
Reincarnated into the wrong world

In this story Rory is reincarnated into another world and what he learns is shocks him to the core

lambo_32 · SF
1 Chs


My name is Rory Jones and I have the most boring life. Every day I wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner read a book or two then sleep. I was a really smart kid and I even went through college and got a master's in computer science and got close to my PhD. I was also younger back then and was dumb enough to get mixed up in the wrong crowd. Which eventually got me landed in jail. After that despite my glowing resume. The fact I made one mistake, made it as if I didn't even get a diploma. I ended up getting a low level position at a good business. when something bad happened though of course I was the scapegoat. I was eventually let go, and ended up in a bad spot. I was close to drinking myself into a coma. Then I got a call from the competitor of my previous company they wanted to hire me. I was very surprised and turned out that they wanted to hire me BECAUSE I had a record. The C.E.O. had apparently been a felon before he built his company. He made a habit of recruiting almost exclusively those with records. When I heard this I felt like I could cry. I accepted and was working within the week. They hired me as a low level technician. They were so nice, one benefit was they even had A.A. meetings that were paid for and you could attend at your own leisure. Not long after I got there though some money had been stolen. There was a meeting by the end of the day. The C.E.O. and C.F.O. as well as head of HR were all there I was sweating bullets. Turns out this wasn't uncommon and they instead of asking who did it said if anyone was having money issues or drug problems that they had resources to help them. Not once in that meeting did they get angry or place blame. Near the end though one of the accounting team stepped up You could tell he had some kind of addiction probably multiple. He confessed to taking the money and that it was not for drugs but to pay for a lawyer to fight for custody of his children. The C.E.O. personally thanked him for being honest but he would have the money be slowly taken from his wages and he would be required to go to the next few A.A. meetings. The man looked a little sad but the C.E.O. did something even better. He then and there called up his personal lawyer firm and paid for them to represent the guy. After that meeting I began to realize that I was about to turn my life around. That brings us to now 5 years later when, yeah I have a boring life, but I'm happy with that. Today I head to work where now, I am the Network admin for the building. Not long after I get in I get an alert that someone is stealing money again. I know it's probably another accountant and can guess which one. He hadn't been with us long and we don't openly say what actually happens when someone steals. I immediately called the C.F.O. and she immediately said she would be down for the meeting and to set it after lunch. Before the meeting rolled around though I ran into the accountant who I believed had stolen the money. I stopped him as he seemed to be in a rush. I just wanted to let him know someone had stolen money and the C.F.O. was coming to hold a meeting. He paled and muttered that he couldn't attend because he was sick. I smiled and said that it wouldn't take too long and he would have to attend. I guess from the way I was talking he could tell I knew. Suddenly his eyes darkened. He confessed to have done it but that he didn't want to lose his job or go back to jail. I said that the C.F.O. probably already knew it was him and was going to say he shouldn't worry but he got panicked. He yelled that he couldn't go back to jail. I tried to calm him down but he started running for the exit. I grabbed him and tried to calm him down but he turned and pulled out a gun. I backed up not knowing how he got that passed security. He was telling me to stay back. I complied and started walking backwards. His hands trembled as he held the hand gun. He then accidentally pulled the trigger. Something hit me in the chest with a lot of force. I was knocked to the floor and I could hear the gun fall from his hands. Not long after I heard security burst in and tackle the guy. Everything was going dark. I could hear one of them say to call the police and paramedics. I used what little strength I could to say no and to call the C.E.O. and tell him to fix it so It was that I shot myself and that I didn't want him to get in too much trouble. I could hear them discussing what to do and finally one of them spoke. I remember his voice, he was head of security for the building. He said if this is what I wanted they should at least see what the C.E.O. says. Then everything stopped. Suddenly I woke up, a little confused. That was weird. I thought. Did I survive? I was shot in the chest. Then I tried to looked around. It was as if my neck couldn't move, neither could I seem to open my eyes but I could slightly feel. I was moving, slowly, like I was just simply floating on "water", and being ever so slightly carried forward. I could slightly tell somehow that there were others floating alongside me. Then I stopped moving as if the "water" had carried me to "shore". I still didn't seem to be able to move. I was very confused maybe I hadn't survived. This could also just be a weird coma dream or drug hallucination. Whatever it is I'll just have to ride it out. Then something seemed to "speak" but it didn't seem like I actually heard it but was simply remembering it. "YOU ARE NOW IN THE WAITING PERIOD YOU WILL BE SENT ON IN APPROXIMATELY 200" Is what it said. I was quite confused. What did it mean. The waiting period wasn't hard to understand but waiting for what. I guess to be sent on but what did THAT mean. Sent on where? Finally what did 200 mean. 200 seconds,minutes, hours. Maybe 200 people were in front of me. Then there was a rumble. It felt as if their was a large "wave" that had crashed against the "shore". Then I could feel the water pull me again. I again "heard" the "voice". "The #$_&?!*@+- has been shaken, number 199 to 193 have been displaced. Deploy the anti-loss barrier". The "voice" seemed quite distant. Then I could feel something. Another rumble but this time it was accompanied by a "splash". Some "water" seemed to hit into me. It felt like nothing I had ever experienced then I faintly heard the "voice" again. "Number 199 was not stopped by the barrier and seems to have been lost mark it down as s...". The "voice" got quieter until I couldn't make out it's words. Then everything seemed to start back up again. I groggily woke up. That was quite the weird dream. something about someone named Rory. I looked over at the clock. Shit, I need to hurry or I'll miss the bus.