Mid twenty’s guy tries to save kid from getting kidnapped but dies in the process and the goddess of reincarnation felt bad and takes pity and sends his soul to a new world that’s far different from his own and gave him a little help to give him a better chance.
The first thing that everyone noticed about this strange baby was that he did not cry. He was looking around and you could tell he was interested in things. But more then a usual baby would be but they just put that to the back of their minds since they baby came out healthy and there was no complications.
Leon's parents are both in the military officers and live in the northern end of the city's Upper Ward District. His father's name is Theod Moorstorm a battalion leader and a veteran swordsmen. His mother's name is Eve Moorstorm a Magister and professor at the magic academy in the city. It is coincidentally it is also the best school in the state. They Decided to name their son Wryn Moorstorm. And thus was the start in this crazy new place and a new start on life. The city is located is along the sea the city is called Ravenhall in the state of Loria.
Five years later.
The last few years has been crazy! This place is something different I mean between there being magic and monsters. Technology is vastly different it is far behind my old realm in most ways but magic and magical devices have done things that could only be dreamed of.
So things I've learned so far is that when you age you get points to put into your core stats. Apparently everyone has a sort of inner character sheet they call it your soul stats and it's something that is Interwoven into your soul here.
So everyone starts out with a one in all six stats and every year until your twelve you get two points to put in. Now I noticed this is not like a instant boost but more of being able to exceed in that area. So an example would be someone who had fourteen in strength and someone at eight is that you will only be able to physically train to a point then you will plateau. The person with the higher stat will plateau and a much higher bar. You still have to train the stat to make it better.
So far my stats are as follows.
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 2
intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Magic: XXX
I still don't know what is going on with the magic stat I can't put any points into it. So I'm thinking that I may have no magic ability but mom's said it does not manifest until twelve so that may be why.
Today is a big day for our family dad is taking me out for my first hunt. He's been teaching me how to use a sword and bow for the last three months and I feel comfortable with both.
I woke up before daybreak and I hear shuffling elsewhere in the house so I roll out of bed throw on the hunting outfit dad set out for me and started to head downstairs mom and dad are in the living room with all the hunting gear.
"Good morning hope everyone slept well." He said to his parents his dad was the first to speak back "good morning my boy how did you sleep? Are you excited for today?" He spoke back to the boy
His mom stood up and walked over and hugged Wryn and spoke "Good morning sweetheart glad to see you up early and dressed guess you were ready for this day then."
Nodding his head Wryn spoke " Yes ma'am I didn't want dad to have to wait on me. And yes sir I am excited for today and I slept well." Standing proud as he spoke then went over and started checking and over his kit and making sure it was sharpened and that he prepared everything needed.
Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said "It's time my boy lets head out into the woods and find out objective." I nodded and followed him out the front door I said goodbye to mom and shut the door behind me. It was about five in the morning and the district is quiet on this Nordsday *saturday* you can still smell the fresh salt water from the port.
About 25 minutes out of the city we made our way into the forest lots of animals calling out to each other in the twilight of the morning as the sun is trying to break. Following behind dad he throws up one of his hands into a fist which makes me stop immediately and survey the area. He points to fresh animal droppings on the ground which looked like they belonged to a deer as that the army does their best to keep the forest near the city clear of monsters.
After follow the tracks for about fifteen minutes we come to the edge of a small grove where about four deer are grazing at the moment. I grab my bow and nock an arrow and draw the string back slowing my breathing focusing on the target. I aim behind the front shoulder I exhale and release the string and let the arrow fly to its target.
All that could be heard is the thud of the arrow hitting the deer and the shriek's that came after it echoed throughout the whole woods. Dad looks over with a smile and says " Well done son let us go track her down we should be able to follow the blood trail easy. I nodded and walked up to the last location the doe was and attempt to follow.
A short three minute search and we find her. She's laying on her side taking deep breaths staring at me. Dad points to her and says " Well we don't torture son put her out of her misery remember one smooth movement at the base of the skull." I take a deep breath take out my hunter dagger and approach she trying to calm her down in a soothing voice " Shhhh calm down beautiful the pain will be over in a moment I'm sorry I put you in pain." I pet her a few times to put her to ease and then in a swift and smooth motion plunge my dagger into the base of her skull releasing her from her mortal shackles and letting her run free to the afterlife.
"Now son do not forget to thank the god of hunts for this bountiful catch we got today it would be bad luck not to." Dad mentions to me as he comes up besides me patting me on the back with the biggest smile I have ever seen him give. I nod and give thanks to Nord the God of the hunt.
In the distance there was a distinct sound of twigs breaking getting and judging by how it was getting louder the thing in question was getting closer. Dad stands up pulls out his sword and instructs me to get behind him and don't say a word. Outsteps a large bear looking creature but there was one thing that gives away it's more then just a bear. It had two large sized bird eyes a beak and feathers all over it's body. " Fuck a Owlbear.... Wryn do not engage you are not strong enough to help and I don't want you to get hurt... if anything happens you run northeast back to the city and tell your mother I love her." He turns to look at me and also says " And of course I love you too my boy you are my greatest achievement and todays made me the proudest I could ever be."
With despair in his heart I nodded my head and slowly took a few steps back and watched dad charge headlong into battle with an adult mother owlbear. Dad and the monster begin to fight but it's clear that the owlbear has a strength advantage against dad. "RUN NOW WRYN I WILL TRY TO HOLD HER OFF!" Dad yelled sternly at me.
I began to run off when a shadow appeared from the fringe of the tree line and stops me in my tracks. " Are you kidding me?' Wryn says while sighing lookout at the figure emerging from the shadow. A juvenile owlbear coming to figure out what it's mother's call was about and now staring at a small delicious snack just a few yards away.
Gritting their teeth both father and son knew they are in for a fight now. Wryn reached for the sword on his back and unsheathed it and took up the ready stance that his father has drilled into him hundred's of times.
The juvenile charged at the young boy and within inches on it slashing him across his torso Wryn side stepped and did a maiming slash at it's hind legs with all his might. Which connects but the attack is superficial and does not do much damage but when he turns around the claw comes slicing through the air and make contact with the boy and his weapon sending him back a few feet.
The taste of iron now flooding his mouth Wryn tries to stand up but a massive pain in his leg makes him fumble back to the ground. Looking down he sees a gash in his leg ( Oh crap that's not good I'm bleeding pretty bad. I need to finish this now somehow think… think…. Think!!!!!) In a flurry of emotion he slams him fists on the ground screaming "reaaaaaaaghhhhh!!!!"
At the moment he slammed his fists into the ground a rumble around the grove happened. In shock when Wryn opened his eyes he was face to face with the juvenile with its mouth open attempting to bite but there is a massive spike of earth piercing through the bottom of its head all the way through.
It caused such a commotion that dad and the adult even stoped and looked. ( I can use magic? I'm not even twelve yet. Ok ok calm down think you've got to help dad. What did mom say to do when using magic visualize what you want to happen and try to connect to the element you are going to use.)
Eyes open and fully zoned in Wryn turns toward the other two fighting and slams both hands onto the ground and yelled" Earth Spike!!" The ground rumbles a little and a small spike comes out of the ground below the monster and goes right into its shoulder. The next thing he remembers seeing his he dad capitalizing of the stunned and now wounded monster and swings for the neck. THUMP the boy passes out cold and smack the ground and moments later the adult owlbears head falls to the ground as well.
"Son! SON!" Theod yells and he runs over to his son passed out on the ground. After surveying him and doing basic first aid to his leg he walks over and cuts the other monsters head off too. Opening a large satchel on his side he puts both monsters heads into it and all meat from the deer that they got from earlier.
Then he picks up his boy and carry's him back to the house smiling from ear to ear thinking about his son the prodigy. Being able to use magic at his age? No one would believe me not even Eve hehehe so I'm bringing back proof. My boy you are going to go far I just hope you don't forget about us and come and visit.