
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · アニメ·コミックス
72 Chs


We spent the next couple weeks with Cynthia's family and by the end of it I felt they had gotten used to my company. The women in her family were much more kind to me, accepting me completely by the end of our time there, while her Grandfather and Uncle, just accepted my existence it seems. Finally, we decided to leave, as per Cynthia's request we headed back to my home region so she could meet my Dad and friends. 

The journey back home took a couple of months since we booked a fancy cruise back to my region of Kanto. We finally docked at Cinnabar Island where I already informed my Dad and friends I'd be coming back. As we came off the docks, I could see my Dad and his team waving at us. 

"Dad, how are you?" I ask him walking over and hugging him in greeting which he returns. 

"Great, and you? I see you brought home a girlfriend with you," Dad says to me with a quick smirk and turns to look at Cynthia with a smile. 

"Hello Mr. Brinton, I'm Cynthia Clark, Lucas's girlfriend," Cynthia says offering her hand in greeting which my Dad shakes in return. 

"Good to meet you. Here I thought my son would never bring anyone home," Dad says while giving me another smirk making Cynthia chuckle as I roll my eyes. 

"Lucas, you know the way home. Lead the way, while your girlfriend and I get to know one another," Dad says as I just sigh and nod my head. 

My team is catching up with Dad's team, as Cynthia's team is getting introduced to my Dad's team. My Dad and Cynthia are getting to know one another, while Ralts is looking around in fascination along with Milotic since neither has seen my original home before. Finally, we arrive back at my childhood home, where our Pokémon run off to the backyard, and we go inside to talk. 

"So you both have been the talk of the last few months with all the discoveries you made in the Sinnoh region. Even Oak was telling me about your discoveries," Dad says as he pours us drinks and brings out some snacks. 

We then began talking about our adventures in the Sinnoh Region as my Dad listened on. We spent the rest of the day hanging out at my childhood home, with Cynthia asking all the probing questions about me and my childhood. While my father obliged them and gave away all the embarrassing stories he could think of. The next morning after breakfast, I answered the front door after hearing a knock on it. 

"Lucas!" Lance says pulling me into a hug, as Brock joins the group hug a second later. 

"How've you guys been?" I ask them as we break the group bro hug. 

"Great, but not as good as you've been doing it seems," Lance says with Brock nodding his head. 

"I'm learning the ropes, but should be taking over for my Dad soon," Brock says shrugging. 

"Awesome man," I say smiling at him. 

"Lucas, who's at the door?" Dad shouts to me. 

"Lance and Brock," I shout back. 

"Well, are they coming in?" Dad shouts as I sigh and gesture for them to enter already. 

"Guys this is Cynthia, my girlfriend. Cynthia these are my old friends, Lance and Brock," I say introducing them to Cynthia who was in the kitchen with my Dad enjoying their morning coffee. 

"Nice to meet you guys," Cynthia says smiling at them as Lance nods smiling back, while Brock looks lost in her looks. 

"Brock…," I say staring at him as he clears his throat. 

"Nice to meet you too," Brock says nodding his head. 

For the rest of the day, we all hung out and caught up. Like my Father, both Brock and Lance were more than happy to share stories about me when we first started being trainers. It might seem like it's been long, but it has already been several years since the tournament. 

Brock was the first to leave, as he had his responsibilities back home, while Lance left a bit after him since he had more free time. Cynthia and I then spent the rest of the week at my home before we headed to Professor Oak's place. We went there for two reasons, the first being Cynthia wanted to see his famous research HQ and because he needed to talk to me about the orb I found. 

"Dad, it was good seeing you again," I say to him as we hug goodbye. 

"Love you son and don't forget to keep in touch," Dad says hugging me goodbye. 

"Nice meeting you Cynthia, please watch out for him," Dad says hugging her goodbye next. 

"I promise and was nice meeting you too," Cynthia says as my Dad waves us goodbye one more time. 

Professor Oak's Alakazam then put his hands on both our shoulders, before teleporting us both to Professor Oak's house. Like the first time I was here, Alakazam just immediately wandered off back to his meditation room. At the same time, I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. 

"Lucas! How are you?" Cherry asks me as she opens the door and hugs me in greeting. 

"Good, good, and you?" I ask her as she breaks the hug nodding her head. 

"We've been good. Oh, who's your friend?" Cherry asks me seeing Cynthia standing next to me staring at her with excitement. 

"This is Cynthia, my girlfriend. Cynthia this is Cherry Oak, Professor Oak's wife," I say introducing them as Cherry pulls her into a hug ignoring Cynthia's offered hand. 

"Good to meet you! Come in both of you. Lucas, Blue, and Red are here too. Plus you'll never guess this, but guess you settled down and had a kid," Cherry says as we walk to the backyard to see Blue and Red talking while drinking some sodas. With a toddler running around with both Blue and Red's team entertaining him. 

"Blue, Red, Lucas is here," Cherry says making them turn to see us three. 

"Go ahead and catch up, I'll grab some more sodas," Cherry says before Cynthia or I can answer her. 

"Lucas, long time no see," Red says as Blue nods his head. Cynthia is star-struck since both are almost as famous as Professor Oak due to their connections to him. 

"It has been a while," I say nodding my head and shaking their hands in greeting. 

"Though you've been quite busy, making all those discoveries," Blue says as I smile nodding my head. 

"Someone has to take our job seriously," I say smirking at him as he rolls his eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah," Blue says rolling his eyes. 

"You gonna introduce us, to your lady friend?" Red says giving me an exaggerated look of annoyance. 

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Cynthia, Cynthia, this is Red and Blue," I say to them once again introducing my old friends to my girlfriend. 

"Oh, finally found someone?" Red says with a chuckle. 

"Yeah, I heard you did too and that is your son," I say smirking back at him while gesturing to the toddler running around with the Pokémon. 

"Yep, that's true. That is my son, Ash," Red says as I look over to the young boy who will grow up to become the most famous trainer in the world. 

"Congrats Red," I say patting his shoulder as he nods his head. 

Cherry then comes back out with more snacks and drinks for us. The four of us talk up as Cherry goes back inside to cook food I assume for everyone. As we are talking Ash comes running back over with a very tired look on his face. 

"Dad… I'm tired," Ash says in a small voice though not paying attention to anyone else. 

"Alright come on, we'll head home and you can nap," Red says picking up his son and his team quickly follows after them. 

"I'll see you guys later. Lucas are you staying today?" Red asks me and I nod my head. 

"Yeah, I believe so, as Professor Oak wanted to talk with me," I say as Red nods his head. 

"Good, then see you at dinner," Red says walking off with an already dozing off Ash on his shoulder. 

"Guess, I'll head home too. Have fun with Dad," Blue says standing up and leaving a minute after Red left. 

"See you later," I say as Cynthia and I make our way toward Professor Oak's lab. 

Arriving there I swipe at the entrance and walk inside. No one pays us any mind, but the few who recognize me just give a quick wave or nod hello before continuing. Entering the elevator I swipe my ID again and press the top button to which I'm granted access. 

As the elevator doors open to the top floor, I see Professor Oak in the process of typing away at his computer. He looks very disheveled as if he hasn't slept properly in weeks. We walk inside and see the place looks the same as I was last here, except for the Orb which is held in the center of this room surrounded by different scientific equipment. 

"Professor–" I start to say. 

"Give me a minute," Professor Oak says cutting me off. 

Cynthia is looking around this place in awe seeing the personal lab of Professor Oak. I walk over to the Orb and inspect it, seeing nothing has changed since I last saw it. Then I look at the notes written down nearby talking about the different tests he ran on it. 

"What's that?" Cynthia asks me seeing me by the orb. 

"The latest project Professor Oak has been working on," I say seeing that none of the tests he has been running has given him anything to work with. 

"Lucas, glad you made it. I'm gonna need your help with a few tests. As they require someone with your abilities. I would have used Alakazam, but he informed me that if a Pokémon interacts with it, it could have unforeseen consequences. Though if you do, they shouldn't happen or the possibility of them happening is much lower," Professor Oak says shrugging his shoulders. 

"That's reassuring," I say sarcastically. He just waves off my worry, before turning to Cynthia. 

"So, you two are a thing now. Figures, though if you trust her, then she can remain," Professor Oak says while pushing some of the machines away and bringing over different ones. 

"What is happening?" Cynthia says as Professor Oak prepares for his new tests, which he seems to want to do right away. 

I quickly explained to Cynthia the discovery of the Orb in the mountain she found. That Professor Oak and I decided to keep its presence to ourselves until we find out more about it. Though now Cynthia is part of the small group of people who know of its existence. 

"Are you sure we should be messing with this… thing?" Cynthia says as Professor Oak does his final touches. 

"Not at all, but science is about pushing the boundaries. Though that doesn't mean I haven't taken the proper precautions or the very least the most I can do should this blow up in our faces, literally or not," Professor Oak says shrugging his shoulder and moving me to the spot he wants me to stand. 

"Uhh…" Cynthia says feeling very worried now. 

"Relax kid, I've been doing these things for decades. I know what I'm doing," Professor Oak says dismissing her worry. 

"Now, Lucas. I want you to reach out to the Orb with your abilities. Though the second you feel you need to pull back don't hesitate. I believe whatever this Orb is, it has to do with what is inside of it," Professor Oak says as I stare at the orb and look worried. 

'Ah shit, am I about to wake up Giratina,' I think to myself as Professor Oak is giving me an excited look, with Cynthia looking between me and the Orb with worry. 

"Ready when you are," Professor Oak says motioning for me to start. With a heavy sigh, I reach out to the Orb. 


AN: Out of curiosity, if I opened a p@tre0n page, would anyone be interested in it? In the beginning, it wouldn't be really anything good on there. Not until I can atleast make enough to focus more on writing.