
Reincarnated into Naruto with breathing techniques.

Yui died and was reincarnated in Naruto's world as a baby, however she didn't come with nothing but the Demon breathing techniques were in her head and she could use them with Chakra!

patinhoDEUSVULT · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs


Well folks there are some people pissing me off about Taijutsu so let me give you a basic explanation here, Taijutsu in Naruto can be described as a combination of martial arts and Chakra control thus doing the techniques we know as ( Gentle Fist ) and (rotating lotus).

It wouldn't be a problem for Yui to use only martial arts but without the correct Chakra upgrade it would just be dead weight you see?

However I still plan to make her use another weapon besides the sword, I think maybe a spear or a halberd.

And lastly a basic explanation of the marks of demon hunters here, The marks here can be awakened after Yui reaches a certain level of proficiency with them and the marks allow Yui to enter the awakened mark's Chakra mode.

If you have any criticism (besides grammar.) or story ideas, please comment.

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"Please Yui don't go, Buwaaa!" Pakura grabbed her in tears as she tried to convince Yui to stay in the village, behind her all her friends were there with tears in their eyes, especially Kenji who recited something like "While I'm being weak here she will go to the front lines and received the post of jounin already!" very softly but was caught by Yui's inhuman hearing.

When Yui returned to the village she was questioned and arrested until the facts were verified, ninjas were sent and looked at the places of confrontation before confirming their deeds, then at that time she should be released and exonerated but there was a small problem.

A random someone raised the question that there might be a traitor among us, of course Yui knew it was the Misukage controlled by Madara but there was no way for others to know that so an investigation was opened.

Soon a scapegoat was found and before he was convicted he accused Yui of cooperating with him even though she never did anything and even protected the children, so what she was supposed to be a few days imprisoned was extended by 3 months.

And in the end thanks to pressure from the clans for Yui's release she was finally released, but as every good story always has a catch, they promoted her to jounin and sent her to the front lines.

Or according to reports she heard, the preparation to attack the Uzumaki clan that was abandoned by the fire lord and all the villages want to take pieces of it now, "Calm down, I'm not weak and I promise to come back alive ok!"

Yui comforted his classmates, especially Pakura who started to leave her cloak sticky with tears and phlegm, however the most difficult farewell was for her mother who almost fainted when she heard that Yui was going to the front lines.

She wasn't aware of Yui's strength so her worry wasn't unfounded, "You won't, let's run away from the village anything but I can't allow you to fight!" Aika yelled at Yui and prepared to pack her things for them to escape but Yui grabbed his hand.

"No mother, we are being watched and even Uncle Hiroki was excused from his service to stay with you, but don't worry I'm strong enough to take care of myself!" Yui gave a smile trying to console her mother who just cried lightly at that moment and hugged her.

"Come back alive and well ok, your mother will be waiting for you here at home." Aika said as she hugged Yui tightly and tried to hold back her tears, no matter where or when no parent will want their child to go to war.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Yui comforted her lightly even though it was kind of useless, "I should be comforting you now, what a bad mother I am." Aika said laughing sadly and they were like that for a few minutes before to separate.

Two days later Yui left the village with several squads towards the nearest port where they would plan and coordinate the attack.


"I am the captain of this Murata operation, I will be in charge of planning and direct action!" Murata said as he looked at the other jounin in the room and his gaze fell on Yui, "And know that I don't care about your age or previous background but if I even think for a moment that there is a traitor among us I will kill him." He said still keeping his eyes on Yui who gave a sad sigh.

Everyone in the room was an adult full of muscles and scars, even the women, so Yui's presence there was like a child had broken into her father's office and watched while they worked.

But of course their presence is not welcome at all, "Well let's split into 5 groups with each one having a different mission, the assault group that will steal the information, the containment group that will deal with enemy resistance , the retreat group that will help us out, the confrontation group that will deal with any enemy ninja that appears and the support group that will support any group needed!" He explained simply that everyone would understand but Yui noticed something wrong when he was distributing the teams.

"Miss Yui and Akira are responsible for being the confrontation group, you can take 40 ninjas with you!" The moment Murata said that Yui's eyes got tense and Akira on her side said first, "Are you sure sir, don't you think that only 2 jounins in our group is too few?" He questioned.

Akira had brown hair and wore an eye patch over his left eye, he seemed to have that sailor's aura and probably had already fought sea battles before, "No need to worry, in case there are difficulties with you feel free to call the reinforcement team." Murata said with a smile but Yui didn't trust him at all.

Soon the meeting was over and they went to gather their teams to prepare to leave, as Yui had no team under her authority she could just go to sleep for a while and move to the tents.

"Wait." Akira said and put her hand on Yui's shoulder drawing his attention, "What's up Sir Akira, don't you have to gather your teams?" Yui turned around with a frown on her face, she was dying to sleep and was hindered on her way to the dream world.

"I know this may sound a bit rude, but you are the infamous executioner aren't you?" Akira said smiling slightly and Yui frowned not knowing that nickname, "You see, according to the report about you all ninjas who you killed were either decapitated or missing limbs, that's a recent rumor of a village ninja who likes to cut off her enemies' heads and devour them during meals and save their skulls as trophies!" When he finished explaining the Yui's face darkened and she raised her hands quickly in denial.

"No, No, No, I would never eat heads and guard skulls that's disgusting!" She quickly denied this fact while thinking that if this is the rumor that passed in the village imagine to the enemies, she would be called the Predator of the ninja world!

"Hahaha, it doesn't have to be modest everyone has their own tastes, but I must say that for your age to be able to raise such wild rumors you must be quite strong, I'm counting on you in the operation!" He said and before Yui could refute it he fled leaving her alone in front of the stalls.

After that Yui decided to eat to forget the stories they tell about her.