
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Calm before The Storm

Itadori was happy, he was having fun with his friends and that's all he really needed. He never really had friends he was this close to before he came to Jujutsu but it really was nice to have them.

He smiled at Nobara and Megumi and was about to tell a joke about a leek and a plate but was interrupted by groaning in the corridor. He went out into the corridor and saw Boruto!

He noticed Megumi and Nobara back off slightly but ignored that as he went to help the stumbling guy, he put Borutos arm over his shoulder trying to help.

This guy needs to go to the med-"Me-medical wing" Boruto muttered and Itadori put his friend on his own back and started to run. Itadori had been to the medical wing almost 30 times so he knew where to go.

On the way he heard Boruto speaking or something. He was just making odd sounds. Itadori shook his head before trying to go even faster.

He felt himself crash through the medical wings door and just after he did he felt Boruto half fall off his back onto his feet.

He stepped forward to help him balance but was suddenly pushed, he felt himself crash into a bunch of clutter in the wing.

He watched in concern as the blonde started to laugh and scream at the ceiling, he felt himself shake. '…yeah I'm just worried about him' Itadori tried to convince himself.

Makis' voice almost made him jump, it was such a contrast from the mad laughter and screams of Boruto that he looked over at her instantly.

"Boruto…" she almost whispered.

Her eyes were wide with shock and she also looked like she was shaking. He looked behind her to see the special grade guy that showed up today. He had his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Gojo Sensei was there as well with his blindfold off and a look on his face that Itadori couldn't decipher, he looked back over to Panda and Toge and suddenly as it started it ended.

He heard the screaming and laughing stop and as he hesitantly looked over to Boruto and saw him unconscious on the floor.


Boruto opened his eyes, he was in a white room. He slowly sat up and ran his hand through his hair and yawned as he stretched.

He looked to his right and saw a nurse?

"You alright?" He asked the woman with dyed red hair, she rushed out of the room and rushed back in seconds later with Shoko Ieiri.

"Boruto Otsutsuki?" She asked him, to which he nodded in affirmation. He didn't know why she was asking his name but maybe it's a memory thing he reasoned to himself.

At the thought of memory's he rubbed his head and yawned and looked around the room as Shoko started to test him, she used a light on his eyes and checked through all his vitals.

"Couldn't a nurse do this?" He asked the Doctor, doesn't she have more important things to do?

"The nurses are all terrified of you" She said to him. Boruto didn't know how to respond to that, so he didn't respond.

"Why am I actually here?" He asked the Doctor, he honestly didn't have a clue why, he felt great. Maybe he was in a fight, the thought of being in a fight excited him.

"You don't remember huh, try and really think about it." Shoko said, and who is he to deny a doctor's orders? He remembers a fight, then Maki getting injured and uh…

…No sleep! And then what? He started to really think and try and delve into his mind and found a goldmine. His new memories! There were so many and he started to think about the memories he recalled.

He felt like these were his memories, he looked back to his life and the memories were just there. Not like a movie or anything but he can remember studying space time and opening portals.

He can remember creating a parallel dimension, no he can remember creating countless parallel dimensions. He can remember doing all of that without the Jogan.

The Jogan he was using right now to observe space, it would be so much easier to create a parallel dimension now. He can see so much, he feels like he can see everything.

He was staring at a specific weak point in space in the same room he was in and was interrupted by the doctor. "Okay physically you're fine" she seemed to sigh as she spoke "But mentally, well that's up to you really" She sighed as she left.

He shrugged before getting off the bed and shivered, why was it so cold? He looked around and closed an open window. He started to look for something to wear when he found his belongings on a table at the end of his bed.

He took off the uncomfortable hospital robe and started to dress quickly. He got into his favourite outfit and smiled as he put on the cloak.

The door opened tentatively and he turned to address the people at the door. His eyes widened as loads of people started to make their way into his room.

The first one though was originally Maki as she opened the door but Gojo burst past her and embraced Boruto. Boruto could hear the man fake crying as he held onto his student!

"Ahhh I'm so happy that you've woken up Boruto!" He shouted dramatically, Boruto couldn't escape the man's grip. He stumbled as Gojo stepped back and pointed finger guns at him "Now we can finally have that party I promised you!" Oh the party.

He blinked in surprise before he smiled, he hadn't actually celebrated getting into Special Grade yet "Yeah that could be fun" he said to Gojo who cheered.

"Okay! It will be ready this afternoon, be ready" he said before he grabbed Itadori, Megumi and Nobara "Come on guys we gotta get this stuff ready"

That left Maki, Panda, Toge and Yuta all in the room with him, he wasn't sure why Yuta was here but right now he honestly couldn't care less.

Since he woke up he's felt great, like a reset. He feels pretty light. He guessed his mind accepted the fact he's an Otsutsuki or whatever Momoshiki was on about.

He went to speak but was interrupted by a hug . His eyebrows furrowed, he couldn't even see anything. He could finally see again as Panda pulled back looking emotional.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for avoiding you Boruto, I should have supported you through your hard time" Panda shouted.

"Salmon" Toge agreed with Panda.

Boruto was confused, he didn't even know these guys were avoiding him. "Oh uh thanks man and uh don't worry" he said tentatively. He didn't really care if he's being honest, I mean it sucked they avoided him but he was also trying his best to avoid them as well.

Wait, should he be saying sorry as well?


His thoughts were once again interrupted by another hug this time from Maki, and while he admitted he did enjoy it he was still confused. "Right, not that this is bad or anything but aren't you overreacting" he said to Maki who had just let him go.

"You came into the medical wing laughing and screaming at the ceiling, you looked half mad." She took a moment to take a deep breath.

"Listen I was at best out for a couple days it's not a problem" Now that she mentioned he does remember vaguely coming into the medical wing while laughing.

Her eyes widened in shock at his statement, was i out for longer or is she pissed off because i said it's not a problem? "You were out for 24 days." He felt his eyes widen, he was out for over 3 weeks.

"Oh" he said almost pathetically, shit that was bad.

"What's the date?" He asked Maki who answered quickly.

"October the 28th-" he didn't hear the rest of her sentence but he did feel himself smile, not at her but at the fact that in 3 days he would get involved in the Shibuya Incident.

He shook his head before refocusing "Hey let's avoid all this for later, I wanna go to this party Gojo was on about. So I'm gonna get ready and uh I'll see you later" as he left the room he made sure to give everyone waves.

As he got out into the reception of the medical wing he closed his Jogan eye, it's uncomfortable having it open so long. He's still not used to looking at space, he will have to train that.

But that's for later, he heads to his room and gets a shower.


He was laid on top of his bed waiting for something, Gojo the idiot he is never actually told Boruto where

the party is. So he's just been waiting in his room waiting for something to happen.

And in a flash Gojo was there, he grabbed Borutos shoulder before he teleported them to the front gates of the school.

He quickly regained his balance and looked at a giant limo "Where the hell did you get that?" He asked Gojo.

"I'm rich I bought it" Gojo said casually "ah now you're a special grade the missions you will get will be making you rich as well" Boruto smiled as he followed Gojo into the limo.

The limo was huge inside, even Panda was lounging about inside the limo! He climbed in and saw most of the seats were taken so he sat next to Itadori who looked extremely happy as usual.

During the ride Boruto found himself grinning at the stupid jokes that Itadori was making.


"Where are we even heading to Gojo?" Boruto said to his Sensei who's still not actually taught him anything.

He suddenly felt the car jolt and Gojo jumped out of the door closest to him "Come on everyone you'll see!" They all followed him into a Karaoke place.

Really a Karaoke place, I've never been to one before, could be fun. He looked around at the group surrounding him, well it will be fun to watch.