
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs


Boruto slowly limped back to the school, saying it took ages would be putting it nicely. He's honestly surprised he hadn't died of blood loss, he released another half groan half whimper as he put too much pressure on his left leg.

And then he gagged as he saw some more of the sludge come out from a deep cut on the same leg.

He coughed as he thought about the infection he would get from this unless he got back to jujutsu tech as soon as possible.

He then started to think again about his sudden gain of strength back when he somehow used his Karma seal, he still doesn't know how to activate it on his own.

Thinking back to sheer gain of power he made sure to train in activating the thing when he got back, if he got back.


Toge Inumaki thought back to Maki and Borutos spar. The newest sorcerer in training was really good, he wasn't nearly as good in hand to hand as Maki was but he had the strength and speed to compensate for the lack of skill.

Well not to say he lacked skill, he was good just not nearly as good as Maki. The first year certainly seems to have a good base.

His thoughts were disturbed as he heard a shout "O-OI" he turned to the source of the sound and rushed over to the very injured Boruto. Toge made sure to lay the teen on his back and put pressure on the worst looking wound which didn't seem to be bleeding much anyway.

That's not good, he messaged Gojo he needs medical help asap at JJT and then called Gojo who answered on the third ring, he hung up the call was only to make sure Gojo got the message.

Less than 20 seconds later Gojo was already there picking the newest student up before teleporting away. Again not a minute later Gojo came right back to the same spot to check for any signs of a cursed spirit nearby.

He seemed to have spotted something and teleported again.

Toge had already messaged his teammates and the first years of what had happened, they didn't take long to get to his location and he told Panda and Maki who explained it to the first years.

Toge saw the look on the first years faces, and did his best to try and help but it didn't work. He knew that Megumi and Nobara seemed to resent Boruto which made sense, of course it makes sense after all they just lost a teammate and Boruto must have seemed like a replacement.

But now they did seem regretful of previous actions especially now they lose another teammate, Panda seemed quite tense and Maki did also seem quite worried, both most likely cautious about any other curses.

Everyone looked towards Gojo as he teleported back "Okay some bad news here, the cursed spirit that injured Boruto is gone, it seems to have escaped" Gojo seemed slightly regretful while saying this Toge noticed.

"Wait, so a curse did this what grade was it?" Nobara asked the question everyone was wondering.

Gojo gestured his head in a so-so gesture "Well it had escaped before I got there so I would say a strong Grade 1 but like I said it had been gone for a while so I had to go on the remnants of its cursed energy, but Boruto did do some significant damage to the thing, it's blood was all over the place"

To say they were surprised would be an understatement, a new guy who had been in the Jujutsu world for less than a week had escaped and injured a Grade 1 cursed spirit.

Toge was more surprised on how the first year even got back to the school, the amount of the blood he had lost was most definitely too much.


He opened his left eye, he was in a hospital bed? He tried to sit up and groaned from the pain, he laid back down. He stared at the white ceiling 'okay I'm still alive that's good.'

He closed his eyes unwillingly falling back asleep.


He woke up hours later with a woman stood above him 'ah I know this woman, what's her name again uh…' his thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Hello, my name is Shoko Ieiri. I am your medic" her face was nonchalant. "You've gotten yourself injured in your fight with a spirit, now what you will need to do is take these" she handed him over a bottle of pills "2 times a day, in the morning and evening. They are antibiotics that will help with any potential infection"

She grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to him "Now this contains all the information you need to know, now take your time and let me know when you're feeling alright to leave" she turned to leave the room before he stopped her.

"Uh, how long has it been since I was injured?" He asked the blunt medic. "And I'm feeling fine, could I leave now?" He asked hopefully.

"Four days and yes you can leave now you just need to get rest and take those pills. Your clothes are at the end of your bed" She said as she left the room, closing the door behind her as she left.

'Shit! Four days that means the tournaments tomorrow!' He dressed quickly and stumbled out of the room. His stomach was hurting but he ignored it.

Shoko was waiting outside the room and pointed him towards a skinny man with black hair standing outside a black car clearly waiting for him.

"Hey you're pretty fast" Boruto said to the man who he did recognise from the Manga, he got into the car and relaxed as he sat down.

"Thank you" he responded to Boruto who at this point was sitting in the back of the car with his eyes closed.


"Hey thanks for the ride!" Boruto said to the guy as he got out of the car walking to the school gates he heard the car quickly leave.

In the car he decided to go to his room for some rest. As much as he wants to train, he also can't train in so much pain. He rubbed his empty stomach and he needed to eat as well.

'Okay first I will go to the kitchen and grab something and then go to my room' he made the plan in his head, he knew he wouldn't be able to eat much so as he made his way he contemplated his future plans.

'I need to live through the tournament, I also will need to grow stronger for the Shibuya arc. If I'm not considerably stronger by then I'll most certainly either die or have to run from jujutsus world.' He considered both possibilities before he turned into the kitchen spotting Maki eating with her team all sat at the table.

He walked past them, he honestly didn't have the energy for talking right now. He started to grab some food from a fridge that is constantly restocked by the school. He didn't grab much and started to leave before he was stopped by Pandas voice.

"Hey! Is that your Boruto" Panda shouted as he spotted him leaving, Boruto winced from the sound before he turned to the panda.

"Uh yeah, good to see you man" Boruto said as he turned to leave but was interrupted again.

"Good to see you feeling well. We had heard you fought a curse? Come sit down!" Panda was clearly curious as to what had happened 4 days ago.

Boruto sighed but sat down across from Panda and Toge and next to Maki. He winced as he sat his abdominal muscles clearly protesting him sitting down.

He listened to Panda ramble on about how Toge had found him and what had happened afterwards. But he was more focused on his arms, how he hadn't taken notice of this before now?

He was looking at the scars crossing his arms, as he looked at each scar. He remembered what they looked like fresh, bloody and filled with the sludge of the curse. At the thought of the curse he remembered its brutal swipes and its arrogance as it laughed while torturing him.

He swallowed as he remembered himself screaming in pain, the confusion he felt and the panic he could feel clawing at him even now. He felt his breathing quicken and his fists clench.

He didn't notice as the table went quiet watching him warily, he also didn't notice as Gojo strode into the room with Megumi and Nobara at his side.

He did however notice the laughter, the laughter of Gojo-No, the laughter of the curse, it's laughter as it tore into his skin and ripped it open with its spiked tentacles.

He could hear its laughter behind him.

He did notice the tingling as his Karma seal activated, he did notice the sudden stillness of the room as his chakra flared and he did notice the blue aura that suddenly took hold of him.

He didn't hear the laughing anymore.

It's obvious why he heard nothing, the beast was terrified, it had to be after all. When he used the seal on the curse he tore the thing in half. He grinned at that thought, not noticing the sudden paleness of Toge and Panda.

He did notice as the thing behind him spoke! The curse could speak that means it's gotten stronger.

He stood quickly and made sure to kick the chair from under him before he spun using all his strength in one punch!

He amplified his strength even further with his chakra just before it made contact and then released all of it as he felt his fist meet something.

His grin disappeared as his fist just…stopped.

He opened his eyes seeing a wooden floor underneath him 'what! I was just in a field, no I was in a chair right?' He was confused as he looked up, seeing his fist was caught by Gojo?

'What…no,no I was fighting the curse…what?' He felt something roll down his chin, he swiped it away confused only to see a tear on his finger.

He blinked as he felt more tears start to slowly fall from his eyes "w-what" he looked up to Gojo "w-what's going on?" His hand was still caught in Gojos, he pulled his fist back before rubbing his eyes again.

"Ah, it's pretty common for the first time someone gets heavily injured or fights a curse" Gojo said, his jovial smile gone, an obvious look of pity on his half covered face.

He didn't like that, pity. Pity was for the weak and he wasn't weak, he killed that curse no he did more than that he practically cut the bastard in half.

He remembered the feeling of flying through the thing's body, he remembered its skull being destroyed by his feet, he also remembered the bone shards he had to pick out of his own feet when he landed.

How can someone who just did all of that get pity?

Boruto's mind however flagged something in Gojos words earlier. "I didn't fight that curse, I killed it" he said matter of factly as he picked his food back up from where it was left on the table.

He did notice this time as most of the room definitely reacted to that. "What?" He said suspiciously, his eyes narrowed on Gojo "Why are they reacting like that".

Gojo didn't disappoint "Oh they are reacting like that because of what you said" he said with a tiny smile on his face.

"Be more specific" Boruto almost ordered.

"Oh mainly the fact, the curse isn't dead it escaped"