
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Mad with power and possibility

Yuta Okkotsu was worried, he was previously training in Africa with Miguel and was enjoying it there and while he missed his friends and he thinks they miss him he was worried about being called back to Jujutsu Tech.

'First off why would he get called back to Japan, no other reason than something bad has surely happened and what if-' his thoughts were interrupted by the car he was in suddenly stopping.

The car door seemed to fly open as Gojo Sensei pulled him out of the car without even undoing his seat belt! So he had to awkwardly juggle between undoing his seat belt and hugging Gojo Sensei. He eventually got out of the car and met the new first years.

And as he was introducing himself to them Panda and Toge both suddenly hugged him! He didn't even know they were there. Gojo Sensei is really distracting.

So as he again awkwardly hugged them back he eventually pushed them off of him, and looked for Maki and couldn't find her. Panda had quickly reassured him that Maki is fine but she is currently in the medical wing.

He felt his tired eyes widen as he started to make his way to the medical wing to see his friend, on his way he realised that of course Gojo Sensei, Panda and Toge were walking behind him.

He slowed down slightly to let them catch up and asked Panda what had happened. Panda explained in a solemn voice that they came across a special grade curse and well it had injured all of them but Maki the worst.

"How did you escape?" Yuta asked, he's honestly surprised they are all alive especially if they fought a special grade. And then Panda dropped a bomb on him.

"We didn't escape, we were saved by Boruto. He's one of the first years" Panda said to Yuta who was now confused as he thought back to the first years he had just met and didn't sense any extraordinary power from them.

"One of them saved you?" He asked Panda who furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head.

"No Boruto is the newest first year, he's uh…well I don't know where he is, you might see him with Maki. He's uh visiting her a lot, I think he feels guilty" Panda said with a little frown.

"Boruto has been acting weird lately, he has just felt wrong. I feel bad for saying this but I've been trying to avoid him, ever since he has come back from the mission he's felt darker." Panda scoffed "I know I sound stupid but…well I don't know" he said with a sigh.

"Salmon" Toge surprisingly agreed with Panda. Yuta didn't exactly feel great about this Boruto guy but he will meet him before judging him.

Yuta was about to ask what he might have felt guilty about before he almost walked into the medical wing door, he readjusted himself before he opened the door and made his way to Maki's room.

He didn't know where her room was so he was left awkwardly peeking through windows until Panda pointed at the right room. He walked through the door to see Maki sat up against her headboard while rubbing her head.

"Maki!" He shouted as he saw her and rushed over to her bedside. He saw the surprise in her eyes at seeing him and smiled at her. He heard the surprised exclamations of the Nurse who rushed in after him.

He was quickly rushed out of the room for a check up. He asked Panda why he was rushed out, it was then revealed to him that Maki hasn't been awake since she got the injuries over a week ago!


After what felt like hours he was finally allowed back into the room, his teammates and sensei all followed him into the room, all of them crowded around Makis bed and asked her questions.

She seemed happy Yuta realised even after she just woke up from a coma she seemed pretty happy and that just made him smile.

"Why's it so cold in here?" Maki asked and Panda quickly responded.

"Ah Boruto forgot to close the window when he was here earlier" Panda quickly closed the window.

"Boruto was here?" She asked seemingly incredulous Yuta furrowed his eyebrows, why was that surprising?

"I thought that guy would still be in the medical beds as well because he's always getting injured" Maki said as she was clearly very confident in this Boruto guy's capacity to be injured.

"Nope Boruto was perfectly fine, he didn't even have a scratch by the end of the fight" Gojo sensei said which surprised Yuta, after all this Spirit had been Special Grade.

"Wait Yuta why are you here?" Maki asked blunt as ever but not in a rude way, Yuta smiled and looked to Gojo Sensei because he's the one who asked him to be here for some unknown reason.

"Oh little Yuta is here to meet the newest Special Grace sorcerer and to visit you of course, you were out for a long time Maki." Gojo sensei finished his statement with a serious tone.

"Wait what! Who's our new special grade guy?" Maki asked, she was surprised again, maybe she should be resting? Yuta thought to himself afterall she was in a coma less than an hour ago.

Yuta was about to sit down but saw a cloak on the visitors chair. He picked it up and examined it, it was a black cloak with a maroon coloured inside. Just as he was about to ask who's cloak this was, he heard the door open and felt his eyes widen as he turned to the door.

He looked at a Blonde guy around the same height as him, he had a scar on his right eye that was closed, he also had two odd whisker birthmarks on both of his cheeks and his blue left eye was focused on the cloak in Yutas hands.

The guy looked tired and weary but Yuta wasn't focusing on that anymore, he was focused on the odd energy he could almost taste roiling of the other sorcerer. It wasn't cursed energy, it was different, it was dark and malevolent.

He felt his own mental guard go up as the blonde was still focused on the cloak in his hands. "This yours?" He asked the other sorcerer who nodded.

He outstretched his hand with the cloak over Makis bed in the direction of the blonde sorcerer. Yuta nearly winced; he could almost feel Rika banging against the inside of his skull.

The other sorcerer grabbed the cloak as their hands met in the middle, he felt one of his own fingers brush the blonde and Rika started to do her best to get out, she saw him as a threat.

He held her back but felt her struggling decrease as the sorcerer pulled his hand back and put on his cloak with a flourish.

He looked around the room seeing everyone silent staring at the exchange, even Maki looked unnerved.

"Thank you for the cloak" his voice was deeper than Yuta would have expected. It almost sounded like 2 voices overlapping if he listened closely.

Maki quickly seemed to recover. "Hey Boruto you wanna sit down, I need to thank you for saving me again" Yuta watched her as she spoke and noticed her lightly blush, she must be embarrassed about being saved he thought to himself.

"No…i-i need to get some sleep" he seemed to hesitate as he spoke but eventually left before anyone could form a word of protest.

And so that was Boruto the new Special Grade Sorcerer.

He's dangerous.


So that was Yuta Okkotsu, his cursed energy was so suffocating.

He's dangerous.

Boruto thought to himself as he left Makis room, he thought he would be happy to see her but Yuta, his cursed energy was sickening.

And even worse was that he could almost feel his mutt Rika smashing at space itself to try and get to him, he rushed back to his room and laid on his bed.

He closed his eyes hoping to get an ounce of sleep. He felt himself sink through the bed and his eyes suddenly opened as he was staring at Earth from the moon, he turned around seeing Momoshiki sitting down facing him.

Boruto was about to ask the alien to go fuck itself as he wasn't in the mood but before he could even open his mouth Momoshikis spoke "I know why your feeling sick boy" his deep voice was grating at Borutos ears.

"I don't give a shit…fuck off" Boruto said as he sat down and faced the Earth.

"It's because you lack harmony, your mind still considers yourself as human whereas your body is that of an Otsutsuki" Momoshiki hissed into his ear, Boruto looked to his right to see the alien now sat to his right.

"I've been a 100% Otsutsuki the whole time I've been here. Why's it only acting up now" Boruto questioned, clearly not believing the alien.

"You activated the karma for the first time in the fight against those monkeys" Momoshiki spat out "And don't tell me you've activated Karma, all you've done with my power is pussyfoot around it by only using it halfway!"

"Right…and if I did believe you what would I do to fix this issue?" He asked, he didn't believe the alien but well he would almost do anything now, the lack of sleep is really killing him.

"You just need to accept your body, you are not a human boy, you are an Otsutsuki" Momoshiki said while initiating eye contact between the two.

Boruto stayed silent, not sure what to say. "Oi boy you will listen to me, you are now using my family name. You're moping out there like a gutted puppy, constantly whining and groaning" Momoshiki grabbed the back of Borutos neck and then made Boruto meet his eyes.

"You are now the only known thing on this planet, in this universe that represents the Otsutsuki clan and while you are there whining about a girl, your enemies grow stronger and you sit here complaining about sleep." Momoshiki suddenly stood and looked down on the 15 year old who was now looking down at his shoes.

"Just know this, you disgust me. But those down there" he says as he points towards the earth "They disgust me far more than you ever will. I am on your side, Boruto, what other side could I be on?"

"You think I would make a pact or whatever they call it down there with those sorcerers that mock Chakra. They wield their cursed energy around as if it was the best weapon the universe will ever see, what I want…what I truly want is to see the smug look of superiority wiped off their faces" Momoshiki confessed to Boruto who slowly looked up at the alien.

"You need to forget your human limits Boruto, you are one of us now" Momoshiki offered his hand to the sleep deprived emotional teenager.

After a long moment of hesitation Boruto took the hand.

Momoshiki pulled him to his feet and led Boruto infront of him to face the Earth. "You don't need what they do, you don't need to eat food for sustenance, you simply sustain yourself on your Chakra, you do not need absurd amounts of sleep a night." Momoshiki hissed into Borutos ear.

"You are better than them" The alien said as he looked down to earth "Think of it, you could have destroyed the earth by now. They should be thankful you didn't, it's your right afterall. The strong rule over the weak"

The alien gave Boruto no time to process anything he was telling him.

Momoshiki seemed to take a second to think "Have this, as a gift" and as Boruto turned to see what he was talking about he was hit in the forehead with Momoshiki's palm.

He sprung awake in his bed and groaned and almost passed out from the pain in his head, that bastard had placed memories in his head again.

He tripped as he tried to get off his bed and hit his head on the floor, he got up and forced open his door. At the loud noise Megumi, Itadori and Nobara all poked their heads out of the same room.

Itadori instantly rushed forward and put Borutos arm over his shoulder "Yo man you good?" Boruto groggily shook his head in the negative.

"Me-medical wing" Boruto muttered, Itadori instantly put the other first year on his back before making his way to the medical wing.

He started to feel Itadori running down the corridors extremely fast.

On Itadoris back Boruto was trying to contemplate the sheer amount of memories Momoshiki had sent him. He wasn't even looking through them and was just trying to see the sheer amount he had been given.

He felt himself stand as Itadori dropped him onto his feet, Itadori was now keeping Boruto on his feet as nurses grabbed an empty bed for the teenager.

There was at least a year's worth of memories here and as he dived into a memory to see what they were about he watched in pain and awe as Momoshiki started to create his own parallel dimension.

He went through dozens…no hundreds of these memories in what felt like two seconds.

This was the gift, the creation of dimensions.

Boruto's half delirious body started to laugh maniacally, the other patients came out of their rooms to watch the half mad teenager laugh and scream at the sky.

Momoshiki had given Boruto Otsutsuki his own Universe.