
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Demonic Beasts Rampage


Our moment was broken by screams of frightened students coming from the east side of the building, "Someone help us! There's a rampaging demonic beast at the taming grounds!"

"Someone help! We need a teacher!"




*End of Recap*

Leona and her friends were then crowded by many junior students, many of whom were crying and screaming. Saying that some students have gotten injured and that there were two demonic beasts attacking the students and knights in training. Immediately hearing this, Clara and I looked at each other, as if there was a click between us as if we knew what each other was thinking, we both nodded and started to run to the taming ground with Clara leading the way.

"NEIGH!!!!" "ROARRR!!!"

Two very powerful cries came from up ahead, we could feel the immense pain and power from then, which made us increase our speed towards the end of the hall where we could see the sunlight from the taming grounds. Rushing out we stop and scan the area, my eyes lock onto the far end of the taming grounds, where the training grounds began. Tapping Clara, she turns into the direction I was pointing to and nods in response, we both run over and as we began to get closer. We finally saw the damaged area, many knights in training, and male students were trying to control the situation by attacking the untamed demonic beasts. Some were even bleeding on the dusty earth, it looked truly awful, as some of the grass had been burned and some of the trees had turned into ash with only a sliced stump left.

We stood there horrified by what we saw until another loud cry came from our left. There stood an inferno ghost-rider stallion, it's pitch-black body contrasting with its blood-red eyes, flaming ruby tail, and scorching ruby fire mane. Next to it was a gale sabretooth tiger, it's silver fur containing a weird vine-like pattern throughout its body in seafoam green.

(A/N: I would recommend looking up the color if you don't know, it's so pretty!)

Both of the beasts were surrounded by the students and training knights with some other students further away from the fight healing the injured. And as the group of students and knights were about to chain them down the two beasts attacked, sending large powerful bursts of fire which was then was increased by the sabretooth's wind attacks. What remained was a burnt ashy ground and many injured students about to be trampled on by the inferno ghost-rider and gale sabretooth.

Clara and I knew that we had to do something, as the teacher in charge was no-where to be found and the student council currently was having trouble even getting here. So we ran over to the beast since I had an affinity to air (wind), I decided to focus on the gale sabretooth and Clara would take the Inferno ghost-rider as she had the affinity with fire.

I swiftly rush up to the gale sabretooth bringing out a whip I had taken out of my space earlier when Clara and I were making our way here. The whip was made of a special type of metal so breaking it would take a huge immerse of strength or power, not losing my speed I dive over it, causing a small diversion to grab it's attention to which once landing I immediately duck and slide under it, as it pounces over me. I then use my whip to wrap it's hind legs together to which it falls due to the lack of balance at my tug which tied the two back legs together. "That was a lot easier then I thought it would be-" I quietly say to myself as I turn my back to see how Clara was doing until I heard a snap.

"My dragon-scale whip! How dare you. That's it no more playing around." I mutter, my anger boiling now that my precious whip given from father had broke. I look up from my broken whip in my hands, staring the gale sabretooth my killing intent clearly visible to the opposing sabretooth.

Without any hesitance the gale sabretooth roared, unleashing powerful strikes of wind blades, I keep walking slowly not even budging as if the attacks weren't targeted at me. The wind blades pass by me, missing me every time by only an inch, spectators watching couldn't understand what was going on, no one could figure out how I was avoiding all the attacks without a single movement to dodge, even the gale sabretooth was left in confusion.

Since I wasn't speaking at all so they eliminated the possibility of me controlling it with my own magic, but that's where they were wrong. I was controlling it as I didn't have to say anything as my magic was chant-less due to my mana manipulation, and as I kept walking, avoiding each attack I could see a slow panic gradually appear in the gale sabretooth's eyes, becoming greater as if it was a small prey that had been cornered and was about to be devoured.

As I got to its face it started to cower in fear even shaking from my releasing pressure added to the fact that I was using my spatial magic to forcefully pull the beasts gravitational force downwards towards the earth, keeping it from moving. As it lay there shaking, I raise my hand up and was about to strike down on the cowering sabretooth's head but chose to wait until it looked up, the sabretooth stared up at my hand no longer shaking. In its eyes showed acceptance and waiting for what was going to be the end, just waiting for my attack to strike down on him. then I drop my hand and just lightly karate chop it in the head, and calmly say "Never break my things again got it."

It looked so confused, just staring up at me strangely which then I responded with a sweet smile as it nodded its head in understanding. "Okay then. Everything has been settled now be a good boy and don't cause any more trouble for others."

Saying that I lightly pat and stroke his head and make my way over to Clara, unaware that he was still following me until I felt something soft nudge then graze my hand.

Looking down I see him and smile, "do you want to come with me boy?" to which he nodded and purred. So taking that as a yes, I smile and say gently "okay then, your name will be Sora." and with that a golden thread of light emitted between the two, lasting for a few seconds before disappearing.

"Wow, Lilith you contracted the gale sabretooth. Transforming it from a demonic beast to a beast companion. Good job!" Clara said coming over to Lilith's side and dismounting off the Inferno ghost-rider stallion.

"Thanks, it also looks like you also tamed and contracted an Inferno ghost-rider stallion," I respond with a smile looking at her casually stroking the stallion without any pain from the flames.

"Yep, this is Zoro, my new beast companion."

"Cool, nice to meet you Zoro. This is Sora," I say gently patting Sora on the head.

"That was excellent girls! No wonder you two are our star pupils in the junior students. You're both only new-comers yet you pull off a show like this. My, my what great talent and skill you two have." A gentle and friendly voice appeared, dragging both Lilith's and Clara's attention to him. There a clapping, jolly old man in his 50's came floating down from the sky, happily congratulating them.

'What was going on? Who is he? Why didn't he help the students when they were in danger? What's wrong with him?' Lilith and Clara both simultaneously thought.

Without caring for the looks from the two, he continued speaking turning to face behind him were the headmaster magically appeared gazing at Clara and Lilith. "Well, how was that performance headmaster? These students clearly are the best out of the newcomers and show great potential. These two seem ready for the mission."

"Hmmm, it does seem like these two are the most skilled out of the junior years. Inform them of mission 48 and help them in acquiring their new ID's. I hope to hear the good news about the completion of the mission."

"Yes, headmaster."

"I also expect them to finish their prerequisite training from the Vice headmaster and get a passing score before official getting their licenses. Don't disappoint me." And with that just like she arrived she disappeared without a trace.

Turning to face the two girls the man introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Mr. Simmers. I am the academy's Taming instructor. You two have passed the selection test and now will be taking the training and final qualification test of the Vice headmaster. Please come with me..."

"Wait. Excuse for being rude, but could you please explain what's going on? You can't just expect us to go with you when you haven't told us anything. Right Lilith?" Clara said bluntly to the back of Mr. Simmers, expecting Lilith to back her up...

"LILITH!!" Clara yelled, upon seeing Lilith already following the instructor without a care, just happily chatting with him.


"How can you just listen and follow his orders? When we don't know what's going on?"

"Well since the Headmaster basically explained everything, what's the point in asking again?"


"No but's. Just stay quiet and listen. Mr. Simmers was already telling me what was going to happen before you interrupted by yelling."

"Oh, okay. Sorry sir for my outburst, if you could please resume what you were saying before I had rudely interrupted."

Mr simmers calmly replied with a smile, "No need for apology dear, it's very alright as I completely understand the reason for your actions."

Continuing he explained that, the two demonic beasts rampaging was all part of a selection exam for a new junior student missions team, particularly we were looking for two more junior students. This squad would then be sent to take missions given to the school by the high council in charge of the academy.

You will meet the other participants later this week where you all will participate in the training and qualification exam from the Vice Headmaster, good luck you two you will need it...