
Reincarnation in (ATG)

Having emerged victorious from a grueling war and achieved remarkable success, our protagonist finally reaches the pinnacle of their aspirations. Having acquired everything others dream of, our hero succumbs to old age and reincarnates into the World of the Ascended Defying Heaven. Everything would have been fine: the system, the power to overcome anything, and the determination. Unfortunately, our hero slightly offended a deity. Follow the main character as they navigate a world filled with cruelty and killings. In this realm, true practitioners don't discriminate between children and adults; if you are their enemy, they will eliminate you. It is a world where only one law exists: survival of the fittest! https://boosty.to/authorskylen.(chapter 601) It's available for less than $2. Free here: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/21291. Please note that in some chapters, the system is practically useless. The MC (main character) will be able to do whatever he wants. Note: This is a translation(My main language is not in English) and edited with some edits for better understanding and manual rectification of some (not all) errors. If there are still some bugs, I apologize for that.

DreuxX · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Rising Moon Academy Part 2

The grounds of Rising Moon Academy were huge, with a magnificent park in the center. Countless buildings stretched as far as the eye could see. Yun Che and Huang Sheng followed Xia Yuanba to the special student dormitory. Along the way, they met many students from Rising Moon Academy, and they were all under twenty years old. Occasionally there were fifteen and sixteen year olds, most of whom were at the Elementary Profound Stage.

There were many people along the way who greeted them, after all, Yun Che's age and level of cultivation, even if they wanted to ignore him, it would be difficult. For a sixteen year old, being in the Advanced Stage at this academy was something that was considered a talent.

But, as soon as the disciples paid attention to the child, Huang Sheng, everyone, without exception, froze in a stupor and looked at the monster in disbelief!?

- How old is he?

"He's at the Advanced Stage of Level 5!"

Maybe he looks so young?

— No, I can feel his energy, but it can't be faked. I can't tell his exact age, but he's under 15 for sure.

As they walked, the students around began to whisper and look at Huang Sheng. The girls blushed and tried to show all their beauty, and the guys just discussed the boy. Although among them were those who were envious and jealous.

Huang Sheng had a beauty that could make both boys and girls jealous. And if the male half was jealous, then the female half wanted to get close to him, because in addition to his appearance, he possessed the Dragon Aura and bloody eyes rare for this world. If even the Frozen Cloud Palace and its fairies were enchanted by Huang Sheng, then the students of some ordinary academy simply could not strengthen their hearts, thereby falling into the abyss of falling in love. Even engaged girls, or those who already have a boyfriend, were passionate about him.

How cruel, because in the future, even if they have husbands, they will still remember Huang Sheng...

Huang Sheng himself, after the incident with Chu Yue Li, wanted to acquire an artifact that could contain his dragon aura, but due to the high price of 2,000 points, he simply gave up on it. Moreover, the ring would only hold back his aura to the Divine level, and after that, it would be necessary to buy another ring, which cost 8,000 points. Huang Sheng concluded that he had nothing to be afraid of even if one of the disciples wanted to rape him, because his true strength had already exceeded the borders of the Blue Wind Empire.

Yun Che and Xia Yuanba were talking and discussing the geniuses of the academy, but Yun Che noticed the glances of the students that were directed at Huang Sheng, and he could only sigh sadly. He knew it would happen...

"Damn Huang Sheng..."


"Yuanba, what are the strongest sects in Rising Moon City?" Huang Sheng suddenly asked, ignoring the students' gazes.

"Yes, Yuanba, I want to know too. Yun Che nodded as he wanted to ask this himself.

"Oh, let me think…" Xia Yuanba thought for a moment and then slowly replied, "There are seven places that rule this city in total: the Strong Heart Sect, the Hidden Sun Sect, the Iron Spear Clan, the Seven Deadly Sword Clan, and Perfect Storm Academy." After thinking for a moment, Xia Yuanba's voice became somewhat wary, and he himself began to look around, as if he was afraid that strangers would hear him. "These five sects have a history of more than five hundred or even a thousand years. In Rising Moon City, their influence and lineage are deeply rooted, and their overall strength is greater than that of Rising Moon Academy. If not for the support of the Imperial Family, then perhaps we would have already been crushed and driven out of the city. On top of that, there are two other major sects to these five sects, even the Imperial Family does not dare to provoke them... this is the Xiao Sect and the Burning Heaven Gate that are here in Rising Moon City! Although they are mere side branches, they still have the support of the Xiao Sect and the Burning Heaven Gate, thus making them the two immobile overlords of New Moon City.

Yun Che pondered over Yuanba's words, and Huang Sheng snorted in contempt.

Although the Rising Moon Academy was the largest in terms of the number of students among all the other sects or clans, but their quality left much to be desired. Huang Sheng realized that the Imperial Family was stymied if they decided to lower the bar for incoming students. He heard that a few years ago, admission conditions were twice as tough.

Stopping his explanation, Xia Yuanba abruptly fell silent because a couple walked in front of them: a young man in white clothes and a girl dressed in snow-white robes. The guy, who appeared to be 18 or 19 years old, had a tall, slender build, graceful features, and a captivating mature charm. He was handsome enough to keep single girls at his mercy until he played with them enough.

And this girl beside him was beautiful enough to make his heart tremble. She looked to be 18-19 years old, with a pair of beautiful sparkling eyes and cherry lips that blotted out the sun. Her delicate eyebrows were in the shape of crescents, but the most touching part of the girl was the slight smile that adorned her lips.

The two looked like a lovely couple who had just stepped out of a painting. The moment they appeared, they eclipsed all the grace and majesty of the surroundings. The guy continuously talked about something around the girl, and constantly looked at her reaction sideways, but the girl's reaction did not change. Maintaining a permanent warm smile, she said nothing in return.

- What a beautiful girl! Yuanba, who is this? Yun Che gazed at the girl in front of him with admiration. Although she was no match for Xia Qingyue, she was definitely one of a hundred thousand.

"Son-in-law, this is Big Sister Xuero, and next to her is Big Brother Murong.

As they stood still, Lan Xuero paid attention to them.

"Junior Brother Xia, did you bring your friends?" Suero asked in a gentle and soft voice. Her gestures and looks made every young man admire her, and soon fall into the clutches of love. But due to the fact that she was already being pursued by the genius of the Academy - Murong Ye, no one tried to show their love for the girl openly in front of him.

Huang Sheng rolled his eyes as Yun Che tried to get Lan Xuero's attention and turned away to look around. But even if he was silent, a girl like Lan Xuero, who tried to be kind to everyone, couldn't help but greet him.

"Young brother Xia, little brother Yun, this is…" At first, she only wanted to know the boy's name, not thinking that he was an Academy student due to his age, but as soon as Lan Xuero looked at him, her eyes widened. , and only by force of will she did not allow herself to open her scarlet lips due to shock.

Advanced Tier 5 Stage!? How old is he!?

Murong Ye did not pay attention to the white-haired youth at first, but noticing the reaction of the girl he loved, whom he had been pursuing and trying to win her favor for several months, Murong looked at the boy. As soon as he noticed Huang Sheng's cultivation, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

— Huang Sheng. – Huang Sheng himself turned towards the girl and looked into her eyes. As soon as Suero saw them, her body trembled slightly, but she did not lose her composure.

Lan Xuero smiled and held out her delicate, thin hand for a handshake, although she had never done this with anyone before.

"Junior Brother Sheng, nice to meet you, I'm Lan Xuero, you can call me Big Sister Xuero."

Huang Sheng nodded, ignoring Lan Xuero's gesture.

— ... —

Yun Che sighed in annoyance, Murong regained his cold attitude, although his gaze did not leave Huang Sheng, and Xuero blinked a couple of times in surprise when her gesture was ignored.

Huang Sheng himself observed Xuero's eyes and praised her in his mind. He knew that she was the princess of the Blue Wind Empire, so he wondered what she was like. But after noticing that Lan Xuero could hold against his dragon aura, albeit with reduced effectiveness, he realized that there was too much anxiety and worries in her heart to even think about the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising here that she can hold out against his aura and not be influenced by it.

Huang Sheng remembered from the story that the Emperor was ill and bedridden, and his sons were fighting for the throne, while Xuero had to take care of his father and find talented practitioners to participate in the tournament. If Suero had not taken a neutral side in the struggle for the throne, then she would have been killed with a ninety percent probability.

- Younger brother...

— Huang Sheng. Call me Huang Sheng. He interrupted the girl and brushed off her politeness.

"…if you want it like that… Huang Sheng, I'm sorry for asking such a rude question, but how old are you?" Suero was surprised at first, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Murong Ye, after her question, also began to wait for an answer. He himself was a genius at Rising Moon Academy, and he only entered here because of Lan Xuero, and if it weren't for her, he would have left for the Xiao Branch or the Burning Heaven Branch long ago.

- Thirteen years. Huang Sheng didn't even pay any attention to Murong. He already realized that his strength would be the object of envy and an obstacle for the geniuses of this city, so they would want to eliminate him. He also admitted that he liked to be above everyone else and feel surprised, envy, jealousy and admiration of other people. He has this from a previous life.

Even though Suero expected such an answer, she was still shocked. Thirteen years old and Advanced Level 5? In Rising Moon City, and even in the Imperial City, he could be considered a genius. Deciding not to ask any more unnecessary questions in front of strangers, she graciously said goodbye to everyone and left, still ignoring Murong Ye, who followed her after short words towards Yun Che. He didn't even think of Huang Sheng as a rival for Xuero's attention.