
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

A Mission

He woke up the next morning exhausted, he groaned as his head was aching. He slowly got up from his bed and hissed as his bare feet touched the cold wooden floor beneath him.

He quickly got dressed and ready for the day as he left his room he was ready for anything. Except for the peculiar sight he came across, he looked to his right seeing Itadori and Nobara both pressed up against Megumi's door.

He ignored it and carried on, he wanted to get to training ASAP. His head was killing him but he's sure he'll be fine and training will probably just help.


He almost runs to the training ground as he wants to distract himself from this headache. As he saw his usual training spot he suddenly froze.

Something was wrong, he wasn't sure what was wrong and wasn't able to think about it as a giant fist came at him from his right, he ducked under it easily.

As he ducked under and saw the owner of the fist he jumped into the training field to gain distance. "Panda, what's going on?" He asked clearly confused.

Panda didn't answer and simply ran at him. Well I'm sorry Panda but looks like I'm about to beat you half to death. Boruto suddenly narrowed his left eye.

As he was about to blitz Panda he heard a silky smooth voice say "Don't move" he felt every muscle in his body suddenly seized uncontrollably.

He couldn't even widen his eyes in surprise before he was sent flying by a punch from behind him. 'It must be Maki who punched him! Not many students are that strong. Also Panda and Toge are both here as well, this must be a training exercise' he quickly realised Mali had sent him into Pandas path.

Panda had his fist pulled back ready to punch the paralysed Boruto. Boruto however felt himself able to move just before Pandas fist hit him in the gut.

And just as Boruto thought he may be able to dodge this he heard Toge's voice once more "speed up" his voice was a bit more scratchy than the first time.

Boruto in response to Toges orders sped up into Pandas outstretched fist. He felt himself gasp slightly before he fell to the ground.

He wasn't exactly hurt, he gasped more in surprise of the move and in surprise at how well the team hit him with the combination.

He used his strength to jump into the sky and scouted out all 3 opponents. He felt himself start to grin, he's going to make them work for another hit.

He landed with a boom, he quickly dodged out of the way of a spear and grabbed a kunai as it flew past him. He grabbed the kunai and sent it flying towards Panda with all of his strength.

It pierced his left arm instantly, he used Pandas surprise to his advantage by blitzing him. He used his speed to disappear and appeared suddenly behind Panda with his leg already swinging towards the cursed corpse.

"Fly" Toges voice seemed to whisper into his brain

He suddenly flew into the sky uncontrollably, he righted himself quite quickly and as he watched then readjust the formation they were using he spotted something.

'They want me to now go after Toge, then Maki will hit me and then they want me to go after Maki and then Panda etc etc' was his current theory, but first he needed to test it.

He instantly rushed over to Toge but before he could reach he was intercepted by Maki, he smiled as he blocked her hit, she seemed like she was trying to bait him.

He kept an eye on Toge realising he was tense, he was ready for me to continue after him and of course he was. So he did the unexpected, he disappeared in a burst of speed only to appear behind Panda!

He quickly sweeps Pandas legs out from under him before kicking the cursed corpse in Toge direction. He then used Pandas body as a smoke screen.

He waited until Toge dodged the Pandas body and then revealed himself. So while Maki was now at where Boruto was seconds ago and Panda was flying through the air, Toge was vulnerable.

He punched Toge in the jaw and then once in the stomach with his left hand. He waited for Toge to gasp and then hit him with a sudden kick that sent him flying into a tree.

He turned and caught the staff that was about to ruin his day, he already had a headache. He quickly got into a bout of hand to hand combat with Maki, he didn't want to just punch through her guard so he waited for her to make a mistake.

She didn't make a real mistake, he just got antsy. He knew Panda was behind him and probably approaching so he kicked the staff out of her hands before unsheathing his own sword and then he used his sword as a thumbtack and stabbed her uniform which left her stuck to the ground.

He led Panda away from Makis' very frustrated form and used his speed to kick him into the air. He used his speed once more and appeared above the panda as he just started to fall.

He pulled his leg back and kicked Panda back into the ground he slightly winced as he heard the crash Panda's body made as it smashed into the ground.

'Huh that was easy'

He dropped to the floor and started to help the students out a little bit, he of course started with Toge who looked the worse off. If he winked at a pissed off looking Maki no one else but her noticed.

He then walked back past Maki with Toge on his back and over to Panda who was groaning. He slowly put Toge onto the flat ground next to Panda and let them chill as he slowly walked over to Maki.

If he had to tie his shoelaces once or twice on the way it's only fair. He felt himself grin as he looked at Makis' frustrated face.

"Oi you bastard get me out of this now!" Maki shouted at him, he grinned at her as he finally made his way over to her after 3 minutes.

He quickly pulled the sword out of the ground and back into his sheathe, he then offered his hand to Maki who took it.

But as Boruto was suddenly falling down he realised she only took his hand to pull him down as well.

She clearly wasn't happy he could tell because there was now a knife that was holding his uniform to the ground. She started to walk off clearly proud of her 'Victory'

"Hey Maki watch this" he said to Maki who was now turning back to look at him.

He slowly pulled the knife out of the ground and his uniform with no effort, she clearly wasn't very happy with that result either as she practically growled as she jumped on top of him.

He had never really had to grapple before and clearly he wasn't very good at it as Maki was on top of him with him on his back.

He groaned as her hand was pressed against his mouth to stop him from speaking. But he couldn't exactly complain about the position he was in, at the end of the day he considered it a win.

They met eyes and she clearly realised that they were both in slightly compromising positions but she didn't move at all, is she really that competitive?

A cleared throat interrupted them and as they both turned their head to the source they saw a crying Satoru Gojo. They both scrambled to get to their own feet as they watched Gojo pretend to cry.

Boruto was about to mention the fake crying before Gojo pointed at Maki "You're already moving on from Yuta so soon, you harlot!" Maki's face went red as she tried to explain to Gojo that she couldn't move on from Yuta as she had never been with Yuta to begin with.

While Panda and Toge were both laughing at the display the same could not be said for Boruto who was looking in a random direction on the horizon.

While he looked at the accursed horizon he felt his previous jovial mood disappear and his headache was coming back twice as bad.

'Seriously Yuta you already have Rika leave me alone' he begged the horizon hoping the message would get the special grade sorcerer.

His musings were rudely interrupted by that bastard Gojo. "So my little student here won?" He asked the second years, Maki didn't answer whereas Panda and Toge both nodded simultaneously.

Gojo clapped "Okay! My little first year" he said while he patted Borutos hair "will be helping you guys with this mission, all you really need to know is that you need to exorcise a curse at a hospital, it's a first grade so be careful" Gojo left with a suddenly as he just disappeared.

"Did he uh, say which hospital?" Boruto asked, clearly concerned because he can imagine Gojo keeping from mentioning the location just to have some fun.

"Salmon" Toge said, Boruto nodded reflexively, okay that's good they do have the location.

'Wait did he just understand what Toge said' he thought as he looked over to a happier looking Toge.

"Uh before we go I'm going to get my arm fixed up" Panda said as he gestured to his left arm. Toge nodded and then did an odd hand sign and walked off.

He turned to look at Maki who realised what he wanted to know. "He uses that to let us know he's going to grab more medicine" Boruto nodded and then slowly got down onto the grass field and laid down watching the clouds.


IIjichi had dropped them off outside the cursed location and cast a curtain around the recently abandoned hospital. Boruto gave Ijichi a wave and a thanks as he left because the man was clearly overworked and needed at least a thanks.

The group of four sorcerers made their way into the building, they made sure to stay quiet as they entered through the creaky front entrance.

He took glances at the walls and floor as he walked through the hospital, he turned to Maki "This place looks fire damaged, has that got anything to do with the curse or was this hospital burned down or something" he asked fully expecting it to have been explorers or the curse.

"No, this hospital had a big fire 9 months ago, this damage was from that. It's one of the reasons this hospital has got such a powerful curse now living here. 68 people died here in that fire." She said, her eyes were narrowed as they constantly scanned for any curses.

'68 died, shit and the amount injured must be through the roof. This curse surely has to be strong.' As he was thinking he heard Panda gasp as he entered a surgical room.

They all reacted and followed Panda through the door. Boruto stared in awe at the gigantic room, the roof must be at least 40 metres tall and the length of the room had to be triple that.

He heard a muttered shit from Maki and looked over to see her looking behind and he turned to look as well revealing the door they just came through had disappeared.

"Innate Domain" Panda said "We're in an innate domain, this curse will be strong, keep your guards up" Boruto nodded before he bent down to touch the floor.

It felt hot?

The floor was getting hotter by the second, he opened his Jogan and saw a blazing amount of cursed energy approaching them from the floor, his eyes widened in shock before he kicked maki to the right, he rushed over before pushing Panda out of the circle and then rushed over to an already running Toge and then threw him out of reach.

He didn't have enough time to leave the cursed energy attack radius, the floor was already melting from the heat. He used his strength and jumped straight upwards and just in time as well.

His feet brushed the giant flame that burst out of the floor in a circle radius. As soon as Boruto hit the roof he knew the fire would reach him, so twisted his body and kicked off the roof just avoiding the fire.

An unfortunate side effect of this was him hitting the floor in a blur of speed. He got up and nearly tripped over the rubble before his eyes widened and he could feel something wrong.

He ducked in instinct as an old metal shield flew above his head and crashed into the wall nearby before it bounced back towards him. He dashed to his right in a burst of speed and looked at the origin of the first shield throw.

The cursed spirit he was now looking must be at least 9 feet tall, its lanky arms reached its knees and its orange fur reminded him of an Orangutan. It was standing on its two skinny legs.

The amount of cursed energy in its body was staggering, this was definitely not a First Grade spirit.

Its face looked despaired, it was hard to describe but the curse just looked sad, like it had the world on its shoulders. Before Boruto could contemplate the curse, It had already reached him before Boruto could react to his own thoughts.

The curse used its shield as if to bash him in the face with it, as he stared up at the beast he saw the fire in its eyes. Its despaired look disappeared and it now looked gleeful and mad.

Boruto knew this would hurt and braced himself for it until he heard Toge speak. "Stop" His silky voice made the curse freeze and Boruto took advantage by unsheathing his sword.

The sword swung at the giant only to be blocked by the shield in its path, his eyes widened; he thought the wind chakra he had placed on the Katana would have sliced right through.

There was no cursed energy in the shield. How is that even possible? He had to react as the giant started to push down with the shield.

He gracefully slid to the right allowing the giants shield to crash against the floor and leaving the giant open for a slash down its right arm,

He heard Toge's voice once more "Freeze" he watched as the giant's legs started to actually freeze, he hit the giant with a kick sending it into a nearby wall.

"Thanks Toge" he shouted to his fellow sorcerer.

"Salmon" Toge said back with a nod.

As the giant was starting to recover he was hit by Panda at least a dozen times before Maki came from its right and tried to slash the Special Grade.

Its skin was barely pierced and it quickly healed so as Panda was still wailing on the curse he watched Maki quickly switch to a blunt staff.

As Panda started to slow he heard Toge once more "Recover" was said and Pandas energy was returned and he started to pummell the curse once more.

One problem all Panda is doing is basically not giving it time to attack, he doesn't seem to be doing any real damage.

So while Panda distracts the enemy Boruto would slice him open. In a sudden burst of speed Boruto appeared next to the giant and started to slash the beast. He made sure to stick near where the main arteries are and try to cut one of them.

He had to dodge a few swinging arms from the spirit but it was easy to do and with him and Panda both distracting it allowed Maki to start hitting the spirit. He did notice Panda is quickly tiring and the creature really hadn't taken too much damage.

Sure it was bleeding a lot but it was healing just as quick. But he saw an insane buildup of curse energy and kicked Panda away from the curse before rushing over and grabbing Maki and ran away from the curse; they were now near a corner of the room watching the giant stumble.

He had clearly done some damage to its leg and it kept tripping and the cursed energy kept building, they stayed back waiting but nothing came and the cursed energy disappeared.

"Shit, it knew I could sense cursed energy" he said to the group while keeping an eye on the now silent giant that was observing them.

"It used a build up of energy to trick me, to make me think there was a big attack when it was just a method to get back some time and let it heal" He looked behind him to the group of second years and his eyes widened in shock.

They didn't yet notice but by the look on my face they knew something was wrong and they started to turn around.

They were too slow.

Boruto was watching the giant orangutan made out of fire wind back its fist for a punch he could only think of one thing.

It wasn't a trick.

The giant had tricked him by pretending like it was using the build up of cursed energy to get time when it had really made a fire clone.

He turned his back and saw the curse staring at him while grinning. Knowing it had tricked him, he turned back only to see as the fire clone's hand was now through Pandas chest and watched as the rest of pandas body caught fire and started to light.

Boruto quickly moved without thought and sliced Pandas head off before throwing it to the other side of the room. The rest of his body was already gone, the flame was strong. He looked back to see Toge was already flying into a nearby wall and that Maki was about to be impaled by the fist of the clone.

He activated his Karma without thought and grabbed Maki before leaving her by Panda and Toge. He ran back towards the Cursed spirit before he was punched by the clone in the jaw. He was sent into a wall and quickly climbed out of the rubble.

He felt his face and it wasn't burning or anything even though he was just punched by the fire clone. He had a theory and needed to test it. He used his speed to run over to the fire clone and dodged a wide swing and took a step back avoiding the cursed spirits shield.

He dodged under another swing before getting in close and punching the fire clone in the stomach and needing to back off again because the shield was coming back towards him.

The original cursed spirit caught the shield and roared at him while bashing his shield against the ground.

'Okay so the clone is not fire, it can use fire attacks but it's body is touchable that's good. One problem is that the clone still has loads of cursed energy' he shook his head before he rushed towards the fire clone.

He smirked as the shield came flying towards him, he waited for it to be just in front of him before kicking the shield into the fire clone. Then he turned and rushed the original.

He got into a hand to hand battle with the giant, he was dodging its hits with ease and was using all his strength to punch the thing in the gut.

He had already punched it nearly a dozen times before he saw an orange glow on the floor behind him. He grinned before he slid through the original's legs and kicked him into the fire clone.

He felt himself grinning at the scream of frustration the spirit released but he needed to finish this quickly he looked over to Toge who didn't look too good and Pandas severed head.

Wait, Maki is gone!

He heard a crack and looked to see the cursed spirit had been sent flying into a wall by a pissed off Maki, he sped straight past her into the clone with a kick.

He coated his Katana once again in wind chakra and took advantage of the clones' pain. In less than a second he had travelled over to the clone and had already impaled the clone.

He heard a quick shout but needed to finish off the clone before he dealt with that.

He watched as the clone flinched and tried to pull out the sword. He grabbed the hilt and pulled it out himself and then jumped and sliced the clone's neck open.

He turned and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Maki was face down on the floor with blood pooling around her head, he watched as it slowly poured and mixed with her hair.

Boruto was still staring at the blood in her hair. He was fixated on it, he didn't take mind of the grinning cursed spirit nor did he take mind of the slowly healing clone behind him.

What he did notice was his Karma lightly glowing blue, he also noticed a tingling above his Jogan eye and felt something grow there, he placed his hands against it and felt a horn.

He took his fingerless gloves off and then sheathed his sword and gingerly placed them on the floor and then took his eyes off her blood and looked at the grinning cursed spirit that was seemingly waiting for his reaction.

The cursed spirit wasn't even able to react before Boruto's foot slammed into his face, the building shook as the cursed spirit was sent into the wall.

He gingerly stepped around Maki, but before he could move he heard footsteps to his left? He looked and the clone was standing there fully healed and then looked to his right and saw the cursed spirit watching him.

As if on some unheard signal the fight began with them rushing at him, they tried to both hit him in the face with a punch.

He caught them before using his grip to throw them into a wall, he instantly blitzed the Spirit and started to ruthlessly beat it into the ground.

He was punched again by the clone which sent him flying, he quickly regained his balance and blitzed the clone with a kick that sent it flying. He then started to beat the original again.

He dodged the giants desperate shield throw, he was about to be hit with the shield as it bounced off the wall before he heard a voice mutter "Dodge" he felt himself move out of the way leading to the shield hitting the cursed spirit.

He wasn't grinning anymore.

His face was covered in the cursed spirits orange blood, he heard footsteps once more and saw the clone running at him.

"You insolent fool!" His voice came out darker, deeper and his Jogan eye glowed intensely as he seemed to grab a part of the air.

Space seemed to shimmer as Boruto ripped it open in

in front of the clone. A jagged portal came into being, the clone couldn't stop before he was seemingly pulled into the portal which closed after he entered.

"W-wH-whErE-" the cursed spirit's attempt at speech was interrupted by Boruto's fist smashing into his face again and again until its face was now just mush. The cursed spirit's body was already deteriorating.

He stumbled over to Makis body and turned it over and made sure the body had a pulse.

Every moment that passed without the pulse was agony until he finally felt a thump and breathed a sigh of relief.

Boruto gently picked up Maki and then walked over to Toge and awkwardly pulled him onto Borutos back and then held Panda's head in his left hand.

He quickly opened a portal using his Chakra into the school's medical wing and stepped through.