
Wall Of Tiberias [9]


Asher turned. His eyes widened as he saw lightning being shot out of Slade's eyes. The corners of his eyes had turned red with visible veins underneath his skin.

His men being slaughtered by the lightning reflected in Asher's golden eyes. Right there, a hundred men fell!

"General Slade!" 

Tigris soldiers roared, swinging their weapons with vigor and aggressiveness as they pushed against the Desolate Wolves.

Slade, still on the back of his horse, directed his lightning towards the distance, destroying four trebuchets and killing about 50 trebuchet soldiers.

Others fled. 

Seeing how the Desolate Wolves put themselves before the dreadful lightning, losing their lives in droves, Asher looked beyond and saw that they were trying to protect the Goshen Longbow Archers and mages.

Sapphira, who was busy blocking the flaming boulders launched by the Tigris trebuchets, couldn't handle it anymore and flew toward Slade.