
I Will Not Let Anyone Take Anything From Me. Not Even Death!

"Raizel!" William reached out to grab his daughter's body which had been cut in half. 

The young beauty eyes were open as she stared lifelessly in front of her. Those beautiful amber eyes that had looked at him mischievously in the past, had lost all of their luster.

"No! Why?!" William glared at the cloaked figure in front of him. "We didn't do anything wrong! Why are you doing this to us?! Why?!" 

"I never said you did anything wrong," the cloaked figure replied. "There's no right or wrong in Death. I don't care if you are a good or bad person, nor do I care if you are poor or rich. Everyone is equal in the face of Death. 

"If that girl didn't die right now, she would have died still once I was done with you. The order of people dying in the Deadlands doesn matter. As long as they die then my work is done."

"I'll kill you!"

"Hah? You? Kill me? I'd like to see you try, Boy."