
Reincarnated Into A Dead Woman's Body In Another World

"CRASH!" the last sound he heard; the last image being the smile of his friends. Jotou Howllett, a twenty-one year old nobody who finds little to no purpose in his life, wants to be a freelancer to make it big whilst trying to avoid education. He spends his last day of freedom with his friends before he's forced by his parents to attend college. That last day became his true last day as a white light flashed and he opened his eyes in a coffin, suffocating. He, now she, found herself to be in the body of a woman who had recently passed away. Jotou comes to realize that she's no longer in her world and now is in some sort of fantasy world. The rampant problems in this world soon find themselves surrounding Jotou, from the magics to the monsters to the wars between kingdoms and cities. Jotou sets out to uncover how she got here, why is she here, is she stuck here? Alongside the companions she finds in her way. _ Join the Discord Community for extra info about spells, magic, the world, announcements and more! : https://discord.gg/NPxPJZKamz _ Here's the map of the world!: https://imgur.com/a/krMRCCX Follow along on her journey through this new world, an isekai anime style story written the way I would love to read myself. It's set in an industrial revolution-esque era with magics and inconsistent technologies as a result. From slice of life moments to dark moments; comedy, fantasy, darkness, romance, mystery and reincarnation all rolled up into one adventure and I do hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey that's crafted! I intend to go by arcs and chapters much like a light novel. If you would like to give me any feedback about my writing or just want to appreciate my work, you can always leave a comment, a review or a power stone or leave feedback in the Discord! Any support is appreciated. My Links: Email: eletro104@gmail.com Reddit: u/Eletro_101 Twitter: @eletro101 Discord Community for this Book: https://discord.gg/NPxPJZKamz

Eletro101 · ファンタジー
384 Chs

Arc 1, Chapter 15: Getting the Hang of Things

"Where the hell did it go!?" Jotou shouted out in the dark shop, sword held in both hands while her eyes darted across the ceiling.

"I don't know! Did you find the rat one!?" Fumeko popped up from behind the counter.

"No, I'm looking for the bat! It went into the back and it's gone again!" Jotou squinted, "Hotaru, how bright can your water glow!?"

"About this much?" Hotaru made particles of water that lit up as much as a match stick would in a pitch-black room. Illuminated, the scene appeared clearer; them searching frantically in the low light as a lantern lied broken on the floor.

"Oh! You need some light!?" Asobi pulled out her wand, "Light!" an immensely bright white light, shot out into the middle of the room.

Fumeko shunned it with her arm and staggered backwards into a podium, as a vase, "Careful!" almost fell and Hotaru caught it in time. She juggled in her arms till she got a proper hold of it.

Hotaru's eyes narrowed to the sudden light as well, "We came to take a velatos out, not rack up a bill with Mr Baregout."

"He should've mentioned there were two," Fumeko muttered, her arm still up, adjusting to the light.

"Sobi, brightness," Jotou blinked multiple times trying to find, "There!" she ran for the image of a shadow flying across her vision with every blink.

"Sorry!" Asobi dimmed the light she casted.

"THWACK!" Jotou batted the bat with her sword, sending its tiny form into the shelves. The light dimming down let Jotou pinpoint the creature. "Crack!" She did not hit the eye, but the sword pierced through the bat's body.

Skewered on her sword like a kebab, the shadows and ruby red eyes faded, leaving a dead bat, "That's new," Jotou murmured, noticing how easily it was beaten.

"Jotou!" Fumeko chased down the little pitter-patters that was the rat velatos. "Thud!" She managed to hit, but her dagger didn't stab through the body—like trying to stab a stone shield.

Tiny walls popped out of the floor, making the velatos hurriedly come to a stop, like a rat trapped in a maze, "Can we keep it!?" Asobi queried to Hotaru, her wand creating the illusion.

"Slick!" The sword now had another small mammal skewered as it lifted off the wooden floorboards, "No…" Jotou replied bringing her sword up; the illusion of the maze faded and the night finally went quiet.


"Clack!" Hotaru stapled up the poster on the commissions board.

"Will anyone even take this? We're not even offering any reward," Fumeko asked her; the poster for a manhunt for Master Zayexiwovu.

Hotaru, "Probably not. But it makes her feel better," glanced to Asobi. The magician was showing off her tricks to some guild patrons as she pulled an illusory bunny out of her hat.

Jotou leaned on the railing, watching all three of her new found friends from above, giving a light smile. 'No closer to figuring anything out, but hey, I'm not alone.' She went down the stairs, joining the two for breakfast.

Forks and knives scraped across their plates. "Guys look!" Asobi threw pieces of copper she was tipped onto their table.

"That's nice Asobi, but you getting tips from here is, kind of illegal since you don't work here," Hotaru flapped open a newspaper.

"Don't listen to her, if you found a way to make money, exploit it all you can. You deserve it," Fumeko encouraged, chowing down.

"I will!"

Jotou was busy, graphite dancing over paper while she ate. 'Some final touches.'

"Ugh…" Hotaru crunched her eyes close—dark circles from last night's three in the morning velatos hunt.

"How are you so tired from doing nothing," Fumeko ridiculed.

"I need my sleep to function properly," Hotaru defended before she sighed, "I know using magic isn't healthy, but just this once… Rejuvenate," she sprinkled water on herself, the dark circles began to turn peach.

"I've heard of a coffee addiction, but this is something else," Jotou's fork hovered over her plate; long strands of blonde had invaded her meal. She flipped her ponytail back in a huff.

"I'm not addicted to my Rejuvenate spell, it just makes me feel, you know, goose-bumpy; in a good way…"

"She's addicted," Fumeko brought around the second plate she ordered.

"Whatever," Hotaru covered her face with a swish of the paper. "Huh, that's certainly interesting," Hotaru read.

Asobi peered over her shoulder.

"What is?" Fumeko scurried to sit beside her.

"Avon has turned from an oligarchy to a dictatorship," Hotaru told.

"Avon?" Jotou glanced up.

"Where's that?" Asobi joined.

"The Kingdom of Frosted Spikes. It's the northmost country if I'm not mistaken," Fumeko tried to read the paragraph Hotaru found.

"Guess the money stopped ruling; oh well," Hotaru flipped to the next page only for her to hum a bit, "Looks like the long battle on the border of Cravolta has come to a standstill and the Trailon Regime has been pushed back."

"Really? Nice! Always good to hear the Tri-Regime get their asses handed to them!"

"Ahem," Jotou stared.

"What's the Tri-Regime?" Asobi questioned as well.

"Right, another world… I'm sorry I didn't explain sooner," Hotaru twitched her ears.

"Basically, they're bad people," Fumeko put.

"Thanks for clearing it up," a hint of sarcasm replied.

"The Tri-Regime of Iniquity are three island nations around the mainland. Around four decades ago, each nation, The Trailon, Vandlevela and Malecise Regimes, declared war together by wanting control of the mainland and all of its nations.

They were declared rogue nations by every other nation, including the mainland ones. All ports were closed leaving them no trade routes from those nations to the regimes. Which leads to-"

"I think I get how war works. They were trying to push in; to take control over borders," Jotou finished. 'Even in a world like this, I guess peace isn't easily achieved. It would actually be harder to achieve I guess.'

"And Cravolta, the Empire of Shattering Earth, kicked their butts! I'm sure they're celebrating right now," Fumeko forked a sausage from over the table.

"They didn't exactly win. I'm sure it'll be a boost to morale, but partying would be unwise," Hotaru giggled.

Asobi opened her eyes again, "Are these, politics?" she queried yawning.

Fumeko leered, "She's from another world, she has an excuse. You probably travelled across the continent; how do you not know anything about this?"

Asobi shrugged, "I never left far from the tent. I had no clue where we even were till you told me," she replied. Fumeko looked elsewhere, lips pinching together.

"Also, YOU'RE FROM ANOTHER WORLD!? LIKE FROM SPACE!? Please, please, please teach me alien languages!" Asobi giddied across the table to Jotou's face.

"Take note Meko, this is what you're like," Jotou may have just woken up a few minutes ago, but now she was fully awake.

"Am not!" Fumeko crossed her arms and pouted.

Hotaru chuckled, "This is what happens when I don't get to sleep for eight straight hours. Shall I explain, or will you?" she turned to Jotou sitting across.

Jotou adjusted herself in her seat, sighing. She explained her story once more…


"So… you're like a zombie!?"

"All of that and that's your first question?" Fumeko blinked.

"Do I look like a zombie to you?" Jotou spread her arms wide.

"No, you're really pretty!" …Jotou's hand gradually went to cover her reddening face, a full hand over her eyes. "So, a vampire!?" Asobi continued.

"No." 'Had my guard down for that one.' Her hand remained, "I have no clue, but I'm here now and I haven't found a way out yet."

"Anyway," Hotaru moved on while Fumeko went back next to Jotou to eat, "We'll go to the supply shop first, to get some maps, rope, lantern oil, matches and the like.

Three armite split four ways, is seventy-five gold each, but I've put a hundred into party funds so each of us has a budget fifty gold," Hotaru split, holding all the coins on her person.

"When did I agree for twenty-five of my cut to be 'party funds'?" Fumeko peered over to the redhead's blue purse.

"You say that, then there's some party emergency and we have nothing to spare," Hotaru retorted.

"I was planning all night on what to use it on," Jotou showed the parchment she was drawing on.

Hotaru leant her head over, "Oh wow. You're a really good drawer."

"I'm glad at least that skill stayed with me." The sketch was of armour for herself. A corset-like blouse covered till the body's collarbone where two shoulder plates finished it off.

The sides of the corset went down the sides of the hips like two flaps or capes that went till the knees. Black leggings till the feet where two boots fit under.

"It's really good, but one minor adjustment," Hotaru placed a finger on the diagram, near the crotch, "You might want to cover that up," she pointed out.

"Huh?" Jotou peered, "Oh! Right…" she seized the paper back, "I'll make some battle skirt flaps at the front," Jotou began sketching.

Fumeko slurped up the last of her food, "Not like she would know that well; or I should say he. So, how exactly has it been being a girl?"

"For your information, I was just trying to make a cool design." 'How has it been as a girl? Not too bad, but…'

"My hair keeps bothering my neck, but I like it enough not to cut it. Everyone keeps calling me pretty, which I get, but it's getting annoying.

I have to sleep sideways or face up because face down gets, uncomfortable…

At least Sobi and Meko's are smaller than mine to deal with. How the hell do you get used to it Aru?" Jotou leaned her forehead on her hand.

Hotaru gave a slanted glance, "Undergarments…?" not really caring for Jotou's comment.

"I'm just not used to it. I shouldn't complain about it though," Jotou sighed.

"Oh, if you're not used to that… you're going to be addicted to my healing spells once a month," Hotaru glinted her fangs.

Jotou palmed her own face further, "I didn't even think about that…" she prayed that day would never come.

Fumeko on the other hand, covered her entire body with her arms, curling herself up in her seat, "Don't insult my size! Besides, for all your complaints, you sure seem to be enjoying yourself in our room!" Fumeko snickered her revenge.

Jotou's eyes ejected open, "What!? Who do you take me for!?" she recoiled away from Fumeko.

"Really!? I'm a light sleeper Jotou! You're telling me you NEVER even thought about it?" Fumeko replied, a sly grin on her face.

"Okay, I have needs too! And I wouldn't ever do that while you're in the room!"

Asobi tilted her head, her hat slowly falling over as an illusory question mark came out. Whilst Hotaru laughed to herself watching the other two bicker like children.

Qiqsvmiw li lew sj hviwwmrk yt mr womvxw. Rsa Nsxsy wiiw mx ew e rmklxqevi~


Hotaru Kinoshita:

-Source: https://picrew.me/image_maker/5


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