
Reincarnated with a lazy system!

First time writing a fanfic! Zack who died in our world was given a chance to live again and as a sane person he took the chance. First world: Classroom of the elite (warm-up world lol) Second World: Black Clover this is a wish-fulfilment story!

Ryomen_Sukuna_3063 · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 48- Dungeon Mission


Winds blew as I rode my broom stick going to the location where my first mission as a magic knight starts.


"Well brat, here you go. It seems like some retrieving dungeon mission." Yami said with a bored tone as I nodded.

"Do your best and don't die." He said to me as I nodded.

Flashback end

Ha~ it's just some mission to receive a artefact, I wonder what the clover kingdom's gonna use it for?

The base quite quiet too as Asta, Noelle, Luck, Magna, Finral, Charmy somehow all left leaving me, gauche, Vanessa, Henry, Zora and Yami in the base.

Well doesn't matter, it'll be 6 months before dark triad attacks, as they take away Yami and William Vangeance.

I don't plan on stopping them at all, more like be my guest and do your thing so I can do my thing later on.

Finally I had reached at my location, I was standing in front of a building with a weird structure.

Is it even a dungeon? Sighing I walked around the area, as I observed what and what else was there.

This was a grand magic zone, considering the strong and dense mana. It was near in between space kingdom and clover kingdom.

I soon came in front of a big door, I slowly opened it as I walked in, as I looked around, the doors closed as I looked behind the big entrance I walked through wasn't there anymore.

Interesting, is it a natural thing for a dungeon to shut someone or is something else controlling inside the dungeon? Well I'll figure it out myself.

Third POV

"Alright. You guys ready?" A big muscular man wearing wearing a long-sleeved, black shirt under a brown vest with a raised collar which was torn and shredded. He also wears a pair of brown pants that tuck into black boots. His black belt has a series of diamond shapes and large, rectangular bucklewears a long-sleeved, black shirt under a brown vest with a raised collar which was torn and shredded. He also wears a pair of brown pants that tuck into black boots. His black belt has a series of diamond shapes and large, rectangular buckle.

"Yes sir Damien!" Seven people behind wearing the same uniform like him said with smirk as Damien himself smirked.

"Well let's go and get this artefact! That way sir Dante will promote me." Yes this people were from spade kingdom, their positions were Dark Disciples, they all were devil hosts.

"Sir, it seems a mage from clover kingdom has entered the dungeon as well." A female dark disciple said Damien raised an eyebrow.

"I see, doesn't matter we'll kill him and take the artefact."

With that the eight Dark Disciples entered inside the dungeon alongside Yuta but they don't know what's going to hit them next.

Yuta POV

Absolutely nothing, I didn't find any artefacts or any secret rooms that leads to an artefact.

As I walked, I suddenly sensed eight people with immense mana.

Turning around, I found eight people who were wearing same uniforms. These uniforms…. They're from Spade kingdom!

"Well, well, well. What do we have? A lost puppy?" A tall muscular man said with a smirk as the others laughed.

Typical cliche villain guy who'll get his ass beat in a minute or two.

"Spade kingdom right? Or should I say dark disciples?" I asked with a serious face as the guy smiled, he seemed to be leading the group.

"That's right. I'm Damien, Sir Dante's Loyal Servant." He said as I smirked.

"Are you sure it's not a loyal dog?" I asked as he looked at me with an angry expression.

"Watch your tongue kid."

"Eh~? But I don't wanna."

"Lemme guess you guys are here for the artefact too?" I asked as they all remained quiet as I smiled.

"Guess I was right." I said to them as ice started forming on my hands as my grimoire floated at the middle infront of me.

"Well we're going to fight anyway right." I said as they all put their guards up.

Third POV

"[Ice Magic: Partisan!]" Yuta created several spears of ice as it launched at the eight dark disciples who some dodged and blocked.

"[Earth Magic: Hand Clap!]"

"[Wood Magic: Eight Headed Serpants!]"

Two disciples launched their spells at Yuta who dodged it while freezing some as he launched himself at them with a fast speed before he could punch the two disciples who attacked him, he thrown back with a dragon made out of water trapping him with its mouth.

"[Ice Magic: Ice Time!]" Yuta touched the water dragon, freezing it as it turned into ice slowly.

"Hehe, ice Magic, sad for you but I'm your counter!" Damien said as fire appeared in his hands.

"[Flame Magic: Fire Balls!]" Big fire balls appeared along side with other spells.

"[Wood Magic: Wood Pillars]"

"[Earth Magic: Giant Hand!]"

"[Lightning Magic: Spears of Death!]"

"[Water Magic: Water Dragons Bite!]"

"[Wind Magic: Towering Tornado!]"

"[Stone Magic: Crushing Rocks!]"

"[Mist Magic: Blinding Fog!]"

As they launched their spells at Yuta it compounded with itself.

"[Compound Magic: Elemental Crush!]" As the attack neared Yuta who sweat dropped a bit a sphere formed around his hand before expanding itself.


The spell was destructive as it destroyed half of the structure of the dungeon.

"Hahaha! Would you look at that!?"

Damien laughed as dust settled over the area.

"[Shambles]" Damien eyes widened as he was suddenly infront of Yuta who was unscathed.

"Now, Now, cat got your tongue?" Yuta asked as he tightened the grip on Damien's neck who struggled to get out of his grip.

"[Water Magic: Waterfall Basin!]" As big waterfall came from above Yuta threw Damien at the rest of disciple before jumping up and freezing one of the eight disciples and crushing the frozen body.

"Let's again shall we?" Yuta asked with a smile as Damien coughed.

"Look out, it seems he has spatial magic as well. Go all out for this one!" Damien shouted as all of them nodded.

"Well done insect, you brought us to show our true form." Damien shouted as darkness shrouded their body as horns grew from their heads, black wings coming out from their back.

"50%!" An immense mana burst out of them, as Yuta smiled.

"Well this is going to be troublesome." He said as all seven of the jumped Yuta as they tried to punch him from all sides, Yuta jumped up and roundhouse kicked one of the disciples as he raised his hand up.

"[Ice Magic: Ice Dragon!]" As a big ice dragon roared before heading towards at them as Damien raised his hand up.

"[Fire Magic: Dragon's Roar!]" Damien launched a dragon made out of fire as both dragons clashed at each other.

"[Shambles]" Still having the room, Yuta switched position with a rock next to another disciple as he killed him with a ice sword.

"Second one down."


"[Earth Magic: Earth Golems!]" 20 Earth Golems entered the battlefield as they all charged at Yuta who destroyed with kicks and punches.

"[Calamity: Snowfall]" Yuta raised his hands as dark clouds formed up before a breeze of snow fall appeared confusing the six dark disciples.

"What the? My magic it's disappearing?" One of them said as Damien looked at them confused before looking at Yuta who was smiling.

"What did you do!?" Damien shouted before Yuta raised his hand up as lightning crackled.

"You guys talk too much. Let's end this shall we?" Yuta said before striking his hand down.

"[Lightning God Slayer Magic: Kirin!]" A big dragon made of black lightning, strikes at the six dark disciples killing five of them except Damien who dodged the attack last minute but was heavily bruised.

"Hehe so you dod-" Before Yuta could finish his sentence, he felt an ominous feeling, it wasn't him too. Damien who was feeling pain is now feeling cold shivers in his spine.


Big Lightning strikes down both of them as Yuta felt down on his knees, for the first time he was brought down to his knees.

Slowly he looked up to see a unknown figure, it was pure black, it didn't have a face but had a mouth, it looked at him with a smile.

The unknown stepped forward slowly as lightning strikes down again, as Yuta this time dodged with Damien beside him who was unconscious.