
Reincarnating as a smallest living Entity in a Micro World

As an ordinary man that is having a depression Zekk wanted to be someone else in life. He wants to change his life somehow but powerless since having his parents died when he was young there is no one he can rely on and develop a depression. As one day he was walking down along the street there is suddenly a clamor above his head as there was a fight that happen to shove a heavy object that came flying down above his head. As he was dying slowly he curses his bad luck and regret not changing as a person as his life came to an end. As he died his soul having been sent into the wrong world by a God that governs his world sending his world to the micro organism world that contain the power of origins of a universe. Having been sent in a micro organism world he reincarnated as a smallest living entity that have an OP power that can change his life and gain power as he ascend his potential and keep perfecting his strength. Let us witness his journey how he survive the darkness of the universe and survive as the strongest.

ZankkaPoonta · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1 -Reincarnation

Zekk is a young man that is 17 years old that is living in a modern world. His parents died in an accident when he was young as a result develop a trauma and became a hopeless young man. Getting envious because of seeing his peers having parents in their life he keep getting hopeless as he can't change his life.

"Why does my life end up like this?" Zekk question himself as he sees parents and their children in a jovial mood around him in school. He goes home dejected instead of oggling around him feeling jealousy.

As he was walking in a street alley on the way home there was suddenly a fight that broke out in a building on 4th floor.

"You fucking maggot all my life you trick me in believing that you only love me" says a woman in her 30s. "No honey you have to believe me i love you more than her" says a man that is her lover or a fucking cheater.

"No go away never come back in my life again" says the woman as she throws all his things inside their house.

Zekk walking below their building did not hear the clamor above as he was listening to music to curb his lonely self.

As the woman throwing all the things of the man. She suddenly throws a shoe that hit the heavy flower pot ceramic that contains sharp metals in their balcony and came flying down from 4th floor building above Zekk head as he was walking unaware of the death that came upon him.


Zekk got hit by a flower pot that contain shards of heavy metal in the head. "AHHHHHH" shouted by a woman in his teens that just got out in a building and sees Zekk bleeding in the head having been hit and stab by metals in the head.

"Shit what the hell happened?" Zekk wonders as he gain a sliver of his consciousness after fainting. He did not know what kind of odd object that hit his head that hurts like hell.

"911 help there is an injured person here in Street X he is bleeding in the head please help and hurry up" said a man that got out after hearing the shout in the neighborhood.

"Shit looks like i will die what a curse life i am living" Zekk says as he feels his consciousness fading away little by little.

"I did not expect to die a virgin and what bad luck is this that kills me, fuck" Zekk curses his life as he always felt the misfortune that happen around him.

"Will i die like this? I did not even have a chance to change my life. Mom and Dad i miss you" Zekk slowly felt his life flashing around in his mind as he regret not living his life to the fullest instead of mopping and feeling dejected.

Weee Wooo Weee Wooo

Ambulance came after 15 minutes and came to rescue Zekk. As he feels his soul leaving his body he sees his body lying ln the cold on earth as he died in 14 minutes before the ambulance came.

"So this is what happens when you die ha." Zekk wonders as he slowly feel the new concept of seeing his body lying and his soul flying in the air.

"Hmmm?" Zekk turns his head on his right as he feels an aura of death coming there as he sees a tall skeleton holding a scythe coming out on a portal. "Come here lost soul i will send you to your destination" said the Shinigami the God of Death that governs his world. "Am i gonna see my parents soon?" Zekk wonders as he slowly walk to the Shinigami.


Zekks soul contracts as the Shingami grab him and soon form a small ball that can float.

"Hmmm a form of a pure Black ball huh" Shinigami collect the different form of souls of the human that died in the world that he governs. "Gotta send him to a heaven to reincarnate his merits is clean" Shinigami said after assesing Zekk whether to send in heaven or hell.


The Shinigami throws the soul of Zekk in heaven but due to having a form of a ball Zekks soul slip as it diverted in a differnt direction.

"Opps what bad luck it slips in my skelly hands now he can only rely on his soul self to navigate a little back to heaven" Shinigami murmur as he sees that Zekk soul diverted a little.

"Fuck i can hear it" Zekk curses his bad luck as he heard the murmur of the Shinigami. His soul flying fast in the void of space as he felt the flashing of stars and sees the world that he live in getting smaller.

As his soul have been protected by a barrier in can travel in the void space in a really long time in the universe.


Zekk wake ups after a long travel in the void as he felt that he arrive in his destination. He bump in a blue color ball that can change the his life and power structure of the world that he currently reside after entering the world of his destination . "Is this heaven? I can see balls floating in different colors maybe i can meet my parents here" Zekk thougth to himself as around him there are balls that have different size that contains different colors.

What he did not know is that his soul having diverted in different direction came flying in a micro world that have power of origins of the universe is this his misfortune or an oppurtunity to change his life?