
Just Decimation

June 28th, 1938 – 0630 Hours

The smell of smoke and burning debris hung in the air as the Valorian tanks pushed forward, their heavy treads crushing everything in their path. The first wave of Valorian infantry moved behind them, rifles ready, scanning the area for any signs of Matalebe resistance.

General Raelthorn Graves stood at the command post, binoculars in hand, watching the operation unfold. The airstrike had done its job—many of the Matalebe fighters were in retreat, but there were still pockets of resistance scattered throughout the valley. The gunfire from earlier had quieted down, but Graves knew the fight wasn't over yet.

"Captain Renfield," Graves called, lowering his binoculars. "What's the status of the second wave?"

"They're moving into position, General," Renfield replied. "The first wave has secured the main roads. The second wave will begin flanking the eastern side in a few minutes."