
Reincarnated to the other world [Failed experiment.]

Thi is about a guy who is reincarnated into a game. (I wrote this a while ago and am deciding to post it now, don't expect updates.)

Allshallbe_Bread · ゲーム
3 Chs

2 Race, traits and everything else

As he started to appear again he saw the main menu. He quickly clicked the play button and was brought to the character screen.

"Let's see what I can come up with today." Sin Man-Young said happily and pressed *Create*

The screen came up with 12 different races.

The races were: human, demihuman, orc, lizardmen, elf, angel, demon, Dwarves, Vampires, Undead, Argonian, and Halflings.

In his previous life, he was an Argonian and for him, it wasn't that fun.

After some tought, he narrowed the selection to 4 races.


Race: Human

Buff: N/A

Debuff: N/A

Description: A human has no special powers and no big weakness. A perfectly balanced race.


Race: Orc

Buff: Strong (15% stronger), Tank (10% more health),

Debuff: Slow (10 % speed reduction),

NoBow (Cannot equip a bow)

Description: Orcs are a strong race who live for fighting, but they find that bows are for cowards.


Race: Elf

Buff: ProBow (bow proficiency 10% better than other races), Friends of nature (Learning Nature magic is 10% easier)

Debuff: Fire haters (Learning fire magic is almost impossible), Never go outside (Do not start with a map)

Description: Elf's are a nature loving race that is mostly hidden in the forest of Yura. Elf's hardly ever go outside so it's rare to see one naturally.


Race: Angel

Buff: Good (10+ more favorability when entering a kingdom) Magical EXP (Get 5% more exp than normal), Wings (Can fly)

Debuff: AntiDarkness (Impossible to learn dark magic), Devine (Doing evil on purpose will have a 5% chance to change you to a fallen angel)

Description: Angels are a species that lives on clouds and are rarely seen in the lower world. They are seen as everything good.



After thinking about what he should choose, he decided: "Why not an angel, even with the debuffs it's pretty good, so let's try it!"

As he clicked confirm, another screen showed up. The screen was the trait screen.

There were more than 100 traits, but Sin Man-Young knew exactly which trait he was going to pick.

He scrolled down to the Lucky trait. The distribution read: "Sometimes, things just go your way (Luck 40+). Perfect for me.

Selecting the trait he went to the last screen, character creation.

You got charm by creating your character, you couldn't change it later in the game.

Sin Man-Young had spent 2 hours on the character creation menu, after finishing the character creation his charm score was 92/100.

"That's pretty good if I say so myself."

The angel had long white hair, white eyes, a muscular body, and was 6.4 feet tall.

'Perfect' Sin Man-Young Tought. It's the best he could come up with after 2 hours of working on it.

'What's your name?' The last message read

"Grey, no not that, hmmm... Let's just use my real name"

"My name is Sin Man-Young"

'Welcome to the oasis, Sin Man-Young' The system read.

"Getting reincarnated into The Oasis... It's great"

As Sin Man-Young opened his eyes he saw that he was in the cloud city Olympus.

He looked around for a bit before finally saying: "Status open"

A blue screen appeared in front of Sin Man-Young.


Name: Sin Man-Young

Race: Angel

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Subclass: N/A

Level: 1

Exp: 0/100

Health: 100/100

Mana: 10/10

Strength: 5 Agility: 5

Defense: 5 Intelligence: 5

Luck: 40 (Great luck)

Free points: 0


Buff: Good (10+ more favorability when entering a kingdom)... +2

Debuff: AntiDarkness (Impossible to learn dark magic)... +1

Items: Rusty sword, map, heath potion (Welcome gift),

Status: Healthy

Life: Semi-Immortal (You have 1,000 lives)

Time left to game release:

2 days 21 hours 30 min 10 seconds

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"Oh, I got a healing potion as a newbie gift!

Sin Man-Young said excitedly.

"Everything looks in order so let's get my first quests on." Sin Man-Young said as he started to walk to the entrance of Olympus.

He tought: 'There are angels everywhere.'

He now at the main entrance to Olympus. A guard came up to him.

"Where are you going?" The guard asked

"Outside, I want to explore the world" Sin Man-Young answered.

"You know that it's dangerous to go outside."

[ Attention, if you go out now, you can't come back till you reach level 20, are you ready?]

Sin Man-Young stared at the message before saying: "Yes I fully know, and I'm prepared."

"Fine then, go ahead" The guard moves out of the way and opened the gate.

As Sin Man-Young went out of the gate he quickly started to fall to the world...