
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · アニメ·コミックス
370 Chs

UA High School Entrance Examination Part 2

Akira, Skadi, and the other examinees got off the bus. In front of them stood a steel wall, and beyond that wall were dozens of empty buildings.

"Whistle~ UA High School is so rich, to build an entire mock city like this, it must cost a lot."

Akira can't help but admire the source of UA High School's wealth, which makes it worthy of being the best academy in Japan.

"I heard that there are five other mock cities like this one, and we are in City A." Skadi said as she folded her arms in front of her chest.

Like everyone else, she wears a tracksuit, consisting of purple and white.

"How do you know?"

"I heard this from the girls' chat."

"Interesting, since when did Skadi start chatting with other girls."

Akira looked Skadi up and down, as if surprised by her change.

"Stop staring at me like that, it's annoying."

Skadi reached out to pinch Akira's waist.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Spare me my queen."


Skadi snorted, and withdrew her hand. Even though she knew Akira was only pretending, she wasn't angry at all.

"Look at that, we are in the same group as him."

Looking around, Skadi saw a familiar person, and tapped Akira on the shoulder.

"Interesting... Whether it's coincidence or fate, let's greet him."

Akira saw that the person Skadi pointed at was none other than Midoriya Izuku, who was standing rooted to the spot and he looked really nervous.

The two approached Izuku, then Akira tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yo, Midoriya, we're in the same group."

"Aaaa... It turned out to be Nakano-kun, and that startled me."

Izuku patted his chest while breathing heavily.

"You seem nervous, don't think about it too much. You have been training hard for these 10 months, give it your all!"

Akira cheered Izuku up.

"B-But... If I fail, All Might will be very disappointed..."

Izuku was pessimistic, but there was a reasonable reason behind his attitude. After 10 months of training, he could only control a fraction of the [One for All] Quirk's power and every time he used it, his body would be injured, as it couldn't withstand the use of [One for All].

"Ouch, Nakano-kun, why did you hit my forehead."

Izuku held his forehead which Akira had just flicked his finger at.

"I'm not very good at entertaining others... How about you, Skadi?"

Akira asked Skadi's opinion.

"I? Why should I entertain other people? Someone should be happy to serve me." Skadi exuded the aura of a queen.

Izuku scrunched his neck, just now he was intimidated by Skadi's aura.

Seeing that Izuku's self-confidence went down, and not up. Akira cleared his throat, put his hand on the other party's shoulder, and said seriously:

"Ahem, winners never quit, and those who quit never win. Simply put, the word I want to convey to you, don't give up before trying. Show All Might that your efforts are not in vain."

Akira felt that his sentence was too chuuni, leaving this sentence to Izuku, he and Skadi walked to the iron gate.

"Do not give up before trying..."

Izuku repeated the sentence, then his eyes brightened, and his nervousness disappeared.

A few moments later, Ida Ten'ya held Izuku by the shoulder and asked a question.

In the distance, Akira saw it all, but he had no intention of interfering. As long as he establishes a friendship with Izuku, his plan is sure to run smoothly.

"Winners never quit, and those who quit never win... I didn't know Akira could say such good words."

Standing in front of Akira, Skadi said her line with a playful smile on her face.

"Don't remember that, I don't know why I said such embarrassing words."

Akira covered his face with his hands, maybe from reading manga and watching anime too much, his chuunibyou side slowly awakened.

Inevitably, he recalled the act of introducing himself in front of Rias, Sona and their subordinates. I don't know what possessed him at that time to say the Chuunibyou sentence.

"And start!"

Suddenly, Present Mic's voice was heard in that place.


The examinees didn't respond, and just stood there confused.

"Let's split up." Akira suggested.

"Let's see who collects the most points." Skadi nodded in agreement.

While the examinees were still dumbfounded, Akira, Skadi, and a few other people also entered the mock city.


Still not understanding what was going on, most of the examinees turned to Present Mic, who was standing on a tall building.

"What is it? In real combat, there's no countdown, you know! Run! Run!"

"Pretend that the coin has been tossed!"

Present Mic's mocking voice rang in all the examinees' ears.


Upon hearing this, the examinees jostled into the mock city, and only Izuku was left behind with a stupid look on his face.

Akira stood on the roof of a 10 chain building, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and he looked at the city from above.

"Now then, it's time to start the hunt."

"[Universal Sense]."

His perception enveloped the entire mock city, and all the Easy Villains, Medium Villains, Hard Villains, including the Arena Traps were clearly visible to him. Even though they are called Villains, in fact they are all robots provided by the school.

"I have to hurry, Skadi has already started."

Akira sees Skadi freezing Medium Villains, and heads off to find the next enemy.


He jumped off the building, jumped 50 meters, and landed on a robot the size of a car.

"One Hard Villain died." Said Akira stomped the robot until it was crushed, then he jumped to the location of another Hard Villain.

He only had Hard Villains as his targets, he didn't bother glancing at the Easy Villains and Medium Villains.

There was no significant resistance, the Hard Villain robot was unable to survive one of its attacks.

He even crushed the Hard Villains of the other examinees, and went under the poor fellow's complaints.


In the monitoring room.

The entrance exams have begun and the teachers of UA High School, including the current number one hero and symbol of peace, All Might, watch as their students stand out from the crowd.

A beautiful, curvaceous woman with messy black hair named Midnight, smiled coquettishly as she looked at the black-haired boy and said with a very innocent giggle:

"Who is that black-haired youth? He really stands out compared to the other participants. What's more, he's very handsome."

"Number 8321, Nakano Akira... This is strange, there isn't much data on the information sheet. What does this mean, All Might, you let him take the entrance exam with your connections, right?" Asked a pale-skinned man with messy shoulder-length hair, and his pro hero's name was Eraser Head.

"Hahaha... I'm sorry, Eraser, I couldn't tell you about that. But don't worry, I've got Principal Nezu's permission."

All Might answered the question with a laugh, he himself also wanted to know the identities of Akira and Skadi.

He had asked his friends to investigate the identities of the two people. But until now, no information has been found.

"So be it." Eraser Head no longer asked, and read Akira's information sheet in his hand.

"[Last Future Embryo] Quirk… This is the name of a unique Quirk." He whispered softly.

Present Mic said with a grin:

"Number 8321 has gotten the highest score in the shortest amount of time, it's time for the Arena Traps to appear."


In a mock city.

"This is the thirty-first," Akira said casually.

Beneath his feet was a Hard Villain robot that he had trampled to pieces.

From start to finish, his hands were still in his trouser pockets and he just crushed the robots using his feet.

"They finally appeared too."

As Akira was preparing to jump, a large robot the size of a large building appeared in front of him. They are none other than Arena Traps, which are used to trap and eliminate people from getting high scores.

If it had been any other examinee, they would have avoided the Arena Traps. After all, even if they somehow managed to defeat the huge robot, they would receive no points.

Simply put, it's a waste of time and effort.

The robot then attacks with incredible force, reducing the building to rubble.

The concrete ground beneath his feet cracked as Akira jumped up, appeared in front of the robot, clenched his fists, and said nonchalantly:

"You are disturbing."


His barehanded punch hit the massive robot, which crushed it into scrap metal.

Arena's Traps couldn't delay Akira for even a second, and he continued to hunt the Hard Villains.


In the monitoring room.

Almost all the teachers were surprised to see what Akira was doing, they all turned to look at All Might, as if waiting for an explanation from him.

"Hahaha... As expected of a shounen Akira, his strength is extraordinary, just one punch destroys the Arena Trap."

All Might responded to that with a loud laugh.

"Let me see."

Midnight took Akira's information sheet from Eraser Head's hand.

"[Last Future Embryo] Quirk, increased strength, agility, reaction speed, endurance and other physical ability enhancements. It's a bit like All Might's Quirk."

Midnight looked at All Might, he suspected that Akira was All Might's illegitimate child.

It wasn't a step [Super-Power] Quirk, on the contrary, it was a common and marketable Quirk. But the strength of that Quirk varies depending on the individual.

Quirk [Last Future Embryo] has characteristics similar to Quirk [Super-Power]

For example All Might, the public knows his Quirk is [Super-Power], which is a common Quirk and is owned by many people.

There were even some Quirk [Super-Power] among the examinees this time, Izuku being one of them, at least from what was written on the information sheet.

Of course Akira appeared the most prominent among all the other examinees.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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