
Chapter 462

Cain led the group to the front gates, which were hastily opened to allow their arrival, and got his first look at the inside of M City. It was a simple place, full of wooden structures covered in clay plaster and painted in a variety of neutral colors. Despite being in one of the most dangerous places on the planet, the city really reminded him of Beginner's Valley. Poor, basic and bland were the best ways to describe the city. If you ignored the current condition of the place that is.

The place was an absolute disaster zone. Every house looked run down, there were malnourished refugees everywhere and the city now smelled like fresh blood on top of unwashed bodies, not a pleasant combination.

"It looks like you have had a hard time of things since the change in the Mana levels," Cain says to the Mayor, a middle-aged Magic-type demon, with red feathered wings, who looks more than a little bit burned out.