
reincarnated with a vampire and Succubus bloodline + a system

They said slow Wi-Fi couldn't kill you...

Itachi101 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs


"it's just a sword," Yami said, seeing all she got from the starter pack was just a low-grade sword.

*host, hurry up. This is your chance to get a lot of D-grade souls.* the system said as Yami looked towards the first demon that came out of its egg.

"I never killed before," Yami said as she looked at the red demon that started roaring at the sky, before it began to look at its eggshells.

*host, you are the weakest this on this island, hurry up and get your self souls to eat so you can strengthen yourself. any longer, and you will be the next thing they eat after their eggs.* the system said quickly

Yami was frightened by the system words and quickly grabbed held her sword in front of her chest.

Waiting until the demon began eating, he stabbed the sword at its neck.

"roar!!" the demon began roaring in pain, once the sword went through its neck.

*pull the sword out* the system said quickly. Yami did as the sword asked as she pulled the sword out of its neck.

The demon turned around as it coughed up blood, but it didn't seem to be dying any time soon.

*fall back, when it jumps towards you. just stab towards it.* the system said calmly

Yami followed its words as she started walking backward. The demon seeing that Yami was thinking of running, jumped towards her.

Yami stabbed the sword forward, making the demon jump into her sword chest first. Yami fell to the ground, not strong enough to hold the demon.

*good job host, now dink its blood and take its soul before it flys away.* the system said as a black soul came out of the demon body.

Yami looked at the soul before she froze. Her hands flew out as she grabbed the soul. She opened her mouth, as she ate the soul.

As soon as the soul entered her mouth, it melted into worm energy as it entered her body.

Yami stuck her tongue out as her eyes rolled backward. She wrapped her hands around herself as she fell backward...

"what was that?" she asked after snapping out of that feeling.

*host, that's soul-devouring addiction. You should learn to control yourself, or else this would stand in your way.* the system said calmly

"I see... what is this thing flowing through my body?" Yami asked

*that's called magical energy. The host is no longer a joke. The host is now a low-level demon.* the system said

"you mean I couldn't use magic before? I really was a joke." Yami said as she looked towards the demon that was in front of her.

*seeing how much of a p*ssy host is, the host should sell the body to the system.* the system said calmly

"fuck you," Yami said as he went on to yell the body to the system.

*host got 1 soul, congratulations host.* the system said calmly

"that does not make sense. How do I get souls from selling body's or items?" Yami asked?

*host, I can then items into souls depending on how much magical energy the body has.* the system said calmly

Yami shrugged as he looked around the beach, which was now full with demons that were eating their souls.

*host, you feel the energy within you, right? Draw it into your sword.* the system said as Yami tried to do as she asked.

After a couple of minutes of trying, the sword was covered by weak energy. Seeing this, Yami began going around the beach, killing the demons before they could finish with their meal.

As Yami killed, she started enjoying the feeling of her sword being stabbed into the heart of a demon, and seeing them try to fight for their life.

Yami wasn't the only demon killing. After the demon finished eating their eyes, they jumped onto the other eggs that were not hatched yet, killed the demons within, and took their souls.

After which, these demons would then start attacking the other demons and take their souls.

After a few minutes of killing and selling the body, she got herself, 11 souls.


A demon with wings suddenly flew down towards Yami. This demon had blue skin with large arms and legs, with the height of a car.

Yami quickly jumped back, dodging the demon that just fell headfirst into the ground.

Tank quickly rushed towards the demon before flying into the sky. she swung the sword cutting off a part of the demon wing.

The demon glared at Yami, seeing that she cut off her wings. Yami didn't stop there and cut off the demon arm. She then stabbed it into the chest, killing it.

*host is low on magical energy. You have 1 minute, worth of energy.* the system said calmly.

"This sword is shocking my energy," Yami said as she spelled the body and took the soul. She also stopped out her magical energy into the sword.

*host should eat the souls until she becomes a low demon lord of the middle level.* the system said calmly

Just as Yami was about to eat the souls, the ground shook as the demons started roaring at the sky. the demon then began running into the forest.

*host eat a soul and grow your wings.* the system said quickly

Yami quickly took out a soul and ate it. Unable to hold herself back, she ate 3 more souls.

*sigh, put energy into your back, after which it souls come on its own.* the system said helplessly at Yami's action.

Yami did as the system asked as she started putting energy into her back. Slowly bat wings grew from her back.

*they are still weak, so hosts must be careful not to break them.* the system said,

Yami nodded as she began to try and control them. Slowly they moved up and down, and after getting used to them, she was able to start moving a few feet off the ground.

*good job, host. But can you hurry? you are the only demon here.* the system said helplessly

"It's not easy learning how to use a new body part. but I seem to know how to do it." Yami said as she flew towards where the demons went.

As she did see noticed that there was a few succubus within the demons that were running. They were the only demons that looked like humans. They were some demons that had the body of a human and the body of bugs or animals.

As for the other demons, they looked like monsters, red skin, blue skin, or gray skin. They were the kind of demons you would see in moves or anime.

"Why are they not attacking each other like before," Yami asked, seeing that the demons that could fly were just flying straight and the demons that could walk were just walking. not causing any problems.

*they are all rushing to enter the deeper levels of hell. The host can see a large mountain in front of her. Within that mountain is a way to enter the deeper parts of hell.* the system said calmly

"so that earthquake must be a signal that it has opened?" Yami asked

*yes, host. it will close in 5 hours.* the system said calmly

"I see," Yami said calmly