
Sword Training

With limited time at their disposal, she promptly steered him toward the next phase of the physical training. Each passing second held significance, and she couldn't afford to let any slip away. She wanted to utilize every bit of it.

"Now, let's shift gears to the next leg of our journey: strength training," she declared, leading the way to the gym with purpose.

True to its name, the focus here was on fortifying muscles and building strength, a task undertaken amidst the clinks and clatters of gym equipment. The plan for today closely echoed the blueprint from yesterday's test of strength, albeit with a thoughtful adjustment of sets, reps and also exercises according to their needs.

The drill remained unchanged—he would diligently work his muscles, lifting weights and manoeuvring through the array of gym machines, all in the pursuit of cultivating robust strength.

She dedicated a substantial four hours to both strength and endurance training within their ten-hour window, reserving the remaining five for honing the art of swordplay.

"Two more! You've got two more in you! Push it up! Push it up!" she enthusiastically spurred him on during his bench press.

Her motivational roars filled the air, urging him for more reps during his final push-up to failure. With her vigilant eyes below the bar, she ensured safety, ready to intervene if needed.

"*Ahh!*" he groaned, exerting himself to lift the weights. His arms trembled as he pushed through, determined to complete that one final rep.

"That's it! One more! You can do it! It's lightweight!" Naya cheered, adopting the tone of a supportive gym buddy.

Lloyd, though he had managed more than one rep, didn't escape Alaya's quest for excellence. Unsatisfied, she continued to cheer him on, determined to extract that extra effort.

However, as he attempted to push the weights with his trembling arms, they ultimately surrendered, reaching the point of failure.

*thud* *clang*

She swiftly racked the bar, and he sat up, arms shaking and sore from pushing the weights to his limit. He had done more than enough within his abilities.

Despite the ticking clock, she pressed on, aiming to work through his entire body within the limited four-hour timeframe. To expedite recovery and alleviate soreness, she instructed Naya to swiftly address fatigue with her magic.

With minimal rest, they seamlessly transitioned from one exercise to the next. Squats, pushups, deadlifts, pull-ups, chest flys, lat pull-downs—each carefully chosen to engage every muscle group in his body.

The four hours elapsed swiftly, the intensity of the session keeping them absorbed. Now, it was time to shift gears to the final portion of this segment: sword training.

"Well, are you prepared for the next last part of this segment?" she inquired, already anticipating his enthusiastic nod.

He nodded with eagerness.

'Finally, getting to the fun part,' he mused inwardly, the anticipation evident in his demeanour.

"Since I know your answer, let's begin sharpening your sword skills," she declared.

They returned to the training ground, its wooden floor extending beneath them. Bright lights on the walls illuminated the space, and a profound silence hung in the air, broken only by the potential noise of a pin drop.

"Now, pick a sword and take a stance," she instructed, her watchful eyes fixed on him.

A sword rack emerged from the ground, presenting a diverse collection—Tulwar, Saber, Rapier, Yanmaodao, Longsword, and Broadsword—all neatly displayed and ready for selection.

Following her command, he approached the rack and deliberated momentarily. 'Let's go with the longsword, the same choice as Lloyd's and the one I've trained with.'

He firmly gripped the longsword by its hilt, a weapon that had been familiar to him from the start of his training.

After picking up the sword, following her command, he assumed a stance. His feet were tightly and evenly spaced on the ground, and he held the sword straight, its tip aligning with the level of his eyes.

"Swing it down," she instructed, closely observing his stance.

In response, he executed a vertical swing as directed.

She meticulously observed his sword swing, keenly searching for any errors in technique that required correction. Understanding the pivotal role of flawless basics, she recognized that without perfection at this level, progress and strength would remain unreachable.

"Stop!" she commanded, halting him mid-swing as she identified a flaw in his technique.

"Don't move an inch," she ordered.

As he halted midway, attempting to straighten his back, he was abruptly halted from making any further movements. Frozen in that position, his back remained hunched down under her watchful command.

She enforced the freeze to meticulously examine his stance and swing, ensuring that no underlying issues persisted beyond the identified problem.

"Straighten up yourself," she instructed.

Allowing him to move from the strained position after ensuring there were no other issues in his stance.

"Well, your overall stance was acceptable, but excessive arching and hunching of your back is a concern. It diminishes the effectiveness of your strike, making it less potent. Moreover, it can lead to strain now and potentially cause significant back issues as you age," she pointed out, addressing the posture issues.

Having absorbed her advice, he adjusted his posture accordingly, implementing the suggested improvements.

"Now, incorporate this advice into your technique, and you'll notice the difference yourself," she advised.

Incorporating her advice into his technique and not arching his back and keeping it straight, when he swung down his sword again, he immediately felt the difference in the fluidity and control of his sword.

'This difference in power of the sword...the swing feels completely different and overpowered...' As he swung down again, a surge of satisfaction swept over him. His back felt remarkably more open and relaxed. The change in his swing was palpable – once rough and obstructed, it now moved smoothly, delivering a more explosive impact.

"Surprised? You shouldn't be. You've simply lost touch with the sword since you haven't trained in two years. That's why I decided to assess your stance," she explained.

"But now, before we jump into training, let's get you accustomed to the right stance. Do ten thousand vertical, diagonal, and horizontal slashes—ten thousand each," she instructed.


I would have posted this chapter yesterday but my interest died and I couldn't edit it. Anyway, my mid-term exams are going on so wish me luck as I have studied shit. Cya, I'm fucking sleepy good night.

Edit: I was going to sleep but I remembered it is 11-12-23 today. An interesting date coz 11+12=23! Now Gn!

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