
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

Ctrlaltpgup · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs

45 Casual Day of a Villain

After the brief exchange among the executives.

"The executives are certainly filled with a strange kind of people," Otto remarked while chilling in Edelweiss' private space since he didn't have any other room to go to.

"Mmnn, yes," she replied, looking at Otto, who didn't seem to have the eyes of someone who had experienced any hardships in their life.

"All of them are criminals famous all over the world, after all," Edelweiss added, while baking an excessive amount of sweets.

"Why are you adding so much sugar?" Otto questioned, concerned that Edelweiss might end up feeding him diabetes.

"It's not that much."

"No, it is... If you think it's not enough, then you must have a really sweet tooth, huh?"

Otto learned that the World's Strongest Swordswoman unexpectedly enjoyed making sweets, as her expression was not the same as he had seen before.

"I've usually added this much sugar ever since I learned cooking in my childhood days," she explained, her tone becoming sullen as she delved into the topic of her past.

"You don't have to explain further," Otto replied, understanding her troubles and assuming that her family had abandoned her because she became a criminal.


"For what?" He shifted his gaze to her.

"For forcing you to be a part of this organization," she confessed, feeling guilty for using Otto's desperation for knowledge to persuade him to join.

"No need to feel sorry—?" Otto's words abruptly stopped for a moment.

"Seduce her," Brynhildr suddenly whispered to him...

'Not this again...' He rolled his eyes as Brynhildr's perverted behavior acted up once again.

"She's also Brynhildr too, you know. Think about it, if the Strongest Swordswoman were to become your girlfriend, what would the world think of that?"

Brynhildr's words annoyed Otto, who looked away from the direction of the two women.

'Did she become my intrusive thoughts? I'm not going to lie, but Edelweiss is kind of my type. In my own opinion... I'm not going to cheat or anything.' He thought, before picking up a piece of Edelweiss' homemade sweets.

"Is there something wrong?" Edelweiss asked, her worry evident about his abrupt silence.

"No, it's fine," Otto replied, avoiding direct eye contact, which she found strange as it was the first time he hadn't looked someone dead in the eye.

"There is certainly something bothering you. Or did you catch a cold?" She leaned in closer, checking his temperature as her breast was close to his face.

"No... Just a bit too sweet for my taste," Otto said, tilting his head to avoid her bosom.

"Oh, is that so? Then I should lessen the sugar next time, like you said," Edelweiss suggested, backing away and thoughtfully cupping her chin with a calm expression.

"She's clearly trying to seduce you; stop being so dense and take the initiative," Brynhildr murmured into Otto's ears.

'No, she's just concerned... It was also unintentional,' Otto thought, shaking his head in refusal, as he wasn't the type to confess to someone after what had happened in his past life, where he painfully cringed at the outcome.


"The two seem to be enjoying themselves together. I can't wait to have the chance to make him my puppet," Or-gaule playfully stated, noting Otto's strength even though he hadn't fully awakened yet.

"Oh, maybe we can control Twin-Wings properly if she gets too attached to him," Carl Islands proposed, considering the idea as they lacked full control over Edelweiss' decisions. Using Otto might be the key to achieving that.

Meanwhile, Wallenstein couldn't help but wonder if they were being foolish. Going against Edelweiss, who could easily defeat them all even with their combined abilities, seemed like a futile endeavor.

"There's something about that Aizen or Otto guy... It feels off, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm sure the others can sense it too, but they're turning a blind eye instead," Wallenstein mused, feeling uneasy around Otto who was emitting Curse Energy throughout their base.

"Did you hear that the Princess of the Vermillion Empire is going to study abroad in Japan?"

"Fufu, that's all over the news,"

Carl replied, still formulating a plan regarding their new "Executive" member, Otto. He found Otto's abilities very unusual, sensing no magic whatsoever in his presence.

"Isn't this the best time to attack the empire and take it over?" Or-gaule proposed, thinking that the current emperor might become more aggressive now that his daughter was outside their nation.

"Why don't we threaten them by kidnapping Stella Vermillion?" Or-gaule suggested, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to task Otto with such a mission.


Returning to Otto's perspective.

"They're giving me a mission?" Otto tilted his head, a mix of curiosity and determination in his eyes.

"Yes, it's quite simple. They want to see what you're capable of. Your task is to kidnap Stella Vermillion, who will be studying abroad in Japan next month," Brynhildr explained with a hint of excitement.

"Japan... Interesting," Otto nodded, already mentally preparing for his return to his academy for a while.

'Ah, the beginning of my villain arc,' he thought to himself, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"You're not angry?" Edelweiss asked, surprised to see Otto's joyful reaction to the mission.

"No, not at all. I need to return to Japan anyway," he replied matter-of-factly.

"Tell me, do you fight for a reason?" Edelweiss inquired, curious about Otto's motivations.

"A reason... To be honest, I don't have a grand reason for fighting. I don't believe in chivalry or noble causes. Sacrificing oneself for false glory is meaningless; nothing is more valuable than your own life," Otto stated bluntly, his philosophy clear.

Otto wasn't a hero by any means. He believed in using his power for personal gain rather than selflessly helping others. Sacrificing his well-being for someone else's sake seemed foolish to him, especially when the person saved would likely forget the sacrifice or offer nothing in return.

'With great power comes responsibility... What a naive concept,' Otto thought to himself, dismissing the idea as idealistic and impractical.

This lack of altruistic motives was also why Otto avoided unnecessary fights. He had no interest in taking on responsibilities for the weak or involving himself in matters that didn't benefit him directly.

"What about you, Edelweiss? What drives you to fight?" Otto redirected the question, genuinely curious about the strongest swordswoman's motivations.

"I... don't have a clear reason either," Edelweiss admitted, a tinge of melancholy in her voice.

"That's what I thought," Otto remarked, understanding that strength alone didn't necessarily bring purpose or fulfillment.

Being the strongest wasn't the ultimate goal; it often led to a life of isolation and loneliness, disconnected from those less powerful and revered only for one's strength.

"Then I hope you find your reason eventually," Otto said sincerely, wishing her well on her journey of self-discovery.

"You're not so different from me. We both lived relatively ordinary lives until circumstances pushed us into this world," Otto observed, noting their shared experiences despite their different paths.

"Yes, that was true until my adoptive father wanted me to be his successor and become Brynhildr's master... That's when everything changed," Edelweiss recounted, reminiscing about her past before meeting Otto.

"What was he like, this samurai Ryouma?" Otto inquired, curious about Edelweiss' encounter with her former mentor.

"He was strong, even in his old age. If he hadn't held back, he could have defeated me," Edelweiss recalled, acknowledging Ryouma's prowess despite their spar.

Otto reflected on his own past, realizing his initial approach to fighting was somewhat reckless and predictable, akin to the attack patterns of video game bosses.

"Did you enjoy the fight?" Edelweiss asked, curious about Otto's perspective.

"No, I don't find pleasure in killing," Otto replied honestly, his gaze serious as he met Edelweiss' eyes.

"Do you?" Otto turned the question back to her, doubting that she took joy in taking lives given her demeanor.

Edelweiss shook her head. "Even though I've been involved in conflicts where thousands lost their lives, I never found joy in killing. I was just a teenager during the Baltic Crisis in Estonia, and it marked a dark chapter in my life."

"That was when you gained the title of the World's Strongest Swordswoman, alongside being labeled one of the world's most wanted criminals," Otto recalled, aware of the weight behind Edelweiss' reputation.

The Baltic Crisis was a significant event that occurred close to Eberstein, where Otto spent his early years in this world. It happened when he was just two years old, marking a turbulent time that shaped the world around him.

"I prefer you call me Edelweiss, Trailblazer," she expressed, a hint of weariness in her voice as she distanced herself from her titles.

"As for me, you can call me Otto when we're alone. But for now, use the name Aizen," Otto suggested, adopting a more formal approach in their current setting.

"Sure thing, Aizen," Edelweiss replied with a rare small smile, appreciating the casual conversation they were having.

As their conversation continued, Otto couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Edelweiss. Despite their differing views on fighting and life in general, there was a mutual understanding and respect between them.

"I have to admit, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do," Edelweiss remarked, breaking the brief silence that followed.

"Likewise. It'll be an interesting challenge, that's for sure." Otto chuckled softly. 

As the day turned to night, they continued to chat, enjoying each other's company in the midst of their chaotic world. It was a rare moment for Edelweiss to be casually talking with someone whom she respected.


-Chapter End-