

'What's goin on?! Shit!'said Marcus while groaning in pain and putting his hands on his stomach.

'I can't believe I died'

'Wait,do I hear myself?'

"Cough! Cough! yes young man you died"said ROB

'Who are you, long bearded old man?' ( Is he kind of powerful being)

"I am who I am and you're right young man, HAHAHHAHA"

"Let's get serious shall we? You died and am gonna put you in another world, in Terra to be specific with 3 special gifts or wishes or powers you want."

"And it doesn't matter what would you do, I don't care since that's out of my jurisdiction"

'Woah old man that's one hell of statements' said Marcus

(I need to chill out this is a big revelation) Cough. cough.

'So what power or gifts I wanted?'

'Right, old man I want

1. Body with Infinite pure energy with perfect control( ahem that's cheating but it doesn't matter, my survival matter most!)

'Is that okay old man?

" HAHAHHAHA wish granted" said old man.

" for your second wish?"

'Oh right for my second wish is Arc of Embodiment with genius level of intellect' said Marcus.( am not so delusional right? Hmn. maybe that's fine "hehe" I want an easy and fulfilling life)

"Wish granted young man" said old man.

"Last wish?"asked old man.

I want a power to summon any anime characters I want said Marcus ( If I can I want to help the weak in that world.)

Wish granted and your soul will be transmigrated to the young master of a banished clan. Have fun and fulfilling life young man.

I don't own anything except my own characters.

Credits to the owners of the name characters and place.

You need to chill out since this is my first time.