
Reincarnation in (ATG)

Having emerged victorious from a grueling war and achieved remarkable success, our protagonist finally reaches the pinnacle of their aspirations. Having acquired everything others dream of, our hero succumbs to old age and reincarnates into the World of the Ascended Defying Heaven. Everything would have been fine: the system, the power to overcome anything, and the determination. Unfortunately, our hero slightly offended a deity. Follow the main character as they navigate a world filled with cruelty and killings. In this realm, true practitioners don't discriminate between children and adults; if you are their enemy, they will eliminate you. It is a world where only one law exists: survival of the fittest! https://boosty.to/authorskylen.(chapter 601) It's available for less than $2. Free here: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/21291. Please note that in some chapters, the system is practically useless. The MC (main character) will be able to do whatever he wants. Note: This is a translation(My main language is not in English) and edited with some edits for better understanding and manual rectification of some (not all) errors. If there are still some bugs, I apologize for that.

DreuxX · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Divine Lightning Realm

Gong Yuxian was using the emperor's domain. It was a snow desert that slowed down and attacked the enemy. Even practitioners of her level will suffer in her realm.

"Haa…" Gong Yuxian stopped and looked at the blizzard that swept the girl. You couldn't even see her behind all that snow.

Gong Yuxian was about to stop her attack since she didn't think the girl would be able to handle her Emperor Realm, but....

Clash of Lightning~~

The owner of Frozen Cloud Palace stared ahead in disbelief, where every second her domain was filled with five different colors of lightning. She could have sworn she even heard some sounds of birds chirping.

"She…she wants to destroy my realm…" Gong Yuxian whispered. She couldn't believe that her Emperor Realm could be destroyed by this girl who was two levels weaker than her.

With each new realm in cultivation, the gap between the ordinary levels gets bigger. And while at the Beginning Realm, the difference between Levels 1 and 2 is negligible, then at the Emperor Profound Realm, the gap between Levels 1 and 3 was not only not insignificant, but they differed like heaven and earth.

Snow Dance Ice Steps!

Gong Yuxian couldn't let the girl out of the sphere, and went inside her domain herself. As soon as she got there, she used Ice Cloud's spiritual movement skill.

The figure of Gong Yu Xian floated and moved within the ice and snow, as if she was dancing and there were no obstacles for her. Her speed has doubled.

Entering the domain, she was amazed at what she saw. Five small pieces of lightning of different colors, resembling birds, flew at high speed inside the Gong Yuxian sphere. Each flash of lightning pushed the ice and snow away from the hooded girl until she looked like a blood goddess herself. Her bloodshot eyes looked at Snow Valley with a sort of contempt.

Gong Yuxian didn't have time to think about it, so she raised her sword and attacked the frozen figure of the girl.


But as soon as she approached her a hundred meters, 5 clots of lightning attacked her.

"What is this?" - each lightning had its own colors and Gong Yuxian had never seen this picture. Refusing to attack the girl, she swung her sword towards one of the lightning bolts.


Gong Yuxian stepped back, realizing that this lightning was not so simple. She tried to use her Profound Power to suppress her, but the birds didn't even notice, continuing to attack her.

The Master of the Palace had to fight off two lightning bolts with her sword. The other three birds continued to suppress her Emperor Realm and succeeded. The girl herself continued to soar in the sky, emitting an incredible aura. From this aura, Gong Yuxian felt a certain attraction and desire.

"..." Gong Yuxian hardened her heart, clearly realizing that she was succumbing to this girl's mysterious aura. "This aura seems familiar…" She couldn't remember where Gong Yuxian had experienced the same pressure.

Jasmine ignored Gong Yuxian while controlling his Divine Lightning Realm. All five sparrows enveloped the entire area of ​​the Ice Palace Master's domain.

"..." Jasmine glanced at Gong Yuxian, who was held back by two Divine Lightnings while the other three destroyed her realm. When she used this technique, Jasmine gained a memory of using another ability of her new veins.

Sphere of Divine Lightning. This domain creates a space that is completely shrouded in lightning. The sparrows would normally not be able to exit his body and act against the enemy, but in this space they are also able to fight on Jasmine's side. This is a terrifying power, especially since his Divine Lightning is as strong as he is. Therefore, Gong Yuxian could not defeat the birds and had to gradually retreat.

Gong Yuxian was already running out of steam. Her profound strength was constantly fading due to the use of the Emperor Orb and Snow Dance Ice Steps. These birds forced her to constantly defend herself without the ability to counterattack. Although they weren't strong enough for Gong Yuxian to feel the pressure, the speed of the lightning made her take it seriously.

This continued until the Lightning Domain destroyed Gong Yuxian's Frozen Cloud Realm...

"Sister Yu, you lost…"

Gong Yuxian froze as she felt a cold palm covered with lightning around her neck, ready to take her life at any moment. At the same moment, the lightning stopped attacking her and now they circled around, publishing a joyful victorious chirp.

"…you are a fast learner. Gong Yuxian turned around as the girl removed her hand from her neck. She spoke sincerely, since her opponent made many mistakes at the beginning of the battle, but at the end of the battle, the girl began to push her, forcing Gong Yuxian to use the sphere. Although she could use Blood Essence or Ice Cloud Forbidden Techniques, Gong Yuxian did not consider it necessary as it was only sparring.

Jasmine himself, although he looked calm and relaxed, he himself knew how difficult it was for him to stand now. Summoning the Lightning Domain and all five sparrows caused him to use almost all of his remaining Profound Power. He knew that if they fought again, Gong Yuxian would defeat him.

"..." Jasmine silently looked towards the Palace. Below on the ground stood more than two thousand beautiful young-looking girls, each of which was incredibly graceful and delicate, like lotus flowers. Among these girls, Jasmine noticed Xia Qingyue, who was looking at him with wide eyes in surprise.

There were seven more girls in the sky above the students. These girls were the strongest disciples of the Palace and bore the title of fairies. Their appearance was exceptional, and even two thousand disciples were no match for them other than Xia Qingyue.

Among the fairies was Chu Yue Li, who also looked at him in surprise. Jasmine realized that Xia Qingyue and Chu Yue Li recognized him thanks to the red eyes that were visible against the background of the snow-white valley. The rest of the students looked at him with awe and reverence. Each of them was struck by his strength and his eyes, which pulled them into the abyss.

The weaker disciples below the Earth Realm turned red and their breathing became ragged. Even though the Dragon's aura was suppressed by his cloak, he could not contain the greatness of the dragon for a long time.

"I need to leave or my dragon aura will give me away…" Jasmine did not want to advertise her aura in disguise, but only in her real form.

"Sister Yu, I think I should go. Hold on, consider this my gift for the inconvenience. Jasmine threw two ripe Fire Spirit herbs into the Palace Mistress's hands. They were a rare type of herb and were very expensive, especially the Ripe Fire Spirit Grass, which was as difficult to find as the Concealment Star Grass.

Gong Yuxian was surprised to see the Fire Spirit Grass, but before she could say anything, the girl in front of her disappeared and she couldn't sense her presence at all.

Seeing the disappearance of the hooded figure, someone standing among the Frozen Cloud disciples raised her voice.

- Stop!

Gong Yuxian and everyone else looked at the screaming girl and were surprised to see that it was Xia Qingyue. The genius of their Frozen Cloud Palace, the one who never expressed emotion and never raised her voice after coming, now did so.

"Yue-er, do you know her?" Gong Yuxian asked in surprise as she sank down to the rest of the disciples, who were still shocked by the battle of the Emperors. She saw awe in them, and some even blushed and looked away, their legs squirming against each other. Gong Yuxian did not understand the reason for such behavior, but she was too lazy to ask about it.

Qing Yue wanted to know her. She is so young and already at the Emperor's Stage…" Xia Qingyue shook her head and expressed the reason for her cry.

Gong Yuxian slightly narrowed her eyes after noticing her genius student's flustered behavior, but blaming it on the shock that this unknown girl gave to everyone, she dismissed unnecessary thoughts from her mind.

The other seven fairies also began to talk about this topic, expressing surprise.

- It is amazing. This girl is not more than 13 years old, but she is already the Emperor... I don't even know whether to laugh or cry. Mu Rong Qian smiled bitterly.

"Better put more effort into developing your inner strength. This person is definitely not from our Blue Wind Empire. Chu Yuechan, the first fairy who was half a step away from the level of the Emperor, shook her head.

— .... —

— .... —

Chu Yue Li and Xia Qingyue remained silent.

Chapter 35 - Second Encounter with Jasmine - Part 1

Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range.

While recovering from his wounds, the Scarlet Dragon suddenly sensed the presence of a boy who had only left a couple of hours ago.

— Returned? - Coming out of the cave, the Dragon saw Jasmine, who was lying on the ground, covered with several shallow wounds. The cloak that hid his gender was already in the storage ring.

"Haa... haa..." Jasmine no longer pretended to be fine. He just didn't want to look like a weak, feeble old man in front of so many beautiful ice palace girls. When he recalled how in a past life he was helped: to carry things, climb stairs and so on, his secretaries or housekeepers, Jasmine sighed bitterly. He never wanted to look weak in front of people, especially in front of his family, but even if he didn't want to, Jasmine couldn't help it.

But now the case is different. He started a new life and he was young. Many doors were open before him, but Jasmine could not completely get rid of the memories from his past life.

- Well, how? Won? The Scarlet Dragon already knew the answer when he saw the arrogant smile on the young man's lips. He walked over to Jasmine's body and lifted it up with his mouth.

"Haaa... hey, look... how... you're treating... this prince..." Jasmine didn't have the strength to resist such humiliation.

The dragon carried him to the cave and laid him near the fire spirit grass, as this grass allowed the dragons to feel comfortable and recover much faster than usual.

Jasmine closed his eyes as he lay down and calmed his breathing.

"The power of the Emperor… it's amazing.

"…how does it feel to be… an emperor?" "The Scarlet Dragon was half a step away from the Emperor Profound Stage, so he was incredibly curious.

"..." Jasmine lifted his eyelids and looked into the eyes of the Dragon, who lay a few meters away from him. "This power is… intoxicating. When I first felt the power of the Emperor, I was overcome by a sense of dominance...

Jasmine still remembered how he had broken through to the Emperor Realm thanks to his veins, and he was filled with arrogance and pride.

Is it true for all practitioners? Jasmine asked, looking up at the ceiling of the cave. If all practitioners feel such emotions when breaking through to the Emperor Realm, then shouldn't they be incredibly arrogant? But from Gong Yuxian, he did not feel it.

Jasmine himself suppressed his cultivation to the Spiritual Profound Realm as he didn't want to attract any random practitioner here.

The Scarlet Dragon thought. And only after an hour of reflection, he answered.

"Maybe it's because of your Dragon body. Your Dragon Aura gets stronger and stronger as you develop your body, and you know...

"…dragons are arrogant creatures. Jasmine continued after Crimson. He had already assumed such an outcome of events. "…which means I shouldn't be influenced by the Dragon in me..."


Twenty days later, Jasmine fully recovered and got used to his new strength. He thought about it a lot, but he decided to keep his power at the level 5 True Profound Realm since he didn't really want to attract attention.

Jasmine wasn't afraid of trouble, and he wasn't afraid of making enemies either, but as long as there was an opportunity to see this world in a calm environment, he would stick to a low position. He also planned to be with Xing Tong, which meant he would have to see Yun Che.

After leaving the Scarlet Dragon Cave and saying goodbye to him, Jasmine headed towards the highest waterfall he knew. From his recollection of the story "Against the Gods", he assumed that Yun Che must now be in the process of a "survive or die" type of training.

After a couple of hours of leisurely running, Jasmine heard the sounds of a waterfall. These sounds were like thunder, as the water fell from a height of more than a hundred meters.

Soon Jasmine emerged from the dense forest and a huge waterfall 200-300 meters high appeared before him. All the water fell directly into the pool, which then formed into a river with a strong current.

At the edge of the pool, a topless young man was approaching step by step towards the wall of water that looked like it was falling from heaven. All of his Inner Strength went to protect his head and back.

His figure seemed especially miniature under the waterfall. Although the height of the waterfall was not so great, the force of the falling water would have been enough to break the body into pieces.

However, the young man had been constantly approaching the huge boulder, against which the waterfall was breaking, for who knows how many years.

"But he is not a timid one…" Jasmine sat in the lotus position on the side of the mountain and watched Yun Che's training from there.


The entire might of the vast current mercilessly crashed down on Yun Che's body, and overnight crushed his weak profound energy defenses, and threw him into a merciless, swirling pool.

A hot, draining pain completely enveloped Yun Che's body, his torso turning completely red. A thin, frightening line of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth...

However, there was neither fear nor a hint of retreat in his eyes. Choking, he swam away from the swirling current and used all his strength to resist the current, with difficulty he reached the shore.

"His willpower... will be greater than mine." Jasmine muttered. While he used to treat Yun Che like an ordinary teenage womanizer character, looking at his training methods and his willpower, which is able to keep him conscious even after such injuries, Jasmine felt a certain sense of respect for this boy.

Shifting her gaze, Jasmine noticed Xing Tong, who, like him, was also watching Yun Che's training from a large rock not far from the waterfall. She no longer looked as pale as before, and her gaze was full of confidence and willpower. Her dress was the same one he gave her in the mountains behind the Xiao Clan. Red dress, skirt slightly above the knee, and it was a perfect match for Sin Tong. Anyone else who looks at her will immediately think: "Princess".

As if sensing something, Xing Tong looked in a certain direction. Sitting cross-legged on an elevated rock was a boy with snow-white hair and red eyes that even a distance like a hundred meters did not affect their power of attraction.

"Jasmine!?" Xing Tong raised an eyebrow in surprise. Standing up from the stone, she looked at Yun Che, who was dipping into the pool of black healing liquid he had created, and said.

- Keep practicing. I'll be back soon. Jasmine did not wait for Yun Che's response and flew towards the boy.

"…" Yun Che looked at Jasmine leaving with a strange expression. "She just... smiled!?"

As soon as Xing Tong was in front of Jasmine, he stood up and stroked her hair.

Xing Tong, in turn, did not move, allowing him to do such an intimate act. She looked into his eyes and asked.

- Who are you? How did you know that Yun Che... that guy over there was the one who could help me? Her voice was cold, but her facial expression and relaxed body made it clear that she did not see Jasmine as a threat, but on the contrary, Sin Tong felt comfortable around him.

- Does it matter? Jasmine showed a smile, continuing to gently stroke and sort through the red, like blood itself, long hair of Sin Tong.

"..." Xing Tong looked at his smile, and smirked herself. You're right, it doesn't matter. I don't feel like you want to hurt me...

Jasmine interrupted Sin Tong by pushing her closer into his arms. He himself did not know why, but as soon as he saw her, he wanted to protect Sin Tong and help her in any way he could.

Xing Tong shuddered and raised her hands to push the boy away, but froze in the middle of her journey. From the moment she started out with Yun Che, she had always been on guard and never let down her defenses, but once in the hands of this strange guy, Xing Tong felt comfortable and secure. She unconsciously relaxed in his arms.

- Did I tell you? This prince and you are alike. Jasmine smiled, stroking the girl on the back. They looked like 13-year-old children, but who would have known that in the future they would become the ones who would shake all the worlds...