
Exam/1st Day of School

"Now it's time" I said as I walked in the building. When I finished the written portion I went to the auditorium as Present Mic began to talk, "Hey it's your dj hero Present Mic, come on let me here a yeah." In the audience you could see a blond sexy boy yelling "Yeah" Present Mic then said "That guy gets it" as the crowd began to stay quiet he began to explain the rules until a blue hair guy said "One the pamphlet there are four bots this mistake can't be tolerable of the number 1 school. Also you blond kid sreeming yeah was unnecessary." Then Present Mic said "The fourth on is an obstacle and also you here with the Blondie you here with me got it blueberry head." The crowd went quiet as he continued explaining then they left but he then stopped Thor telling him if anyone messes with him he got his back as a thanks for not making him look like a fool when he asked for them to say yeah like he did. Then when he left to his battle center before it started he lifted his hand up. Most thought he was weird until lightning struck down and a hammer appeared in his hand. "Alright begin" Present Mic said as Thor boosted of everyone thinking he would get disqualified. Then Present Mic told them that battles had no count down. As this happened they ran in to see Thor sitting down while only half of the bots left. Everyone except him were anxious because they had less chances of getting in. As he was waiting while playing Brawlhalla on his switch the zero pointer came out so he just half assedly they his hammer at it blowing it to smitherins. Then the examed ended and he went home. Then when he walked in front of it he saw his step father dead on the floor with words on the wall with his blood saying "join us Thor or you will be next sincerely Loki." He called the cops and was then given the money from his will and bought a house close to the school. He decided he had a new goal now. It was to get revenge. A week later and he got a letter to U.A for getting 540 points 500 villan points and 40 hero points for destroying th 0 pointer saving girl with pink skin. Week/Months later it was the first day of class. He walked in the school till he found 1 A there was a lot of comotion so he just sat in the back not caring when everyone came he detected the yellow catipillar with a human face sneaking behind them so he spoke up. "Hey guys you should shut up the teacher is here" Aizawa was shocked getting detected by a kid so he told them to put on pe uniforms and head out. He told them what they were doing and they were shocked because they wanted to go to orientation. The Aizawa said "Thor how far can you throw in middle school." "700 meters" I said he was shocked but ignored it. "Now use your quirk to throw it." He said "Ok" I said then summon the hammer which was at home "This may take a while" I said then it came so I threw the ball then threw the hammer hitting the ball and made an electrical explosion causing it to go 70,000 meters. The class was shocked and Bakugo was kissed because Thor placed first and he was hogging the attention. So Bakugo charged at him and then Thor tripped him and lightly placed the hammer on his stomach. "WHAT THE HELL WHY CAN'T I GET UP" Bakugo said in rage then Thor said "Because the hammer is really heavy for you since you aren't a good person or worthy." Then he let go as the continued the tests and the scores were.

1.Thor Odinson

2. Momo Yaoyorozu

And the rest canon except Mineta was last

Then Aizawa said he was expelled due to him failing then Thor stepped in and said

"Aizawa you can't do that" then Aizawa said "If you want back in then convince me" I then told him

"If you can carry my hammer then you can expel both of us" Thor then placed his hammer on the ground Aizawa was pulling and tugging. Then gave up saying "If anyone of you pick it up you get an A for the rest of the year." Then I told him slick move but you only get to pick 3 people to do it." So he picked Ururaka, Momo and Shoji. Momo made so pulling machine to pick it up but it broke, Ururaka tried to make it lighter but when she tried picking it up it became heavier as it started to sink in the ground a little then Shoji tired raw strength just to nearly break his arms so. Then Thor picked it up and said "Its My win so he gets to stay." The Mineta ran and hugged him for a thanks. Then school ended and Thor walked home.