
reincarnated princess anna

the 2th princess of floresta gets reincarnated to earth and lives a normal life until she turns 9 then she starts to recover her memories from her past life when she reaches 18 she has got all her memories and goes to eastbrook high school to find someone who was all so reincarnated. READ MORE TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT......

kaylahariana · ファンタジー
10 Chs


when school was over I went outside to wait for my parents to pick me up and again I saw Jordan sitting on the bench and again he looked like he was waiting for someone, so I decided to go sit with him and ask him who he was waiting for he looked kind of surprised that I asked him that and that I was there but he answered his sister she's in the same grade as us. l asked what her name was he said it's Jaylen our names sound alike because where twins then he when he said that a girl come from the side of the building screening sorry I'm late bro! I was so scared I froze in place while I was still frozen Jayden got up and ran to the girl and brought her over to me he introduced me and her and said that this was his sister Jaylen when I heard that name I suddenly jumped from my seat and told her that we where just talking about you, I'm bella James but you can just call me bella or bell, after Included my self she did the same and said she was Jaylen west but yu oh can just call me Jaylen or Jay. when she was finished I said well looks like we are afishaly friends again nice to meet you jay, at that time I had noticed my mom was there the whole time so I said goodbye to Jordan and jay a d went to my mom's car.