
Reincarnation: Devoted Romance

Qin Zhen felt that she had to be blind in her previous life. How did she only realize how much He Guinian loved her after she died? After reincarnating, Qin Zhen was ready to make it all up to He Guinian. She would pamper him as much as possible. However, the moment she reincarnated was the moment she asked for a divorce and was preparing to leave him. In her previous life, she felt nothing but disgust and fear when he told her how he was suffering and how he wished to be with her. She was afraid the crazy person would go crazy and kill her... Now, she wished she had a pair of wings and could fly to him. Qin Zhen's eyes filled with tears when she saw how he was tied up and covered in blood. She could only imagine how much pain he was in when she left. Meanwhile, when the severely depressed man saw her, he looked pitifully at her like a golden retriever. He was even murmuring to himself while he dipped in and out of consciousness. "Zhen, stay with me for a while longer before you leave. Please..." Qin Zhen teared up. "Alright." Once he calmed down and fell asleep, Qin Zhen went to see the doctor. She wanted to find out everything and help him recover. However, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze was clear as the blue sky. "Master, if you keep hurting yourself like this, your body won't be able to take it..." The butler felt sorry for him. He Guinian looked at the wounds all over his body. He closed his eyes. "She already wants a divorce. If I don't do this, how can I... Once she's truly gone, I won't be able to make her stay even if I wanted to. What's the point of living then..." He Guinian felt uneasy. He was constantly worried that Qin Zhen would leave. However, he gradually realized that Qin Zhen finally had feelings for him, and she would never leave...

Lu Han · 都市
40 Chs

There Must Be Something Wrong

編集者: Dragon Boat Translation

The second test was science. She was given physics, chemistry, and biology questions which, in Qin Zhen's opinion, was very easy. In her previous life, she had relied on those methods for revenge, but she had failed.

The teachers present were so shocked that they were speechless. It was common for students who get high marks to have the ability to answer quickly.

The language teachers were at a loss for words. After all, they were witnessing this with their own eyes. They all saw the questions for themselves. At that point, everyone was convinced that Qin Zhen's results were real even though it was still unbelievable.

The math teacher excitedly took out a paper. "Qin Zhen, I've already set the questions! Please solve it."

Qin Zhen looked at the questions. It was a set of problems from last year's mathematics competition. She had a headache because she hated the subject. But she still asked the teacher, "Can I skip this?"

The math teacher looked saddened, "You've done everyone else's questions, but you're not doing mine? It's not good for you to be so biased."

The male teacher in his thirties acted cute without any moral integrity. Qin Zhen's lips twitched as she took a pen to do the questions. Math is not her strong point, but she has seen the problems before. Everything was stored in her brain, all resolved with the same type of formula, and she immediately wrote the solution down.

The math teacher looked at her answer and nodded in satisfaction. If he had known earlier, he would have let Qin Zhen participate in the competition. She would have gained something.

So far, the people in the office had varying expressions.

"Qin Zhen, your results are real. I must apologize to you. I have wronged you." The dean readily admitted his faults. He was a very open-minded man. When he was angry, he would be genuinely angry. When he was happy, he would also be genuinely happy. Now that he knew that he had wronged her, he apologized to Qin Zhen without hesitation.

Qin Zhen nodded in response to the dean. Then, she looked at Baihe. "I remember that Ms. Baihe said that if I could pass all of them, she would apologize to me in front of the entire school."

Baihe didn't expect Qin Zhen to make such a request. She was a teacher while this girl was a student. There was nothing for her to apologize for! "I won't do it!"

"As a teacher, shouldn't you set an example? Are you going back on your words, Ms. Baihe?" Qin Zhen asked.

Baihe gritted her teeth, "I…."

No matter how Baihe tried to escape this situation, under the dean's pressure, she finally agreed to apologize.

Soon, all the students in the school were quickly gathered together. This was perhaps the treatment of a top student. No teacher would refuse the request of a destined top scorer.

The gathered students were all stunned. Why did the dean suddenly assemble them all here?

"It must be because of Qin Zhen! She stole the answer sheet for the mock exam and stupidly copied them. Now, the school leaders will definitely punish her!"

"The fact that she can even find the third-year answer sheet is quite amazing! If she put this much effort into cheating, she could've used her brains to study."

"Who cares? That idiot is finally going to be expelled. Our Class 28 finally has one less lunatic! We finally don't have to be laughed at anymore!" The students from Class 28 said excitedly.

Du Juan laughed mockingly. "Qin Zhen is really stupid. She's courting death. If she didn't even know how to copy discreetly, then she's dumb to even attempt cheating. She deserved to be expelled."

Soon, the dean and his entourage walked into the assembly hall. Behind him was a large group of teachers, including Qin Zhen.

"Quiet!" The dean stood on the stage and his booming voice spread throughout the hall. The students did not dare to speak anymore.

The students of Class 28 craned their necks excitedly, waiting for Qin Zhen to be expelled.

The dean took a deep breath and said loudly, "After our investigation, Qin Zhen did not cheat. She scored a total of 746 points!"

His words caused an uproar!

"Qin Zhen didn't cheat and scored more than 740 points?! The full score is only 750. How is this possible?"

"There must be something wrong!"

Du Juan from Class 28 could not believe it. If that piece of trash didn't cheat, how could she have gotten such a high score? And she had surpassed her score by a mile!

"I apologize for the misunderstanding and for ruining Qin Zhen's reputation. I also hope that the students can learn from Qin Zhen. This experience is a good example for everyone. As long as anybody is willing to work hard, they would reap the rewards!"

But the dean's words were met with protest, "Who doesn't know how horrible Qin Zhen is at studying? The lowest-ranking student suddenly became the first in the entire grade? Who would believe that there's nothing wrong with this?"

Class 28 was the class they looked down on the most and Qin Zhen was at the bottom of that trash can. Now that they were all stepped on by said trash, everyone could not accept it just like that.