
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Tsunade broke rules and Bunpaku is ashamed

"Are you going to kill me Sword Goddess?" Bunpaku resigns to his fate.

"No... You are now Konoha's bargaining chip... I never intended to kill you... But you will never escape Konoha as long as I live... Dark Release... Chains of Gehenna..." Akame uses one of her newly made techniques and binds Bunpaku's Chakra and body.

"You will not be able to use Chakra or your body for as long as those chains bind you... Don't worry... You are just paralyzed from the neck down due to my technique. Once I remove the chains of Gehenna you will be back to your old self... Pray that your Village will do anything to get you back..." Akame uses the end of the chain to drag Bunpaku across the battlefield while causing a storm of blood and gore.

"HOORAHHH! The Sword Goddess has taken the enemy Jinchurki hostage! Advance!" A Konoha Elite Jonin who is a commander on the battlefield raises the morale of his troops and they all charge toward the Suna Puppet Brigade ignoring the poison in their system and gathering the resolve to take them with them to the grave.

Explosions ring out across the battlefield as the 5th Battalion use suicide bombing tactics.

'idiots... But they are idiots I am proud of... 5th Battalion I will remember your sacrifice...' Akame continues dragging Bukpaku through the dirt and throws him into the command tent.

"I got ourselves a bargaining chip... My chains have paralyzed him from the neck down temporarily and he can't use chakra... What do you plan to do Shikuma?" Akame sits down on a chair while petting Bunpaku's head as if he were a pet.

"For now nothing... We need Suna to lose much more before we bargain with them..." Shikuma rubs his beard while thinking.

"I could go back out there and cull their numbers..." Akame throws in her two Ryo.

"Tempting but you are the only one of us that is immune to their poisons and the only one strong enough to help when things go south... So for now we can't have you exhaust yourself by killing fodder..." Shikuma shakes his head.

"Well... That's a drag..." Akame can't help but act like a Nara in this situation.

"Yeah, it's a drag... Wars are just so annoying..." Shikuma sits down and drinks some cheap Sake.

Akame was about to reach for a Choko full of cheap Sake but someone surprised her and she knows the Chakra signature very well.

~Woosh~ Tsunade out of breath charges into the command tent making all of the Kage-level shinobi in the tent glare at her because only Kage-level Shinobi are allowed in this tent.

"Akame... Hah... Hah... I love you!" Akame drops the Choko with wide eyes.

"You ran all the way here going through Suna and Mist Shinobi destroyer squads just to say that!? Are you an idiot little girl!" Tsunade's Uncle glares at his Niece.

"Are you trying to give me and my brother a heart attack!? You foolish little girl! This is a time of war! What if something happened to you!? I could never live with myself if something happened!" Saji Senju roars at Tsunade making her shrink her head into her shoulders.

"But... But... Akame is here too..." Tsunade is still an immature teen and doesn't realize why Akame is in this tent.

"Akame is a High-Kage Shinobi who is close to Super Kage! She has earned her place in that seat! You don't understand the rules of our village, do you!? You are just a Genin! You broke the rule of war in our village! No villager or Genin are allowed out of Konoha! Your grandfather and granduncle made this rule so that children won't have to go to war! I could take your headband right here and no one would say a thing in protest!" Saji Senju breathes in and out and then huffs and looks away.

"But Genin are considered adults!" Tsunade argues back.

"Yes! But they can only do adult activities! Not go out in a war!" Saji sighs.

'Things sure were different in Konoha during this time... In the future Genin will have no choice but to go to war...' Akame quietly drinks cheap Sake.

"Tsunade... I'm touched that you are romantically attracted to me... But there is a time and place for confessing your love... I will have someone escort you back to Konoha... And... I like you too... But you broke Rule 3 of the War Time commandment... We will talk later after the war okay?" Akame whistles loudly.

"Yes Commander Akame?" An Anbu who was guarding the area rushes in.

"Get a squad to escort Genin Tsunade back to Konoha and report to Hokage-Sama that Tsunade sneaked out during War-time... The guards must be Anbu... I'm sure you understand why I'm asking for an Anbu squad to escort her..." Akame says.

"The Senju Princess... Yes Commander I will have one of our best squads escort her safely! We will put our lives on the line to ensure she returns without a scratch!" The Anbu grabs Tsunade and body-flickers away.

"What a Drag..." x2 Akame and Shikuma glance at each other and chuckle.

"So... You and my niece huh... That's unusual... I've seen a few couples be they two men or two women but it's quite rare... I was hoping for some grandnieces... But I suppose it's up to Nawaki then!" Saji laughs good-naturedly.

~Sniff~ Everyone in the room couldn't help but sniff the air and zoom in to the smell and see Bunpaku that is blushing in shame.

"Ah... Right... Humans have to urinate... I no longer have to worry about such things... Ahem... I am sorry Bunpaku... It must be very embarrassing to wet yourself..." Akame snaps her fingers and a medical Kunoichi comes in.

"Ahem... Take care of Bunpaku as if he were a toddler that wets and poops themselves... And sorry to have to make you take care of him..." Akame coughs in embarrassment since she forgot that humans need to pee and poo and now it seems truly weird to her... Another sign she is no longer human.

The Kunoichi has a strange face... Sure she has done this before with hospital patients but it's her first time taking care of an enemy in such a manner.

"Yes, commander... Does he have any Dietary issues? Is he allergic to anything?" Akame looks at the Kunoichi and ponders.

"Bunpaku is capable of speech so just ask him..." Akame goes back to commanding the armies of Konoha ordering some units through telepathy seals on what to do.