
Reincarnated into a dungeon core

A man from earth is reincarnated into a dungeon core

Lordyken · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 1

John was confused, he was supposed to be in his comfy pyjamas sleeping in bed but now his having this super weird dream. He was dreaming that a vastly powerful presence had something very ridiculous to tell him, something about magical experiments and giving a dungeon.... a soul. Next thing he knew, he was dreaming about being a crystal deep underground. You know how sometimes your dreams can skip scenes and jump about ? yeah he went from meeting someone powerful to becoming a crystal. This is really the first time in his life to experience dreaming as a crystal.

John dreamed he was a peaceful crystal, he couldn't see, hear, smell, touch or taste anything. It was a very long and boring dream, all he did everyday was just absorbing in energy and growing stronger, feeling a certain pressure building up within him until it finally broke through. With the successful break out, something within him evolved. Blurry at first but gradually becoming perfectly clear, John could see again!. He slowly did a 360 degree turn to stare at the world around him. It was all soil except for a man size block of crystal about the same height of his real life body. The crystal was glowing in an attractive sky blue color and John instinctively knew that this crystal is him !!??!. This was all a very fascinating dream but hello?? Its time to wake up!!!. Why couldn't he wake up?

After another boring period of just absorbing energy, growing and looking at soil, John felt himself evolving again. This time he broke free of a mysterious shackle that he never knew was inside his mind. Some memories of his life on earth returned to him in a rush. Saying good night to his parents, going to bed in his nice comfy pyjamas and then for no reason, suddenly feeling a terrible, horrible pain which he can clearly remember now...wait….….so is this still a dream or.... Is he really dead !?!?!? John was stunned senseless. His.....most probably dead ??. How…..how....how could this be ?? What about his family, friends and money ! Is anybody still feeding his fighting fish ? OH shit he didn't delete his porn yet, those videos with horses were just for research purposes ! Don't open the folder named 3D studio fow !

John spent a long time in a shocked daze....at first he only thought he was dreaming but now that he heavily suspected he died, everything changed. He started to feel an intense.. very intense craving for all the things he enjoyed in life before. He wanted to feel them all again !!!!!!! Then he started to feel clinging, very intense clinging for everything taken away permanently from him !. Reaching the peak of clinging he started to go crazy, crazy because he wanted so much to return to his normal life, to do the stuff he likes, to tell his family he is alright and not be sad over him but all he can do is be a stupid glowing crystal !. ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG!!!!!

During this period of madness, John once again started to feel sleepy and he gradually succumbed to sleep, a sweet escape from his mental demons. Alas, too soon he woke up again, half mad and still desperately craving for his past life, his family and friends. An unknown amount of time passed with John in this mentally unstable state of mind, until the familiar sensation of pressure building up returned, with the subsequent break through evolving John again.

Following his new evolution , an undeniable surge of impulse made him temporarily forget everything and fully focus on gathering the power within him, mentally shaping it according to some unknown guiding instinct. The impulse was so strong it overruled his conscious mind and John just stopped thinking about anything else. Time passed slowly as he patiently layered his mana step by step, taking care to get each step perfect, slowly condensing the mana in his crystal into a unstable revolving whirlpool of high density mana. Each time he added a new layer, the whirlpool will be just abit more dense and slightly more unstable. John then waited for his crystal to absorb more mana before he added another layer again.

As John added more layers, the mana whirlpool became more dense and unstable until without any warning, he felt an explosive, sharp pain rip through his crystal from the inside, it felt as if his guts got blown out of his body by a big explosion, followed by endless waves of mana pouring out of his crystal body, causing him to feel very weak. The worse part was being trapped in his crystal body, unable to roll around or scream out his pain. He felt like just a mental construct being tortured with no where to run or hide.

John was incapacitated by the horrible pain for a long time....when he finally recovered his senses, he became aware of a very wierd feeling in his body.... Or rather to say, his body seems to be outside his own body now.

There was this glowing sky blue light around him and wherever it shined, so too he could feel. This light was his magical body and is produced by his crystal when it passively converts ambient mana into his own mana.

As his crystal grows larger he will be able to store and handle more mana and by moving his crystal to places with denser mana he can increase the rate of mana conversion. John stared hard at the soil just in front of his crystal and focused his mind on his new spell. His instincts was telling him to call something, to summon something and John was trying hard to make it a reality. His magical body vibrated and his mana started to become agitated, something was coming he could feel it ! John focused on calling for this mysterious thing to be his first dungeon creature ! The mana in the surroundings started to form a unstable transparent outline of a humanoid shape in the soil. As the mana outline gradually grew more defined and opaque, the mana entering the blurry shape got lesser till it abruptly cut off and John felt that the spell was complete. A mysteriously glowing outline of a lumpy humanoid shape now stood in the soil...no, the soil itself was transforming and was no longer soil. The magic within the humanoid shape was transforming the soil inside into magical flesh, miraculously compressing and hardening the soil to make a more durable physical body

The Basic Golem took awhile to undergo its final transformation from soil to Golem. John followed his instincts and thought of the dungeon structure he wanted. To start his dungeon, a small chamber around his crystal will do. He knew that the surface world was above his head but he felt too weak to make contact with the surface now. After thinking of his new dungeon long enough, its structure became firmly defined and a map of his new dungeon appeared in his mind. John opened the map and he could see his entire dungeon domain which was brightly lit, the room he imagined was still a hazy square in the center of his domain and the rest of the world was dim. John closed the map to check on his golem. The golem was busy digging out his chamber but it was hard work because its body was still trapped by soil and it had to use its mouth to slowly eat its way free. John was surprised to see the golem eat the excess soil and the golem continued eating and eating way more then it should be able to fit in its tummy. He could sense the magic in the golem was doing something to the excess soil but he had no idea what. John created 2 more golems to speed up the process, then he felt tired from using so much mana and went to sleep. When John woke up, his small chamber was almost completed. The 3 golems were working on a corner of the chamber, busy scooping out soil with their hands and gobbling it. His crystal was at the center of the small room and John can clearly see the light blue mana floating around his crystal like a magical mist, he looked so magical now.

John felt a surge of excitement rising in his soul. Although he still preferred to be alive on earth, but if u look at his situation from a different angle, this is like the adventure of a lifetime !. He now has the chance to experience life as a real dungeon master with so many different new possibilities... If only his family was here to share his excitement and be together with him.... Sigh, John missed his family dearly and despite trying to be optimistic, he still can't help feeling lonely. John took a closer look around his new room and noticed several large mounds of lumpy brown stuff on the ground, what are those ? maybe its loose soil ?.…He tried to investigate those lumps of soil and adjusted his vision to zoom up really close…..Hmm, lumpy, compacted and brown...….Isn't that looking like poo poo??....John was mentally making a i-cannot-believe-it face...did his golems poo poo after eating soil? Anyway, his a crystal that couldn't smell anything so the mounds of poo didn't really bother him except for the knowledge that there Could be golem poo in his magic mist room. Chucking it to his to-do list for later, he patiently awaited the completion of his first dungeon room. After his golems finished completely excavating the room's intended area, John could feel his magical body start to acknowledge the existence of the new room. Huge but simple magical runes spontaneously appeared and entered the walls, floor and ceiling, transforming it from a hole underground to a proper dungeon room and the room changed from a hazy outline to become clearly defined in his mental map. After the room was finished, John saw the golems start to reinforce the room by themselves without any orders from him. They were drawing smaller runes to compliment the huge but simple runes. Wow. John thought to himself. There is so much work involved to just make a dungeon room. Its also going to be difficult to change room sizes once a room is complete. John's surplus mana was slightly drained by the creation of the room but he still had enough left to comfortably make 2 more golems. The golems were taking a long time inscribing the smaller runes into the room, so John felt impatient and created another 2 more golems, now he had a total of 7 golems. As his mana got lower, John began to feel sleepy again and fell asleep.

There…first room done ! now how should he build the rest of his dungeon ? Should he make a maze between his crystal and the surface? Should he try making a long dark corridor filled with traps and ending in a large room full of monsters? Or he can do a single massive underground arena where adventurers come to fight his monsters in 1 vs 1 combat or a dungeon fill with small rooms for small parties to have random encounters..... He can even try a underground dungeon town with monsters digging for resources or making stuff and doing honest trading with merchants.