
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs

2 Death Loop, And Are You God?

"AAAAAAAAAAAA-??? Huh?" I looked around, and I found myself back in my apartment.

"A dream!?" I wondered as I wiped my sweat.

"Hahahah hahaha." Laughing maniacally, as I was scared of that stupid and unrealistic dream.

"A yandere chasing after me? And a Truck-kun that doesn't kill in one hit!? Ahahhahaha!!"

"I can't be killed in that ridiculous way. Since that situation is way too ridiculous to be real." I shrugged.

"Like who even dies like that? Couldn't be me~." I changed my wet clothes to new fresh ones.

"Good day to be alive," I muttered, as I found something odd. But it didn't matter much.

"Where's Ren?" I looked around the apartment and I found not a single trace, as if he had ditched the apartment.

"Did he get evicted by the landlord?" That situation would be bad, as I remembered that his family had disowned him, so finding a new decent apartment like this would be a pain in the ass.

"Ah, my guys." I looked around for my phone. I eventually found it with a cracked screen.


"Did I accidentally drop it?" I wondered as I can't remember dropping it once. I am too careful for that to happen.

"Well, at least it still works." The phone is still turned on, as I immediately want to let the boys hear this crazy dream I recently had.


"Why aren't there any messages... Let alone chat logs?" Looking at my phone as there was strong reception, but there is nothing that's showing up." I looked deeper into it and went outside for a small walk instead.

It was a sunny day.

But it was creepily too quiet. There isn't even a single animal that could be heard.

The sky was very clear since there weren't any birds flying.

"..." The more I observed the more creeped out I was.

"Something is wrong here..." I ran to the entire street and found myself not even getting tired, after running for a full 2 minutes.

"Did I-?" I heard a mutter from the distance. Where I found a lady with black hair.

"Ummm... Miss?" I approached her cautiously.

'This... Really is a horror-esque movie situation...' I gulped and hoped it was not a monster. In case it's another dream.

"Ma'am?" I called out to her, as I turned her shoulder in my direction.


"Hello, Jan-kun!" Her smile became slit. She rushed at me with a knife.

As I was repeatedly stabbed all over my body.

"AARRRRRGGHHHHHHHHH!!!" I as my blood gurgled in my mouth.





"AAAHHH-??" I looked perplexed as I looked around.

There were people suddenly around me, and they looked at me weirdly.

"Is there something wrong young man?" The old man looked at me who looked scared and was breathing heavily.

"Where am I?" I frantically asked.

"We're in Central Tokyo..." The old man said.

"Heh- I'm just imagining things..." I muttered and thought that I had accidentally taken some drugs.

*Tring* *tring* *tring* *tring*

"Hey, watch out!" A man who was riding a Bicycle warned me as he approached me.

"Watc-" I stepped slightly backward as my foot accidentally got caught up on the curb in the road. It caused me to tumble back in the road.


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Ahhhhhhh!" I covered my head with my arms. As I accidentally lost balance, in front of a speeding truck in the road.





"s... pel" I could hear a mutter, as I slowly opened my eyes.

I now, and once again, found myself in what looks like a situation, where I woke up in the middle of an operation.

"WAIIITTT, WAITT! I'M STILL CONSCIOUS!!!" I yelled as they didn't seem to hear my words. I was strapped as well.

"Heheheh don't worry Jan-Kun, we'll take care of you." The doctor pulled down her mask revealing it to be Keiko, who was showing a creepy smile.

"uggghhhhhh!" I groaned as they cut into my body, harvesting my organs.

"Aaahhhhh what the fuck is happening to MEEE!?!?!" I complained as my vision slowly blurred into darkness.




*drip* *drip*

A drop of water to my face jolted me up, as I now found myself on what looked like a sewer.

"Ghnnn-" I also threw up from the stink this place smelled.

*chatter* *chatter*

I could see a light wherein there were two people gathered at a campfire.

"Am I even still in Japan?" I muttered, while slowly approaching the two individuals.

"Ehhh?" The other person snorted something.

"Gaaaaah- give!" The other person beside punched the other violently, as they escalated to beat each other up to death.

I was tempted to stop them as I was about to witness a murder. But the two might just be crackheads and would get aggressive if I suddenly showed myself...

A few minutes later, I was still hiding in the corner as I saw the other person dragging the dead guy somewhere.


'Where the fuck am I?' I'm legit scared after recently feeling dying several times. Who knows what unfortunate things could happen to me here, I need to get out cautiously. I moved out from my spot trying to find an exit.

"Hope that I don't encounter those crackheads," I muttered slowly by the drainage.

"Yeah~ we should. Jan-kun~" I could hear a woman's voice from behind me I immediately tried bolting away. But she was faster as she put me on a joint lock, causing me to be unable to move.

"MMMMMMMMMM!!" She covered my mouth.

Seriously who the fuck is this stalker of mine!!! She's even stalking me in my nightmares!!!


"KAAAAARGHHHHH!!" She broke my leg.

"With this, we can now be together~" She pulled my shirt off with a knife that came out of nowhere.

FUU-- Am I going to be raped!? Me? of all people!?


"NNNNNN!" She stabbed my stomach as she covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming out loud, as blood gurgled on my mouth.

"Mnn~ Jan-kun." She breathed heavily, locking my lips with hers as blood and saliva mixed.

As much as I liked to be kissed by a woman... But this feels disgusting!

*Stab* *Stab*

This time, She stabbed me in my back, and my body subconsciously curled from pain.

"This will now guarantee our everlasting bond, Jan-kun." She said softly as she took off her clothes. I, on the other hand, didn't even have the strength to move as I lay on the ground motionlessly.

"Mnnnn~ ah ah ahhh" She was humping on my low body... I couldn't feel anything as I felt numb from the stabs.

This is just another nightmare, right?




I once again woke up in a different place, in what looked like a Temple.

This time it made me very wary of my surroundings, as it seemed like everything wanted to kill me like how Diavolo experienced after getting punched by Gold Experience Requiem.

"You looked distressed. Well, it is natural for someone who died repeatedly." A still small voice spoke. I immediately stood up and looked around.

"WHO ARE YOU!" I did my best to be intimidating to the hidden unknown person.

"Nice try, but that isn't going to scare me." The voice scoffed calmly.

He gradually manifested himself, as a skinny man with green hair, stretched earlobes, wearing a red Kasaya revealing the right portion of his body, meditating in a large lotus.

He sort of looked familiar.

"Sit." He said in a tranquil voice, which made me unknowingly obey.


"Who are you?" I asked calmly this time.

"I am the Shakyamuni." He stated.

"Buddha?" I wasn't sure but I vaguely heard it before relating to Buddhism.

He nodded slightly.

"Are you the one, who did that nightmares or the death loop?" He didn't reply to my question.

"So you are the one?" Still not speaking for a moment.

"I am not. I have merely liberated you out of it." He finally spoke up after a few awkward minutes passed.

"Tell me why that happened to me," I demanded as I didn't do some bad things that give me bad karma... Well, mostly. It didn't mean that it would give me bad karma to deserve those deaths right?

"If you're wondering that it's about your karma. Then you would be mistaken."

"The reason you went to that, is that you. You went to it willingly." Shakya said calmly, still with closed eyes.

"Willing?" I felt confused as to why I wasn't angry. "Why would I be willing to go through that torture?"

"hmmm, your soul is a strange existence... It doesn't bear any karma. Good or Bad it would reject both regardless."

"Because of that, the moment you had died. Your soul didn't know which path to walk hence, you went through deaths several times, more than you might've remembered. Since death is also a means to your next life."

"What's with that woman named Keiko had to be in those deaths?" I asked him before he could continue, why was she even involved with me. Because all I know is she's some kind of stalker, the yandere kind.

"That's because she's your closest neighbor. So close in fact that she knows every single thing about the human you."

"What neighbor?"

"After your first meeting with her. She had been closer to you, more than you thought. Hmmmm, what I'm trying to say is that she's had been always by your side, that she could somehow influence some of your deaths." He explained.

"But even after several deaths, the Samsara still didn't let you enter into its reincarnation cycle. Then that's also why you experience death. Repeatedly. Like knocking on a door where the owner refuses to let you in, so you continued to knock." He added.

"Then, how did I come to exist in the first place if that's the case?" I curiously asked although I only understand the 30% he is saying.

"You came like any other living being. But as time passes, your soul gradually becomes excluded from the Samsara." He replied.

"Is that good?"

"It's up to you to interpret it."

"Then what's going to happen to me?" I asked anxiously.

"That is up to you to decide..." He calmly replied as he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a gold pupil with a circling iris, and a black sclera which looked like the starry night skies.

"May I ask, why you helped me?"

"I didn't help you... You helped yourself by entering my domain, hence I freely welcomed you. After all, it's rare to see a fellow Buddha in this day and age."

Buddha? Me? How?

"How?" I asked confusingly, I didn't do any Buddhist activities, and didn't he say I didn't get any karma or something?

"You managed to exclude yourself from Samsara. Freeing yourself from fate, reaching Nirvana with your way." He stated.

What!? By shit talking to people?

"Explain." I thought that becoming the nirvana thingy would need to balance your life.

"You, yourself should have that answer since everyone has their way of achieving Nirvana." Shakyamuni nodded.

"..." I was skeptical as there's no way I just became a Buddha... This had to be some sort of a joke.

"Can I return to earth?" I didn't want to be near him anymore and just wanted to return.

"You can... But with your current weak authority, it should be impossible to go back after dying several times." He replied it seems like he knows what I'm feeling.

"Authority? Like power?"

"Yes. You can manifest your ability from your element... That being the imaginary element, which is one of the rarer ones." He explained.

"Just imagine a power appearing in your hand."

I pictured the strongest power that I could think of at this time which was Mahoraga's Eight-Handled sila which I could remember, it would adapt to any phenomena that it came into contact with.

Gold particles started to gather in front of me as it slowly turned into a tiny golden eight-handled-sila, which was the size of a ring.

"It worked? Though it's too small than I had expected." I commented on my creation.

"That's because it's the extent of your current powers could do at the moment." He added.

"Can you also do the same?" I curiously asked if it was possible to create a world with enough power.

"No. But I can do something similar to it. After all each Buddha has their powers and treasures."


"As for that, you can manifest one for yourself," he explained, as I tried making one for my own.


"It seems you exhausted yourself from trying to make one... You shouldn't rush it as you haven't fully accustomed to your Authority."

*sigh* "Can I leave now?" I would like to have a rest right now.

"I can help you transport into another world earth if you want. A world where you might achieve greater heights than the current you." He said.

"To where?"

"To a world where Gods and supernatural things exist." He waved his right hand, as a mirror appeared. "I found out that you're interested in those animated entertainments, right?"

"I do. Does that mean you're going to reincarnate me?" I asked.

"Similar. But you're going to be the one who will reincarnate yourself. I'm only going to assist you by sending you there."

"Alright? Then how do we begin?" Being reincarnated to how I wish it to be, how great.

"Step into the mirror... Do know that once you reincarnate yourself, your abilities will most likely be exhausted by a lot. Where you would need to recover for at least 16-20 years to fully recover. So I advise you to make a treasure that isn't complex for you to manifest, that sila is a good example for one. Once you've done that, you can focus on recovering after reincarnating." He warned.


-Chapter End-