

In a world full of demonic beasts and dangerous experts. An 18-year-old adolescent reincarnates with a system that allows him to eat everything. The more he will eat cultivation resources the more powerful he will become.//// this is my first book so please be indulgent .//// English is not the native language.//// Don't forget to write comments and reviews so that I can improve my work. Thank you in advance.

AnimeMaster123 · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

50 percent

"My conditions are very simple. I want 50% of the profits from the Alchemy Association. If you can't even do that excuse me for not giving you what you want. It's up to you to decide. I looked at it seriously. He thought for a while before answering.

"I agree, but first you have to show me what you are going to give us in return. I don't know if I can accept with just a few unnecessary things. "He didn't want to be ripped off so he wanted the goods first.

I have nothing but I gave him a sheet. On this sheet there were several different pill recipes. These are pills from an ancient book lost hundreds of thousands of years ago so it contains invaluable recipes. I just gave her the worst pills I could find in the book.

He glanced before he got shocked. His eyes are almost out of their sockets.

"We agree with the master's conditions. He did a little pose before continuing. "Bring back a senior alchemist jacket. Quickly, otherwise our young master could get impatient. "

He ordered a few people next to him to bring him a senior rank jacket for me. I pulled out another sheet this time with the pill recipes and gave it to her.

"Thank you very much young master. We will let you know when your first payment arrives so rest assured. He looked at me with deep gratitude. He really wanted to serve me even if he didn't know my name yet.

" Thank you. You don't have to be so formal, I just want a small payment in advance if you don't mind. I watched him impatiently. I need to quickly have a lot of pills at my disposal so I will ask him for pills instead of money.

" Okay. How much does the young master want. We are willing to pay any price as long as we can afford it. "

"Okay then give pills that you find useless. I think it's called the spiritual condensation pill. "I looked at him with a greedy expression. This pill could pass me legends anytime as long as I have enough. If I pass legendary rank before the black sect comes to glory city then I can fight against them.

"Why would the young master want an unnecessary pill." Could it be that the youngster knows how to use this pill. He looked at me with an interrogative expression. But didn't dare ask more questions when he saw that I was not answering. It continued after a while. "Empty all the stock of the spiritual condensation pill for the young master." Take them all. "

" Thank you. I will certainly pay back later but at the moment I do not have the funds. I hope you will forgive my rudeness. I sat imposingly. He understood that my words had a hidden function. He was very scared.

" Of course. How could we charge the young master for pills. It'll tarnish our friendship so you won't need to pay me back in the future. "

After a few minutes the people in charge of bringing back the spiritual pills came back. They were holding five storage rings filled with spiritual pills.

"Thank you, I will definitely come back to you for more pills of this type. I hope the Alchemy Association can do more for me. I greeted them and left with the five storage rings.