
reincarnated princess anna

the 2th princess of floresta gets reincarnated to earth and lives a normal life until she turns 9 then she starts to recover her memories from her past life when she reaches 18 she has got all her memories and goes to eastbrook high school to find someone who was all so reincarnated. READ MORE TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT......

kaylahariana · ファンタジー
10 Chs

a planned meeting

after dion dragged me to the roof he just walked to the edge and said nothing. after sometime in silence I was the first to speak "why did you drag me up here to say nothing?" I screamed. but dion didn't even flinch he just continued to stare into the sky I waited a minute before I went up to dion and pulled him by his shoulder to turn him around, but still he didn't say anything. "fine if you don't want to talk now I'll meet you here after classes are done at 12:00 a.m. sharp if you don't show up then I'll leave you alone but if you show," I posed what I was saying and started to walk to the door that lead to the stairs. when I got to the door I resumed "I'll answer any questions you may or may not have." I opened the door to say one final thing "I

hope you show" un like how i was confident before this sounded like a mix of unsureness and sadness and I think dion noticed it to.

after that talk with dion I went to go get my bags from the entrance to register to the dorm. when I got to front office I registered for a dorm the lady that was working there "MS.Robin" told me " there are no more empty dorms....but there is one that has I student there" when she said that I immediately replied exited to get a dorm. "It doesn't matter i can live with someone no problem!!" ms.Robin looked shocked but quickly came back. "ok I just need you to sign here" I took the pin and quickly signed the paper."now you have a dorm miss james" my face lit up like a Christmas tree with excitement. I told ms.robin thank you and ran to my new home and um packed my stuff, took a shower and went to sleep because we didn't have and classes since it was the first day and the school wanted the students to have time to get everything together.