

November 5th, 1939 – London, Britannia

The meeting room in the Britannian Parliament was packed with officials and military advisors. Prime Minister Edmund Hastings stood at the podium, addressing a room filled with apprehension. The Valoria-Nippon Alliance was the sole item on the agenda.

"Valoria and Nippon have forged a partnership that directly threatens the balance of power," Hastings began, his voice firm. "This is not a matter of speculation but fact. Their joint exercises demonstrated their capacity for global reach and military cooperation. What steps do we take to counter this emerging threat?"

Admiral Jonathan Windsor cleared his throat. "Prime Minister, the Royal Navy remains one of the strongest in the world. However, their combined fleets, if allowed to grow unchecked, could present a real challenge. We must expand our presence in key regions—the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Pacific—to ensure Britannia's dominance remains unshaken."