
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Chapter 011 : A fight ???

« You can try but i don't think you can beat me »

« Beat him girls » Said Murayama

one girl, come running at me with the intention to strike me, i don't move and wait until she is a few step from me, i aim to strike the hand where the sword is to take her weapon, i'm not boorish enough to hurt them but i'm not a gentleman either, i don't want them to fear me , but i'm no pushover and for once, i did not see anything yet so i'm innocent.

The sword came really slowly at me i grab the wrist and took the sword, it all happened in a second or two i don't think that someone from the girls group saw something, i'm not even sure that Koneko hidden behind the tree saw it i let the wrist of the surprise girl go and took a stap in front of Murayama, she is the boss of the group if i win against her the others will probably not attack.

« Sorry if i suprised you all but i will not let you beat me i'm innocent, well i don't think you will let me go without a fight so Murayama do you want to fight one on one if you win i will not move and take the beating without a word but if i win, i walk away Scott free. »

« I can't let you go so i accept, come inside, we will begin shortly we walk, a few second later some girls come toward us saying they already took care of my two « friend s»

While we walk i see Koneko texting something to Rias .

We enter inside the clubroom Murayama took place on the mark on the ground ( Author i don't know if there can be a ring for the spar, i try to find the answer could not find it if someone have the answer)

the wooden sword that i got from the girl is really light i di some swing in a corner just to be used to it, while i was swinging a lot of people come inside as well Rias, with Kiba and Akeno, Koneko was already inside munching some candy, i did expect Rias and Co but i was not expecting to see Sona Sitri and Tsubaki.

I don't know why they came as well but it's smell like trouble is coming at me full throttel.

Since Kiba was here the girl start to speak between themselves about him, and try to look at him.

« What are you doing come on the mark on the ground let's start, there is too much people here it is not a show »

i walk slowly while smirking to Rias, got in position.

« Whenever you are ready i am. »

she did not talk, she run at me while striking toward my body, avoiding the strike at the last second, i strike very slowly with no strength behind the attack at her shoulder, i suceed with no effort, she still took two step back to find her balance back. I attack at her blind spot, without speed but for her it is too much to follow, she try hopelessly to defend my strike but i start to put some power behind every strike, rising it every time to make her surrender. I strike at every articulation of the body

After two minute she can't even lift her arm to protect her, i stop my sword just before hiiting her head and leave, i let her fall on her knees i walk through the people somme of the girls have shock on their eyes they do not understand how could Murayama lose to someone like me, Rias have glittering eyes like she found something interesting, Sona and Tsubaki looked at me but show nothing.

While i'm walking home in the Occult Research club the group of devil start a meeting about me and discuss on what to do.

« Kiba what can you tell us about hyoudo Issei, we are not proficient enough with sword »

Kiba start to speak.

« Buchou he can wield a sword very well of course Murayama is a girl so it would be a given that she is not strong enough to deal with him but as i could see Issei, played her like a fool, avoiding the attack at the last second rising the strength on every strike, hitting the joint of the body beside the first strike on the shoulder, it is like a teacher educate a apprentices, He was never anxious about the sparring, no matter how she attacked he was relaxed since the beginning of the spar and never lost focus, I don't know, how strong or how fast he his for that i would need to fight we him, but i know that he is use to real sword, and i can add he is use to heavy sword, more than one time he reduce is speed when he struck, he is use to more heavier sword, Murayama stood no chance to win against him none whatsoever »

Thinking about what Kiba said she asked

« If you spar with him are you confident to win »

« I don't know Buchou because if he has a sacred gear he did not use it, i don't think that he is faster than me as a knight, that would be surprising, but there is a possibility that Issei is stronger than me,

i would need, to win against him to use my sacred gear to have a real sword because wooden sword would not get us what we want, we could destroy a wooden sword in one strike on each other that would be useless on us.

How do we ask him i can't go to him and tell « i want to spar with you with real sword let have a go at it »

Rias frown that is true she can't ask that like this

Kiba tomorrow bring me Issei here to have a tchat with him, we will see how it goes.

Author Note : hello , i hope you enjoy the little spar i'm not a writer so i'm sorry if the spar look lile lackluster i'm trying to make my writing skill better every day but it is hard

i have read some comment about the sex scene so i will just say some time it will be hard sex without romance, like humilliation, SM ana*, swallowin* sper* and some time it will be very gentle there will be for all taste i don't want to do just one thing i don't have any problem with any kind of sex (I'm open to any idea to make myself better)

i apologize beforehand if you don't like i will always warn before a sex scene with what it will be i do that for fun so no to read if you don't like the future scene just skip it you will not lose anything so don't worry

thank you for reading me and showing your support

i can write more than 500 word in the author not that is why i post here

second chapter to thank you for the support and also almost 100k view i'm really happy

akeno01creators' thoughts