
Reincarnated To Another Fantasy World

A sage that reached the peak of magic got backstabbed by his friend with a sword coverd in shit? got reincarnated in another fantasy world with his memories intact and he wants to live in peace away from backstabbing friends

Razel_Ian_II · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Reincarnated To Another Fantasy World

Chapter 0: Another Fantasy World

In this world where sword and magic exist, where magic is used in everyday life, there is someone who reach the peak of magic, that's me, Agustus... One night while I'm taking a stroll for a change of pace, I got stabbed in back with a sword covered in shit. "Fuck you Agustus, you ruined my life!" said by a man with beard allover his face. "ho..how...di..did I ru..ruin your llife?" I said. "YOU STOLE EVERYTHING SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!! MY FAME!! MY SUPPOSED TO BE WIFE!! YOU KNOW I LIKE HER BUT STILL YOU MARRIED HER!! DIE AGUSTUS SUFFER YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" his agresive reply. "Sophie..." my last words before I died.

Or so I thought, I opened my eyes in the meadow full of sheeps."Rei!! It's time to eat" Shout of my this world"s sister have short blue hair with green eyes."Coming!" I replied. That's right, I've been reincarnated to another fantasy world and my name is Rei a 12 years old, I have a Black hair and green eyes and a commoner with immense magical power trying to live in peace.

This world I live now is different in my original world. It is not much developed and it looks like medieval period, it's so beautiful world. " Hey freak!, Your daydreaming again HAHAHA, What a wierdo HAHAHAHA" Said by a boy near my age, he has brown hair and grey eyes. He's Carl son of village-Chief and a bully well-known here in our village. " Hey Carl stop that! dont bully Rei or I'll tell Chief about this" Said by a girl. She's Anne, my older sister. She is 3 years older than me. "He..hey Carl lets go we will be in trouble again if we continue" said by Jeff he has white hair grey eyes and he's 11 years old, Carl's cousin." Ye..yeah let's go Jeff" Carl's reply while running in fear. " You okay Rei?" asked by Anne, "Yes sister, its alright they didn't hurt me" I replyied. " Let's go home" by Anne.

"Let's eat, you two" said by my mother, She is Olivia She has black hair and black eyes, ""Okay mom"" we said. "Are you excited Anne for your Coming of age ceremony?" said by my father, Arthur He has Blue hair and green eyes."Ofcourse Dad, I can finally enroll in magic academy" Anne replyied."I will become a royal mage and protect you from demons!" Anne added. " Isn't that dangerous? you can inherent this inn and live in peace, right?" Mom said. "Hon, Let them choose what they want to be she'll hate you y'know" dad replies. "But its dangerous! and she will not hate me, right Anne?" Mom added, " Yes mom I will not hate you but I will become a mage!" Anne Said confidently,"haysst what can I do to your stubborness" mom sighed. And we all laugh while eating in peace.

In this world if you reach the age of 15 you need to go through in the coming of age ceremony, It is a ceremony where you can get to know what your element is, there is 6 magical elements fire, water, earth, wind, light, and dark. There are other elements you can learn with combining two elements like fire and water elements can be lightning element. You can be admitted to a magic academy

if have two elements you can use, having three is considered genius but there are mages who can use 5 elements and there are four known individuals who have this, the well-known is the principal of Littburg Magic Academy where my sister wants to enroll. There are other academy for swordsman where the principal is said to be the strongest swordsman in the world and said to be on par with the principal of Littburg Magic Academy. Swordsman uses aura a power different in mana, mana is a magical power coming from the world and aura comes from once self. There are a handful who can use both, ofcourse I'm one of them.

There are demons and monster in this world where demons ruled by a tyrant demon king who wants to conquer the world and monster are just being without intellegence and they are violent who will attack regardless of who you are. But there are Beast that have intellegence and holds great power like finrir and dragons. Well as long as they are not interupting my peacefull everyday life I dont really care about them.