
Reincarnating in Konosuba as a Dryad

Dying once is bad but dying in your second life is even worse, luckily I'm in the world of Konosuba so I have a third chance that I won't waste. It follows our protagonist who in his third opportunity where he has been reincarnated in the world of Konosuba as a Dryad and a system. [English Translation]

DaoistqxKhUS · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 4 Meeting a Thief!

To save a little, this is how it will look when the protagonist interacts with the system and his thoughts.

[] System

() Thoughts or things aside

"" Titles


The next morning

Megumin, Uraraka and I were sitting at one of the tables in the adventurer's guild having breakfast.

With a quite blushing Uraraka and a surprised Megumin.

Megumin: Why is he like this? (She asked curiously)

Izuku: You see... (I said a little blushing)


Uraraka: N-You don't have to do this. (She said quite nervously)

She is lying on a pile of hay and a blanket, next to her is an Izuku and next to him is a Megumin.

Izuku: I can't allow two young ladies to sleep alone in the stables. (I said quite seriously)

Megumin: Izuku is right, you don't know how many perverts there are in the town and what if they rob you? (He said enough would be like Izuku)

What had happened was that Uraraka had planned to sleep in the stables to which both Izuku and Megumin were alarmed, since in Axel there are all kinds of perverts, in addition to the fact that she could be robbed, Megumin had proposed that the two of them sleep in the stables Izuku quickly intervened saying that he would also sleep with them in case something like that happened and well that's what happened.

Uraraka: S-I'm sorry for being a bother. (She said with her head down)

Izuku: We've already told you a million times, it's no problem. (I said with a friendly smile)

Megumin: We'd better go to sleep. (Said with a touch of jealousy)

Izuku: Megumin is right we have a big day tomorrow. (I said with a smile)

Uraraka: Good night to you both.

Megumin: Also good night to you both.

Izuku: Good night you two.

In the morning.

(I don't know if this is good or bad)

When Izuku woke up he noticed that he had two cute girls hugging him. At some point during the night, Uraraka and Megumin moved next to him, hugging his body and using his chest as a pillow. It wasn't awkward at all, but it caught him off guard.

(What should I do, shake them to wake them up or what do I do?)

As he thought about how to get out of this situation, Izuku felt Megumin's leg move, up and down his crotch, and Uraraka moved her breasts closer to his.

(This is bad if we continue like this I could attack them and I don't want that, not yet)

Izuku was not a saint and virgin at least he was able to do it a few times in his first and second life, but if he attacked Megumin and Uraraka without his permission he would not feel good.

For her good or bad luck, Uraraka woke up and the moment she opened her eyes, her face and Izuku were very close to her.

Uraraka: I-Izuku. (He said it with a face as red as a tomato)

But then he realized his awkward position.

Uraraka: I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was making you uncomfortable.

Izuku: You don't have to worry, now help me with Megumin.

Uraraka then helped Izuku move Megumin from her position, turning her to the other side of her without waking her.

Izuku: W-Well wake up Megumin and I'll go out so they can get ready without problems. (I said a little blushing and panting a little)

End of Flashback

Megumin: I-I see. (She said she blushed like a tomato)

Darkness: I found you.

When I looked at Darkness I could also see that she was accompanied by a teenager with a light complexion and purple eyes. She has short, silver hair with a light blue to cyan discoloration. Her hair is longer in the front of which she has two strands of hair framing her face with a piece of hair sticking out of her bangs. Around her neck she wears a pastel blue scarf, which she pulls down her back. She wears turquoise earrings and has a small scar on her right cheek. She wears a shoulder pad that covers her chest. A green blanket above her. On her arms she has sleeves that reach up to her elbow and she wears thin gauntlets. She is wearing short jeans with long black panties, on her legs she has white buccaneer stockings and she is wearing high brown boots.

Darkness: I was waiting for you. I want to introduce you to a friend.

??: I'm Chris, as you can see, I'm a thief.

Izuku: I really liked it, my name is Izuku Midoriya.

Chris: Darkness told me that you need useful skills, right? I know you're an archdriad, but how about testing the skills of the thieves' branch?

(System, can it be done?)


Izuku: It doesn't sound so bad.

Izuku: Right? His skills offer a lot for few points. I know they will come in handy. What do you think? I'll help you in exchange for a drink.

Izuku: If it's not too much trouble. (I said with a gentle smile)

After the drink.

Chris: You see this branch has skills like "Enemy Detection" and "Stalking", but I recommend this one.

Chris: I'll start, pay attention. (He said extending his hand towards me)

Izuku: Yes, please! (I said excitedly)

Chris: Steal! (He said closing his hand into a fist)

There was a glow that made him close his eyes. A bag appeared from his hand that had some coins in it.

(It's a good thing I left that small bag of coins on hand, after all no one else has an inventory like me to store their things very well)

Izuku: My purse!

Chris: This is the ability to steal, "Steal". When it works, it allows you to take one of the opponent's belongings. This is how it usually works.

Chris was about to give me my wallet back until he told me.

Chris: Tell me, are you interested in competing?

Izuku: It depends on the competition.

Chris: Why don't you learn the pickpocket skill and use it to get your wallet back?

Darkness: Hey, won't that be too much?

Chris: You're an adventurer, right? Risk is one of the perks of the job.

I thought about it for a while.

Izuku: Okay. (I said with determination)

Chris: Decided, then. Use your adventurer card to acquire the skill. Since the skills I taught you should appear.

Izuku: Enemy Detection: one point. Stalking: one point. Theft: one point.

After learning the skills I felt like something had changed not only in my body but in my soul.

[Enemy Detection, a passive skill that notifies the user of nearby monsters or enemies, with a ping. Level 1. (Detects enemies within a range of 5 meters)

[Stalking, makes the user difficult to detect while in the shadows, although it does not work when the user is outdoors. Maximum level. (It will be more difficult to be detected by an enemy in the shadows)

[Theft, steals an item from the opponent. Maximum level. (Increased luck and mana results in the theft of a more valuable item. Requires saying the word "Steal" to activate.)]

Chris: Good! The thieves' branch belongs to you! You can start!

Izuku: Good! Don't cry in case he stole something else from you!

Chris: The biggest prize would be my magic dagger. It is worth at least 400,000 Eris. And the consolation prizes would be… these stones!

Izuku: What a consolation prize. (I said with disappointment)

Chris: They will make it very unlikely that you will get the dagger.

(Damn, I could win a lot or nothing)

To my surprise, the System came to my rescue.

[The acquisition of the skills "Enemy Detection", "Stalking", "Theft" and "Steal" have been detected; adding the "Thief" class]

[Thief, The greatest skill or primary function of a thief is stealth, often combined with great agility and thieving and social skills. His defense capacity is usually lower than normal, but he is usually equipped with special attacks with great damage capacity. (When using any skill from this branch depending on the amount of mana used, these skills will be easier and more powerful.]

(How did this happen?!)

[The system is not limited to a single type of class, learning any skill from any other branch will give you the class that will enhance the other skills of the same class depending on its mana]

(I don't know if it's called convenience, but I take it. And why didn't you tell me?!)

[The system will continue to evolve over time and will depend on how strong the host becomes]

(One way or the other)

Izuku: I will! (I said with confidence)

Izuku: Steal! (I said extending my right hand and then closing it into a fist)

After that there was a glow that made both Chris and Darkness close their eyes.

The $400,000 Eris magic dagger appeared in Izuku's hand.

Izuku: Looks like I've done it. (I said with a touch of arrogance and a smile)

After that for returning his dagger I finally got $600,000 Eris.

(Nothing bad)

When I was walking towards the guild together with Chris and Darkness I got the following message.

[Mission accomplished "Learn a new class"]

(Wait, I have quests?)

[The "System" determined that he deserved a reward for such an achievement]

(Another thing they don't tell me)


["Elucidator" (Weapon), one-handed straight sword with a flat black blade and a thin white edge. The cylindrical handle is also black and is connected to the blade by two different pieces, one of them similar to the third part of a circle with protruding spikes, the other piece is shaped like an ele]

(Wait a minute I've seen you)

[Such information is unknown]

[Five "Crystallite Ingots" (Material), is a rare mineral that is produced within the body of X'rphan the White Wyrm. It serves as raw material to forge high-quality swords.]

(Where have I heard of you?)

I thought sarcastically.

[If you find a blacksmith you can forge a high quality sword]

(I ask if Darkness knows anyone who can help me?)

["Black Wyrm Coat" (Armor/clothing), is a black leather suit. It was made by a renowned expert seamstress using a high-level material obtained from a black dragon. Unlike the original it has green stripes. It doesn't get dirty and repairs itself after a while.]

(Okay I love this one)

[Items saved in the "Inventory"]

Back at the guild I explained what had happened to Megumin and Uraraka.

Megumin: So, were you able to learn thief skills?

Izuku: That's right, do you want to try? (I said with a small smile)

Megumin: No, don't forget it. (She said a little upset)

Uraraka: I-It would be better to do missions.

Megumin, Darkness and Izuku: Yes!

But before they could do what was said over the guild's loudspeakers, the following message was heard.

Luna: Emergency mission! Emergency mission!

Izuku: What now?

Luna: Adventurers, gather at the main gate as soon as possible. I repeat: adventurers, gather at the main gate as soon as possible.

Later at Axel's doors

Megumin: A storm is coming. (He said in an epic pose)

Izuku was standing at Axel's doors. Around them, veteran adventurers and the novice adventurers were busy trying to fight off the swarm of enemies, doing their best to rack up kills as quickly as possible.

[Compulsory Mission]

[Defeat the cabbages flying towards the city]

[??? System Eris]

Luna: This year's cabbages are top-notch and we'll pay 10,000 Eris per head! Capture as many as you can and put them here! (He said pointing to a bunch of cages where they would put the cabbages)

(Of course cabbages, I wonder if my "Plant Control" skill would help me)

[Negative, having these consciousness, they cannot be manipulated unless the host creates them and for that they need a higher level with that ability]

Darkness: I will protect you!

Shout of Darkness, who turned around is constantly being hit by the cabbages while she used her body as a shield to protect a couple of adventurers who had fallen to the constant attacks of the small creatures.

Megumin: Explosion! (Megumin shouts)

Megumin fired the spell from him right on top of the masochistic Darkness.

Izuku was thankful that the rumbling sound masked Darkness' orgasm sounds.

(I'm glad we're part of a team, but I'm still a little sad that he does that)

[Special bonus]

[Large harvest of cabbages]

Later that afternoon, in the guild hall.

Izuku: I have to admit, this sautéed cabbage is good. (I said with a smile)

Uraraka: I expected nothing less from a paladin. It took a lot for those cabbages to break through your iron defense.

Darkness: No, I'm simply of a robust build. The only thing that can be rescued from me is that I can shield others. (He said modestly)

Megumin: Uraraka was also amazing. In addition to healing the wounded with your magic, you gave magical support to those who needed it.

Uraraka: N-It wasn't amazing at all. (She said nervously)

Darkness: Your magic was impressive. You finished off all the cabbages at once!

Megumin: Have you seen the power of my bloodline? (She said arrogantly)

Darkness: Yes, I have never received an attack with such power. (She said quite excitedly)

Uraraka: I-Izuku, you were amazing too. (She said a little nervously)

Megumin: It's true, especially when I create a large net with its vines to catch a large amount of them.

Izuku: Well it was nothing, now we should enjoy this. So let's continue eating.

Darkness: By the way Izuku, feel free to use me as bait or shield from today onwards.

Izuku: Even if you tell me, I don't know if I could do it. (I said in a calm voice)

Darkness: If I do anything that hinders the group, scold me severely. You could even sacrifice me as a gambit. I shudder just imagining it!

Izuku: Hahaha. (I said a little embarrassed)

Darkness: Again, it will be a pleasure to work with you. (She said, extending her hand for a handshake and a slight smile)

Izuku: Likewise. (I said squeezing his hand with a smile)

The next morning

At a table in the adventurer's guild Izuku is sitting, with Megumin discussing the topic of learning new spells. But she could be seen on Izuku with a new outfit that consisted of a black trench coat with green stripes, his shirt was gray, his pants were black, and he was wearing black boots.

(A/N: I really like Kirito's outfit that's why I chose it, the only thing that changes are the green stripes)

Izuku: I'm not saying you have to learn and use spells other than attack spells and explosions. I'm just saying that learning a variety of new spells would help a lot. (Izuku said with a warm smile)

Megumin pouted, making an adorable sound as she tried to look threatening.

Megumin: And I tell you that I only love and use Explosion magic! Anything else is just a waste of time and skill points.

Izuku: A waste? Really? How many points does it cost to learn "Fireball?"

Izuku already knew the answer, so Megumin's pout was a clear sign of his defeat… at least in the logic department.

Megumin: One point... (She said with a pout). But still…!"

Izuku: Did you know that you can set things on fire with "Fireball"? You can still make things explode. (I said interrupting Megumin.

(He loved Megumin's explosions, but if I remember correctly he is technically a prodigy in magic so Megumin could become a very powerful magic user)

Megumin didn't really want to give in, but at the same time, Izuku's logic was perfect; she could still be the best at making explosions, and at the same time she could be useful in many more situations, before they could continue arguing Darkness interrupted them.

Darkness: Izuku, look! I repaired my armor with the cabbage reward and it turned out shiny! How about?

Izuku: It looks great on you. (I said with a smile)

Darkness: Thanks for the compliment. (He said smiling back at me)

Approaching the 3 Uraraka asked.

Uraraka: By the way Izuku, how much did you earn from cabbages?

Izuku: Two million Eris. (I said carefree)

Actually Izuku was lying, he actually has a note for another two million Eris, but the adventurer's guild couldn't afford to pay him all at once. Which makes a total of Four million Eris, the entire group had decided not to share the loot among the four but rather each person with what they won.

Megumin, Darkness and Uraraka: Two million?!!

Silence filled the guild hall, all eyes were glued to the Dryad at the mention of such an outrageous amount of money that he possessed, everyone knew what it meant that he had enough money to live without problems for a while.

Uraraka: W-What do you plan to do with that amount of money?

Izuku: I planned to find a blacksmith since I have in my possession a rare material to make swords. In fact, an idea just occurred to me. Megumin and Uraraka, how about we make a deal?

Megumin: What kind of deal? (He said squinting)

He's not going to deny that he's not interested in Izuku, but he still had to be cautious.

Uraraka: Yes, what kind of thing was it about? (said a rather blushing Uraraka)

Thinking of various erotic scenarios just like Darkness.

Izuku: If you both learn some spells I have in mind, I'll buy you some magic items. What do you think?

Uraraka: What's the trick? (She asked a little confused by such kind of treatment)

Izuku: The trick is that I'm not really sure if I'll be able to teach them the spell correctly. Take it or leave it, that's my offer. (I said crossing my arms)

It took a couple of minutes for them to finally decide whether to accept the deal or not. In the end they accepted.

Outside a strange looking store, some time later.

After asking around for a while, Izuku got directions to this secluded store. According to rumors, the owner was an eccentric woman who was known for buying practically anything that was not ordinary, even if it was useless; that included rare equipment and magic items. Although there was one more reason why Izuku had chosen this place.

(This should be Wiz's store)

Megumin: Are you sure you want to shop here? (She asked with a touch of curiosity)

Izuku: Yes, I'm sure, and here I could buy those magical accessories that I promised you both.

Megumin: Wait! Accessories?! Like a ring?! (She said she was shy and blushing)

Izuku: Why a ring? Do you want me to put one in your hand? (I said with a playful tone)

Megumin: It's because they are comfortable and easy to use. Don't get the wrong ideas. (She said with a red face)

Izuku: I'm not opposed to the idea. (She said with a mischievous smile, as she left the door open for us all to enter)

At such flirtatious impudence, Uraraka and Darkness rolled their eyes. They had both realized that both members of their team felt even a touch of appreciation for each other, although they didn't care much, Uraraka couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Megumin after all, she was also interested in the boy above all. because of how kind and understanding she was towards her, just like Darkness and Megumin, although she couldn't shake that strange feeling of familiarity she had towards Izuku, especially as if they had already met, although not in this world.

(A/N: Sorry for the delay in uploading a chapter, I got really sick last week, so I haven't been able to write much. Well fanfictero101 says goodbye, thank you for reading this chapter.)

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