
Chapter 1: Death

My name is Kin Aldrich, I am 16 years old. I have a disease called Achromatopsia, or all the people so called this a color blindness. I can only see things as black and white or in a shades of gray. Everything I see is in a monochrome. If I describe this feeling , the feeling would be an equivalent of living in black and white television. Imagine living in that world, as a consequences my life became so boring. Everything was gray! Even the dogs and cats. Even the people!

Like his every morning, Kin wake up from his sleep. Opening his eyes before getting up and stretching his stiff body. Seeing the still same monochrome world, somehow he feels plain about himself even though it wasn't related to him at all. Checking the time, he dressed up in casual clothing he often used. He has a height about 170 cm, a well shaped black hair, and an average face that people should be common with. The only thing that is wrong about his appearance is his eyes. A pair of black eyes filled with emptiness making a dreadful impression which would make people avoid staring at them.

"Sigh~~" A complaint helplessly came out from Kin.

'Maybe because of this i don't have any friend and couldn't even make any' thought Kin as he sees himself in a mirror thinking about his own body.

He let go the feeling of dislike and complaint about himself and then he went to the bathroom. After doing his morning routine, he went downstairs just to be greeted by his sister, his step-sister to be exact. She's a beauty with her long flowing black hair and her cute face. Kin was an orphan since he was a kid and was taken by this family about 10 years ago. Responding back to her greeting, he looked for a place to sit.

"What's the breakfast today, Kaede nee-san?" Asked Kin.

"Sandwich." Replied Kaede with her usual gentle voice, responding to my question.

After I ate the sandwich, I grabbed my backpack and went out from my home.

"I'm going out!!!" Exclaimed Kin.

Afterwards, Kin started walking to school. As a full-time loner he always going to school all alone and didn't had any friends accompanying him and going to school together with him. People rarely greet him or even saying hello to him despite the fact that he always walked this road almost everyday. There were days when he tried to say hello to some people and approach them with an intention to be friendly. But they always run away before he could even get close to them. Just remembering it make his feelings more hurt.

He's currently playing a game from his handphone while walking. It's his habit when he always going to school since he gave up on trying in having friends. He didn't care anymore concerning this matter. After using all of his school years, with all method he could think of and doing it accordingly even after he did some searching on internet how to make friends. He could only see himself with great failure. He just can't seem to find any progress about this problem. He didn't saw any little bit of improvement.

There are 4 things that could entertain Kin, that is novel, manga, game, and anime. That's the only thing he found to be interesting in all his life, in his boring and dull life.

Seeing with the corner of his eye that he already arrived at the intersection, he stopped there for a minute waiting for the light to turn green. Making sure the light was green, he did take his eyes off the screen for a second and started walking.

Suddenly he began to realize in the presence of a light that was getting brighter and brighter. His eyes moved quickly as he grasped every bit of information he could see. He saw a big silhouette shape of a familiar truck-kun from the side where the source of the light comes, angry at this senseless and brainless truck driver

'Dammit, why are this truck driver is so idiotic!!!Can't he see the light???' Knowing that anger can't help, he could only feel nothing than just despair. His last thought was 'So is this the end of me?' regretting all of his life and feeling hopeless as he fell into the darkness.

I'm going to try to write something, even though english isn't my native language. I think it shouldn't be this hard. Here i am....Writing this without any clear goals in mind. Maybe i'm going to add something to the story, Even though i only going to write this when i have my free time. I'm only doing this just for fun ok, just saying.

RVNGERcreators' thoughts