
Reincarnation in (ATG)

Having emerged victorious from a grueling war and achieved remarkable success, our protagonist finally reaches the pinnacle of their aspirations. Having acquired everything others dream of, our hero succumbs to old age and reincarnates into the World of the Ascended Defying Heaven. Everything would have been fine: the system, the power to overcome anything, and the determination. Unfortunately, our hero slightly offended a deity. Follow the main character as they navigate a world filled with cruelty and killings. In this realm, true practitioners don't discriminate between children and adults; if you are their enemy, they will eliminate you. It is a world where only one law exists: survival of the fittest! https://boosty.to/authorskylen.(chapter 601) It's available for less than $2. Free here: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/21291. Please note that in some chapters, the system is practically useless. The MC (main character) will be able to do whatever he wants. Note: This is a translation(My main language is not in English) and edited with some edits for better understanding and manual rectification of some (not all) errors. If there are still some bugs, I apologize for that.

DreuxX · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Lightning Sparrow's Veins Part 1

Xin Tong had been waiting for several hours. The moon shone in the sky, illuminating the mountains behind the Xiao Clan. She kept telling herself to stop feeling hopeful, but she couldn't suppress the feeling no matter how hard she tried.

Xin Tong folded her arms across her chest as she again felt the flare of the Ultimate Poison. It was simply impossible for a girl her age to endure such pain, and she should have broken a long time ago. But her unshakable will, after losing her mother and brother and killing countless people, did not allow her to give up. Xin Tong was no longer a child. Circumstances forced her to grow up.

As she gritted her teeth and endured the pain, Xiao Che found the Hidden Star Grass not far from where she was.

"Hidden Star Grass! It really is the Hidden Star Grass! And not one, but two!" Xiao Che said in an undertone. He lowered his left hand. The Sky Poison Pearl flared up, and two stalks of Hidden Star Grass disappeared in Xiao Che's palm.

Overjoyed at such a valuable find, Xiao Che was about to leave the Xiao Mountains when he suddenly noticed a shade of red in the distance. He found it strange.

"Is this grass? Blood ginseng? Red Lily? Poison Moss of the Fire Type…" Led by curiosity, Xiao Che climbed higher in the direction of that red color. As he got closer, his eyes caught the silhouette of a girl!

Xiao Che was dumbfounded. She was incredibly beautiful! Red long hair, snow-white skin, and a body that had already begun to take shape...

"Even Qingyue is inferior to this girl…" Xiao Che felt his younger brother begin to show signs of activity. He gritted his teeth, suppressing his lust. Fortunately, the girl was in a dress; otherwise, he did not know if he could restrain himself or not...

"Does she hurt? Is it poison!?" Xiao Che walked closer and stared at the ground in shock, which had darkened and died out. The girl herself curled up and trembled in pain.

Xin Tong had already noticed the appearance of a person. If not for Jasmine's warning, she would have used her power and killed this insect.

"And this is my fateful meeting? He's a cripple...!!!" When Xin Tong wanted to laugh at herself, the guy in front of her extended his hand to her, which glowed with a bright green light! "Heavenly… Heavenly Poison Pearl!"

Xin Tong's body trembled but with anticipation. Unconsciously, her face blushed as she remembered Jasmine, his smile, and his last words.

"..."...we'll meet again..." Xin Tong thought as she allowed the Sky Poison Pearl to absorb the Poison, and the next second, she had to get rid of her body, entering the Poison Pearl Realm...


"Ahh! Jasmine walked slowly along the road. This is the third time I've sneezed. I didn't get sick, did I?

It was night, and Jasmine was enjoying the walk. Right now, his target was Scarlet Dragon Ridge. He wanted to ask the Dragon for his protection.

Jasmine didn't know what would happen if he bought the Lightning Sparrow Veins, so he had to make sure.

Holding out her hand, a box appeared on it. Opening it, Jasmine looked at the Evil God Fire Seed. He scratched his chin and thought.

"Girls love gifts, don't they? I will give this ball to Xin Tong the next time we meet," he smiled at the thought. For the first time since arriving in this world, he wanted to protect someone. It was Xin Tong, the

Star God and wielder of the Sky Slaughter Star God heritage. Jasmine knew that he was still far from her true strength, but it was only a matter of time.

Jasmine spent the next ten days on the road, sometimes talking or rescuing ordinary travelers and getting news from them. And so, on the fifteenth day, he met a merchant who was leaving the City of Floating Clouds and heading for the City of the Rising Moon.

From this person, of course, for a fee of 100 gold, Jasmine learned about the tragedy of Yun Che and his little aunt and grandfather.

After Jasmine left, two days later, a letter arrived from the main Xiao Sect, one of the four strongest sects in the Blue Wind Empire. Floating Cloud City and the Xiao Clan itself became alarmed like a hive of ants, and they began to prepare as if the Emperor himself would come to them.

The letter they received from the Xiao Sect said that one of the sons of the Xiao Sect Chief had been sent to their clan to select the most talented disciple from the Xiao Clan and take him with him for further cultivation.

And although the name of the Clan and the Xiao Sect differed only in one word, it was the difference between clouds and mud. Even if the Xiao Clan held an important position in Floating Cloud City, in the Profound Sky Continent, it was one of the other nameless clans, while the Xiao Sect was one of the strongest in the Blue Wind Empire!

In other words, even an ordinary servant from the Xiao Sect would look down on the elders of the Xiao Clan of Floating Cloud City.

Jasmine more or less knew the story of the events where the young master of the Xiao Sect wanted to get Little Aunt Yun Che, and he came up with a seemingly cunning plan. But thanks to Xia Qingyue and her master, the situation was resolved. Xiao Lingxi, the little aunt, and Xiao Lie, Yun Che's grandfather, were imprisoned behind Xiao Mountain, and Yun Che himself was expelled from the Xiao Clan.

Saying goodbye to the merchant, Jasmine left the road and plunged into the forest that led to the Scarlet Dragon Ridge.

On the way to the Scarlet Dragon Cave, Jasmine continued to do what he had enjoyed since his arrival in this world: killing monsters and practicing alchemy. He was so lost in these matters that he arrived at the cave only after another ten days.

As soon as Jasmine entered the cave, the Scarlet Dragon opened his eyes and came out of his meditation, although he looked like he was curled up sleeping.

"Why did you come back, child?"

"This prince needs protection for a while while I merge with new veins," Jasmine stood in front of the Dragon and did not lie to him. He did not want to lie to the one who had given him so many blessings.

The Scarlet Dragon narrowed his eyes. If someone else had said these words, he would have laughed with all his strength, but he himself was a witness to the transformation of the body of this child.

"I do not mind. Go deep into the cave, you will be safe there."

Jasmine nodded and headed inside, where the Fire Spirit Grass was still growing. He settled down not far from this place and sat in the lotus position.

"System, I want to buy the Lightning Sparrow Veins," Jasmine took a deep breath, suppressing a shudder of impatience.

System: Lightning Sparrow Veins Cost: 20,000 points. The user has enough funds! Do you want to hear the consequences of taking these veins?

Jasmine agreed, and a window appeared in front of him. He could not see the consequences of acquiring these veins before, but now that he had enough funds, the system had given him this information.

At first, Jasmine expected

to see a lot of text, but there were only a few words in the window in front of his eyes.

By purchasing the Lightning Sparrow Veins, your cultivation base will drop to the Beginning Tier 1!

"How cruel. There are pitfalls everywhere," Jasmine shook his head, but he immediately continued. "System, I'm buying the Lightning Sparrow Veins!"

System: User bought Lightning Sparrow Veins! Implementation in progress! 3... 2... 1...


Jasmine fell to the ground, clutching his chest so tightly that the bones in his hands began to crack as if they were being squeezed by a vice. Despite possessing the Dragon Body, even such a load couldn't break his fingers and chest.

It was the first time he felt such heart-rending pain. Jasmine's snow-white hair became even paler, and his face lost any healthy hue. Blood streamed from his "seven holes" – ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Jasmine continued to grit his teeth, suppressing screams. The Scarlet Dragon, hearing this, ventured deeper into the cave, witnessing Jasmine lying in a pool of blood.

"He... forcibly changes his veins?" The Scarlet Dragon was horrified. Everyone knew that changing one's veins required destroying the old ones, constructing new ones, restoring channels, and then reconnecting the entire network of veins. Usually, some used the first step of vein destruction as a torture method for those with strong wills, because the pain experienced during this step was terrifying. Even the Scarlet Dragon shuddered at the sight of Jasmine bleeding and contorting in pain.

Jasmine himself wanted to pass out, but he couldn't. Thanks to his spiritual training and the Dragon bloodline, he couldn't easily lose consciousness.

"....!!!" Jasmine bit into his arm to distract himself and try to understand what was happening inside his body. For a moment, he was momentarily distracted by the pain in his arm and examined his veins with his spiritual sense.

His old veins appeared normal, like those of other people, but now they were shrinking and turning into ashes, while nine small lightning sparks traveled through his meridians and channels. Taking a closer look, Jasmine was surprised to recognize these silhouettes.

Nine little sparrows... It was they who were destroying his old veins...