William found in his new life is that he could speak and read perfectly. He spoke galactic basic as if it was his mother tongue, he could read the datapad with no problems knowing that what was written was most definitely not not english. It was another thing to add to the list of weird coincidences since waking up. He spent almost two hours reading and absorbing the lessons on the data pad. 

William felt like it was all too easy to understand and quickly read and tested out of the modules on his learning plan. He was finding that his clarity of thought was way outside his norm. He did not consider himself an idiot back on Earth but he had never had such ease studying and actually learning things before. He continued on with his lessons to try and distract himself from thoughts of home or his family. He tried anyway but it seemed in the back of his mind he was constantly theorizing how he got to this new universe all the while reading and testing out on his lessons. He felt off because it seemed his emotions felt somewhat muted or that he just processed them very quickly. It was again, unnerving and also fascinating.

After another hour he received a message that a droid was on its way to lead him to an exam room to continue his assessment by Ko Sai. he finished his lesson and put the datapad in his new data pad satchel and used the facilities before he heard a the squad bay door open and the same boxy little robot from before chirped at him to follow. He followed the robot down the winding hallways until he arrived at a door and was allowed entrance into the exam room.

"Ahh, XC-0187 right on time. Please take a seat on the table and we will start your scans. He walked over to the table in front of what reminded him of an MRI machine. He took his seat and awaited instructions. 

"Just lay back XC-0187, we will start the scan shortly, the medical droid will prepare you." 

The droid came out of the wall and inserted a needle into his hand which then fed into something that reminded him of an IV. He saw a silver liquid start to pump into his veins and he felt sleepy. He laid back and then felt the table recline and move him into the machine. He saw lasers start to scan him and then closed his eyes and fell into a sort of a lucid dream like state. He couldn't move but he could still hear the machine scan him, the medical droid moving about and heard KO Sai dictating notes. He decided to calm himself and listen to the information which could prove useful to him.

"Subject XC-0187 the only surviving subject of the batch of XC series clones. DNA used for the template was a mix of humanoid bounty hunter Jango Fett and of force sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak. Subject ZX-0187 shows significant bone and muscle density, about 3 times of clone trooper template. Elongated canines, mostly likely as a result of Zabrak genetic donor. Does show a genetic pigmentation defect in DNA. Subject has white white hair on head and face. Discolored eyes, at first glance was theorized the subject was blind but upon further study of the subject in infant stages show eyes actually have better visual acuity and dynamic vision than the other clones. 

Further testing will be conducted at a later date to quantify how much better vision of the subject is compared to other clones. Metabolism is slightly higher and more efficient than other clones. Subject also exhibits a minor regeneration factor. Other organs seem to also be more efficient. Subject also has a binary heart system found in Zabrak physiology. It is theorized that metabolism is higher due to regeneration factor and that more efficient organs and binary hearts increase resilience. Nerve conductivity is also higher than other clones. It is theorized that the subject will have higher reflexes than normal clones. Subject has numerous physical mutations including but not limited to, slightly bigger olfactory bulb, bigger auditory nerve, and thicker optic nerve. These mutations would explain enhanced visual, olfactory and auditory senses. Mutations have also affected the subject's brain. Tissues show faster and more efficient functions. Scan of the subject's brain also shows that more of the brain is active at any one time than other clone troopers. We theorize it will increase the subjects intelligence, processing speed and reaction times, further testing will be required to prove theories thus far. Lastly, the subjects' pain receptors seem to be less sensitive to stimuli. We theorize it will allow for higher pain tolerance.

Overall the subject seems to be stronger, faster, smarter and more resilient than standard clone troopers. Subject is close to the physical perfection of hybrid humans but the experiment can be classified as a failure due to minimal interaction of midichlorians in the subject. Subject does not show aptitude to the Force. The Council will have to meet to decide the subject's fate in Kamino. Please finish scans and awaken XC-0187. Afterwards he will be taken to physical fitness and cognitive function testing areas to obtain raw data of the subject's performance."

William had heard the alien dictate her findings and was worried over what the council would decide. They were either going to kill him or keep him. He decided that he would go all out during his testing to try and impress or interest the scientists enough to keep him around. He was pulled out of the scanner and then felt cold liquid enter his veins, he was able to move and then was told to follow the droid. He was led down some more hallways and into a classroom. He heard the intercom, "XC-0187 you will now take a cognitive test please use the workstation to begin the test."

William sat down in front of the computer and started the program. Two hours later the program closed down and was directed to follow the little droid once more. He followed and found himself in a type of gym. He was told to change into a body glove and to start the physical fitness portion. Three hours later an exhausted and hungry william exited the exam room and was led back to his squad bay. He used the "fresher" which was basically a shower and changed into a new clean uniform. He was hungry but had decided to wait for 99. He took out his datapad and continued his lessons. He had just finished one lesson before 99 came into the bay and walked him to the mess.

---Council Meeting Room---

In the room four Kaminoans and 6 Mandalorians sat around a holotable. The mandalorians were not pleased to be pulled from their duties so suddenly but they had been called by their employers and were there to find out what had the stuck up aliens in a hissy fit.

"So, why are we here Fett?" asked an older mandalorian in sand colored armor. The man was Kal Skirata of the mandalorian trainers.

"I think all of us would like to know that Kal, why don't we let our employers tell us the reason for this meeting?" replied Jango Fett.

The remaining Mandalorians either grunted or nodded in agreement.

Kamino's prime minister rose from his seat and addressed the room, "We have gathered for this meeting because our science council has reached a stalemate on a certain issue. I will let lead scientist Ko Sai explain." Lama Su inclined his head to the now standing female Kaminoan and took his seat.

"Yes, as you know we strive to create perfect clones for this grand army but we also have been trying to further enhance future generations of clones. One of our experiments shows great promise but unfortunately he is quite defective. Some in our council wish for him to be trained so that we may have more raw data to use for future attempts on the experiment but some feel we should terminate the defective clone and start anew. The vote has ultimately deadlocked and in past instances where we thought some defective clones should be terminated your own Kal Skirata took them in and has shown us that they may still have a use. If you could please look at the datapads and look at his file and help us determine the best course of action."

The Mandalorians were quite intrigued as to why they were being asked their opinions but looked at the datapads.

"Is this correct? I mean his medical information alone shows he is pretty much better than the current stock of clones." asked the Mandalorian medic Mij Gilamar.

"What were the kid's physical fitness exams like, were they so easy he passed in the 99th percentile?" asked Rav Bralor. one of the two female Mandalorians in the meeting. 

"Enhanced senses huh? He could be a good hunter and tracker." added the Mandalorian Huntress, Vhonte Tervho.

"Higher pain resistance huh, he might make a proper Mandalorian," added Walon Vau, the strictest instructor in the group.

Kal Skirata slammed his fists on the table, "He's just a kid and a strong one at that, just give him to me, I'll add him to my Null class troopers."

"Calm yourself Kal, This is an interesting read. It is somewhat disturbing that the kid was a mix of my genes and a Zabrak but he has potential." Jango stated.

Ko Sai then used the holotable and they saw the kid picking up weights two times his size, they watched him run longer and faster than all the other cadets. Next it showed a clip of him avoiding the rubber balls being shot at him from the walls from the reaction test.

Walon Vau's eyes narrowed, "Give him to me, I'll make him the strongest and toughest trooper in the army."

"Hell no! We know how you train your cadets hell be lucky to come out of his first training session whole, let alone alive." retorted Skirata.

Jango, who had been silent the whole time, slammed his fist on the table making the hologram disappear. "Enough! The kid lives and he will be trained by us all. We'll take turns teaching him. Usually such an action can be said as favoritism among the rank and file but a kid with such potential can not be wasted. We shall take turns teaching him our specialties, He will not be placed in any squad, he will stay with 99 but know this, we will work him to the bone. He has enhanced physiology that means we will have to push him harder than the rest. Any cadets who complain will then have to train with him for a day then we will see if they feel like he is the lucky one."

The six Mandalorians all came to an agreement and claimed the white haired boy.


Little did William know that for the next 9 years he would be going through hell.


Hollywood: Lights, Ink, Entertainment!

Synopsis : Transmigration. The word still hit Regal like a cold splash of water - a reminder of how his old life, against all his wild imagination, had ended in the least cinematic way possible. No heroic sacrifice. No tearful goodbyes. Not even a poetic monologue. Just… poof. Lights out, curtains down, and show over. Yet, here he was, still alive. Regal Seraphsail - same name, same dreams, but in a world fourteen years into the past. New packaging, though. It was December 2009, in a world that was almost - but not quite - Earth. Then, there was The System. It rewarded him with skills, scripts, and creativity, all tailored to help him become the greatest storyteller this world had ever seen. For Regal, it was the perfect tool. Because, with or without it, Regal’s singular dream had always been cinema - and he will achieve it this time. From writing world-changing stories to directing films that redefined the industry, Regal was determined to become the biggest figure Hollywood had ever seen. His first step? Penning a book called<Harry Potter>and watching it take the world by storm. ===== Points to be noted: - This is a Parallel World. With different people, different backgrounds, and different ages. So, expect plenty of unexpected surprise cameos of celebrities. - No Harem (OC Female Lead). - The MC is not a money driven person, but he understands the practical need for success to bring his visions to life. - Don’t expect an overly realistic portrayal of Hollywood’s dark side, other issues, or any overly grim themes. - I am here to write a fun and entertaining story, not to delve into anything beyond that or political themes. ===== If you are enjoying the story and want to read early chapters, consider supporting me on Patreon! –> p@treon.com/OrgoWriters . I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad, AO3, and ScribbleHub. ….

OrgoWriters · 映画
65 Chs


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