
Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

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TouchSomeGrassBruh · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Chapter 13: Team Rocket [1]




Betrayed by my comrades in the military, I emerged into the world of Pokémon as the scion of Silph Co, an empire that casts its shadow over the entirety of Kanto and beyond. My father, a titan among men, possessed a rare blend of wisdom and audacity, wielding power like a master craftsman. But his power was not enough; I hungered for more, a thirst for dominion that burned within me like an unquenchable flame.

The Pokémon Leagues of every region shall kneel before my indomitable will, crumbling like ancient monuments beneath the weight of my ambition. From the verdant forests of Viridian to the icy peaks of Snowpoint, none shall escape my gaze. And when the dust settles, when the last champion falls, I shall turn my attention to the very gods themselves—the Legendary Pokémon.

With Silph Co at my back, I shall forge an empire that spans the horizon, a kingdom of my own design where I reign supreme. The world will tremble at the mere whisper of my name, for I am not bound by the laws of men or Pokémon—I am bound only by my desire to rule.


Start Of Chapter 13.....




In the morning, when I woke up, I was sleeping alone in the King-sized bed with a small paper which had some words written on it.

It was from Jenny, she wrote: "I'm sorry, but I have to leave early because I need to go to work now. Thanks for everything!"

Reading this, I kinda felt sad that she left like this, but since I can't do anything, I just shrugged it off and then took a long shower as my body reeked of sex and that of love juices.

After 30 minutes, I got out of the bathroom with a satisfied smile as I started to wear clothes that consisted of a white and red cap with a Pokéball symbol that my mother personally sewed for me. I also wore a white jacket with a red collar and cuffs with black pants and white sneakers shoes.

After I was done wearing my clothes, I headed out of the motel and went to a relatively popular restaurant called "Hekrosm Restaurant."

I ignored the weird name of it and just ordered an avocado egg toast and ate it.

After eating, it was still early in the morning, at 8 AM, so I headed to some empty park in Viridian City where I started to train my Charizard.

Even though my Charizard is really powerful and could rival even an elite four's Pokémon, it was still my habit to train him daily.

Though I said that, I didn't train him in any of the powerful fire-type moves because I know he can burn the whole park down if he really used his powerful fire-type moves. So, that's why I avoided it and just trained his body.

While he is certainly powerful, his physical body isn't that powerful and can't withstand physical moves that are done by powerful ground/rock types, so I trained him in that regard.

For the next 3 hours, I trained his physical body but while he was training, I didn't slack off and did some intense workouts to motivate him more.

And after training for 3 hours, we ended the training, and then I called him back to his Pokéball and started to make my way toward the Pokémon Centre.

On my way, I saw a lot of normal people with Pokémon that could be useful for everyday life and smiled upon seeing that and continued to make my way.

And after some time, I finally arrived at the Pokémon Centre. Entering it, I was greeted by the sight of Nurse Joy at the counter.

Since my Pokémon weren't injured, I just went to the corner where a lot of benches/chairs were placed for trainers to sit on and I sat on one of them.

While I sat on a chair, I couldn't help but reflect on all of the things I've encountered being on a journey, and it made me smile.

And as I was so lost in my own thoughts, I was pulled back to the real world by the shout of an annoying trainer with a Pikachu.

And it was none other than our friendly neighborhood, Ash Ketchum, the future champion who beat the champion of the Galaxy region, Leon.

"Please help!" A trainer with spiky black hair that was covered by a red and white cap with an L sign came with a heavily injured yellow mouse known as Pikachu.

"Isn't that a Pikachu? Of course, we'll help!" Nurse Joy said as she typed something on her computer before a Chansey came with a stretcher.

"Chanseyyyyyyy," Chansey chimed in as she took the Pikachu from Ash's hand, and then Nurse Joy and Chansey headed inside while Ash looked down, feeling quite guilty.

Seeing this, I walked toward him and greeted him, "Yo! Ash, aren't you late to arrive in Viridian City?"

I said with a smile as Ash looked at me with surprise evident on his face as he said, "Izana! When did you arrive?"

"I arrived yesterday! And what happened to that Pikachu?" I said as I pointed at the operation room.

"He... is my starter Pokémon and he became heavily injured when he protected me from a hoard of Spearow." He said with so much guilt that I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Oh, sorry to hear that! Hope he recovers quickly and you don't have to dwell in guilt. He protected you so, he wouldn't want to see you in this state." I said as Ash gained an enlightenment as he thanked me and then we both went near the chair and sat on it.

For some time, it was quiet as no one talked and then Ash stood up and then headed toward the PC.

"Are you gonna call Professor Oak?" I said as he looked back at me and said, "Yeah! I want to tell him I arrived at Viridian City."

Then he called Professor Oak and then everything went according to the plot as Ash told Professor Oak what happened and then to the bet that Prof. Oak made with Gary.

And as he was about to end the call, I came forward to the PC and didn't let him end it.

"Yo, Professor! How are you!" I said as Ash left and went to sit on the chair that he previously sat on.

"If it isn't Izana! You also arrived at the Viridian City? How fast." He said with a kind smile as he looked at me.

"Yeah! Actually, I arrived here the previous day but because I was so exhausted from my journey, I couldn't call you to inform and just slept." I said as we both talked for some time before I ended the call.

Nurse Joy also came after I ended the call and was asking Ash why he was in such critical injuries and blah, blah, blah, it all went according to the plot.

And as she was interrogating Ash, suddenly, the light went off as it focused on two people.

One male and one female. The male one had sky-blue medium-length hair that reached up to his shoulder and the female one had long purple hair that was styled in an unusual way.

Both of them were wearing white-colored uniforms with a big "R" sign written in red, bold letters.

♪ Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right! ♪

At the end of their introduction, a talking Meowth came out of nowhere and said it.

I didn't interfere in their introductions as I really wanted to hear it in real life and for Ash and Nurse Joy? Well, I don't know about them.


(A/N: Hoho, Team Rocket finally came on stage. Now what will happen to them?)


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