
Reincarnated Into The Walking Dead

A young man transmigrated into the world of The Walking Dead. Author note: THE START IS WITH AI, BUT AFTER RECEIVING COMPLAINTS, I STARTED WRITING IT MYSELF. JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR. Tbh, I don't know where I will take this. I will just go with the flow, take some inspiration from other novels (if I can find a good one...). What you have to know that there won't be any NTR or incest, but there will be R-18; R-18 includes sex scene and some gore; there won't be yui or yaoi, you can call me homophobic I don't care I won't write gay sex scenes. I don't know about harem yet, at the moment I'm only thinking about giving MC only one girl, but it may change. Don't except regular updates, as even writing the first chapter took me a long time. Also, the world of Telltale's Walking Dead and the TV series will be merged together.

Sore_Eros · テレビ
38 Chs

Chapter 31

I watch as Maya jogs over to Sophia, then come back to our RV, rushing past me. I think they'll be either playing a board game, or play with the barbies I found for Maya and Clem. Speaking of Clem, I look around for a few seconds before I see that Lee and Clem are speaking with each other.

I walk over to them them. "Hey." I greet them simply. Lee nods, and Clem says, "Hey, Poul."

"Clem. Uh, Maya is playing in our RV, she is with the little girl from the group we took over. Do you want to play with them?"

Clem's eyes sparkle and says, "Yes!" She stands up quickly from the log she sat on, and runs inside the RV.

"What's up, Lee?" I ask him after Clem closed the door of the RV.

"Are we really forcing them to join?"

"What? No. We gave them the choice. Leave or join. It's not forcing if there's a choice." I say with a shrug.

"Yeah. That's kinda true." He says and looks away.

We stay silent for a while before I speak up again. "I'm doing for us, you know that, right? I'm doing this for the group."

"Yeah, I know." He says with a smile.

"The world has gone to shit. Well, it's not like it wasn't shit before, but there was a limit, where even piece of shit people like me said 'enough' to. But now? *scoff*...Remember our run 6 weeks ago?"

"How could I forget?" He says with a deep, sad, and angered voice.

What happened you may ask. I say, you don't want to know. But you want to know regardless of my warning, so I'll tell you.

Me and Lee, alone, because Kenny decided to split up with us, were looting a school we found. It wasn't a regular, since it was hidden, and it was for special ed kids.

I guess you already know where this is going.

We found a guy hiding, ready to attack us. I didn't waste time and shot the man in between the eyes.

Later, after going inside one of the classroom, we found a walker, who used to be a special ed kid. A small girl; seemed fresh, not even rotten yet.

Her body full of bruises, and white sticky liquid all over her body; in her hair as well. We immediately came to the conclusion that the son of a bitch I shot raped the small girl, then killed her not long before we came here. I don't want to go into too much detail, as it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

We put the the girl down, and made a grave for her. We didn't know her name, but we made a cross out of couple of planks, and wrote 'Rest In Peace' on it, and buried her.

We didn't talk about it, didn't even mention it until now. I just wish I gave the man a more painful death. If only I knew...if only I knew.

Me and Lee speak for a few more minutes before I decide to walk around the camp. After some time, I hear the shouting of Ed. Instantly, I knew what is happening, and my blood starts to boil.

I walk back to my car, and take out golf club I have in the trunk, and walk where Ed and Carol is.

Arriving there I see that Ed is punching Carol, trying to hit her face but she's protecting herself with her arms. Going there, I saw that others were hearing it but they did nothing. Bunch of fucking cowards. Don't fucking worry, me, I'm gonna turned them into fucking badass motherfuckers. All of them.

Grabbing the golf club tightly in my hand, I make my way to the trash in front of everyone.

When he hears me walking toward him, he turns around, but he before he could say anything, I swing my melee weapon to his head. The steel end of the club hits him on the cheek, causing him to stumble backward. I don't give him time to recover and kick him in the stomach, causing him to bend down, clutching his stomach.

I swing the weapon down, hitting him on the back of the head. He falls on the ground, grabbing the place where I hit him; now bleeding. I don't stop and starting hitting him constantly on the temple, in front of everyone. I don't stop for a second, a few hits later blood spurting on my face, and the steel end now colored red.

Suddenly I hear someone running toward me. The person grabs my shoulder. "It's enough! He's already dead!"

I turned around and see that it is Carley. I breathe heavily after hitting continuously; she gentle wipes the blood from my face with a tissue. I gulp with a dry throat, and nod my head. We walk away from the dead body.

Everyone looks at me in either fear or awe. For example, Lori looks at me in fear, but her son, Carl, is looking at me in awe; probably also in gratefulness as the guy was abusing his crush, Sophia.

Looking back, I see that Carol is crying, most likely in relief as her human waste husband is now dead and can live free from abuse.

I look over at my group, "3 days. Give them 3 days to get ready, and we'll be moving." I say before getting in my car; they nod in response.

Inside the car, I cover my face with my hands, sighing. A few seconds later, I ruffle my hair, then get out of the car.

I light a cigarette. Taking a long drag, I see Katjaa walking to me. I exhale the smoke before she gets in front of me.

"Why did you...kill him?" She asks while taking a big breath mid sentence.

"You didn't hear it? He was beating his wife...with fists. He was human trash. No reason to be left alive." I said as I took another drag from the cig.

"I see..." she says with a tired sigh and leans against my car.

I nod, taking a moment to look at her before chuckling dryly. "Well, I hope I didn't scare you off with that little display," I say, trying to lighten the mood.

Katjaa smiles slightly. "No, you didn't scare me off. Just... surprised me, I suppose."

I flick the ashes off my cigarette and offer her one, but she politely declines. "You know, sometimes the world forces us to make tough decisions," I say, looking at the burning tip of the cigarette. "We just have to have the courage to make them, no matter how hard they may be."

Katjaa nods in understanding. "I get it. It's just... it's a different world now, isn't it? We have to adapt, even if it means doing things we never thought we were capable of."

I take one last drag from my cigarette before putting it out on the bottom of my shoe. "Exactly. We can't afford to be soft anymore. We have to be tough, for ourselves and for the ones we care about."

We stand in silence for a moment, before Katjaa breaks it. "Well, I should probably go check on Duck. He's probably getting into trouble somewhere."

I chuckle, nodding. "Kids will be kids, right? Just make sure he stays safe out there."

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm orange glow over the camp, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.