
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Breakfast, Unsuccessful Thief and midnight dinner

'Where am I? I have been stuck here for I don't remember how long…' A soul keeps asking this question quite often as she waits and waits.

"Huh what is a soul doing here?" A strange light flashes and appears before this soul.

"Who are you?" The soul asks with confusion in an emotionless voice.

"Well, I'm a Goddess… Oh, I see… Your life is quite tragic… you were abused for as long as you can remember and became a soldier to escape your abusive and neglecting family. and to answer your question I'm a Goddess of Chaos and like reincarnated people to my favorite universes for fun." The Goddess of Chaos giggles with an amused smile.

"I see. I have a few requests then…" says in an emotionless voice.

"Oh? Which are?" The Goddess asks with a strange smile that unnerves the soul.

"I want to reincarnate in the Naruto Universe as Uchiha Madara's Granddaughter he doesn't know of my existence. I want to be at the Kage level from the start with EMS. I want Immortality so I won't die or age. I want to look like Mimiko Uchiha in Wolf Sage Mode that Reaper Uchiha created I found his creation on the Fanon page and was entranced by Mimiko.

I want a Black Shalltear Bloodfallen Mask along with Murasame that can be summoned from a tattoo on my shoulder. I want to start at the age of 8 just before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. I want a large Arsenal of Genjutsu that is extremely powerful that people can't crack without considerable effort.

I want Dark Release Lightning Release Fire Release Wind Release and must have all A and S rank Jutsu for all releases. I want mastery-level swordsmanship Skills I want all of my host's memories so that no one doesn't think I'm an imposter but I also need the host to have the same personality." the soul is cut off by the goddess.

"Alright alright, Enough! You can have all that now off you go!" The Goddess says with vexation.

"I was just getting started." the soul's voice echoes with an emotionless tone.

"You've already asked too much your lucky I've given what was listed already!" The soul hears the goddess's voice echo.

*Gasp* Akame Uchiha wakes up she who should have died in her sleep.

The souls of Claire and Akame are combing and creating a new person who is clutching her head in pain from all the memories she is seeing. Claire now Akame sends a cold gaze at the wall and sees Murasame that she wished for along with the black Shalltear mask.

Akame has always been cold without showing much emotion her childhood traumas have made her close off her heart and Claire had similar experiences of abuse and neglect. Akame shows a confused gaze wondering why the Uchiha would do such things to her. Akame doesn't feel hatred for her clan it's more cold and emotionless as she simply doesn't care about them.

She takes wobbly steps to Murasame and Shalltear mask and it becomes a tattoo on her shoulder. The tattoo has a blade with a mask in the background.

'I have already experienced this... So now all I gotta do is get breakfast from a garbage can or whatever they use as garbage cans...' Akame notices she is malnourished and from the memories can see Akame's parents were executed for being related to Madara but the clan spared her as they didn't want to kill a child that doesn't even know what was going on. It didn't stop them from neglecting her.

Akame snuck into the forest and dug up her father's grave and gouged out his eyes after a while she observed Konoha Hospital and became pretty good with medical ninjutsu and so she did the surgery on herself and gained EMS. Such memories didn't get Akame angry she simply went about her own day and found some leftover noodles from a Garbage container.

"Hey, why are you eating that it's so disgusting!" A white-haired boy of the same age as her shows a disgusted look. Akame sends an emotionless gaze at the boy.

"Because my clan refuses to feed me any food and doesn't give me water... Go away and mind your own business." Akame eats the leftover noodles with only her hands with her back against the wall.

Tsunade has wide eyes at the Uchiha and wonders why she isn't being taken care of. Tsunade sends a gaze of pity toward Akame. Akame is used to such gazes as she has experienced them countless times in both lives she has lived.

People are more concerned with themselves and only send gazes of pity or give half-hearted acts of kindness. Of course, the half-hearted act of kindness usually comes in lieu of the form of food which she would never turn down as food is food. Take what you can get is her motto.

Now night time Akame decides to steal food from any place possible. She sneaks into the Sarutobi compound and rummages through the pantry. The lights come on and there stands a confused Hiruzen with Monkey King Enma in the form of adamantine staff. The first thing he noticed was that she is an Uchiha the second thing he noticed was how malnourished she looked and the last thing he noticed was the tattoo just below the shoulder.

"You do realize you are robbing a citizen of Konoha right? I could take you to the second Hokage and you will be punished." Akame narrows her eyes and summons Murasame and the Shalltear mask is automatically attached to her face.

"Calm down little girl I won't do that. But I gotta ask why are you stealing food? Doesn't your clan feed you?" Hiruzen gives a look of pity already knowing the answer. It's obvious from the state her body is in.

"The Uchiha executed my parents just because they are the daughter and son-in-law of Madara... Most would think I wouldn't remember such things but I remember very clearly. They refuse to feed me or give me water... I mostly eat leftovers from trash bins. I decided to try my hand at stealing things that are actually nutritious. No need to give me a look of pity... I am used to being neglected and have been used to fending for myself since I was four." Akame goes back to raiding the pantry not caring that Hiruzen is right there with a baffled look.

She starts to make a midnight dinner using vegetables some unknown meat and rice. She serves a bowl to Hiruzen as a courtesy since she technically stole the food. Hiruzen is surprised that she can make such a tasty dinner in fact it's the best thing he has tasted in his whole life.

Unknown to him Akame has memories of Claire and Claire learning to cook from a 5-Star chef. She is nowhere near the chef's level but she makes better food than anyone in this world that is for certain.

"hmm, three meals a day plus snacks it would be a live-in position and cover school fees. So what do you think about being a maid for me and cooking all my meals?" Hiruzen gives a smile deciding to help the little girl while also not having to clean his house and get to eat delicious meals. Akame drops her chopsticks in shock even though her face is cold and stoic. Her body language gives her away though.

"...Why go so far for someone like me? You are basically giving me a chance at a real future... So why? Don't tell me you seriously only want me to clean this dump but also make your food? Is that really all?" Akame starts to have a gloomy aura around her.

'Nothing is free, especially in this world...' Akame sighs and thinks on the matter for several minutes.

"Fine but I can leave whenever I want." Akame throws in her demand with an emotionless voice.

"That's fine. Glad to have you um what's your name? I am Hiruzen" Hiruzen forgot that he didn't give his name or know her name.

"I am Akame... Akame Uchiha." Akame decides to occupy a room without consent making herself at home while Hiruzen has twitching lips and a twitching eyebrow at how she is already taking advantage of him... Because this is his room. Hiruzen goes and sleeps on a chair.

Don't know when the next chapter will be out as this is planned writing and I am taking things slow so the chapters come out better.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Crimson1997creators' thoughts