
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · アニメ·コミックス
370 Chs

Another Dying Patient

Although Akira rarely visits the hospital, the senior staff know his identity as the director's son. On the way to the director's office, he was greeted several times and smiled in return.

Walking out of the elevator, in front of the door, there was an old man waiting for his arrival.

The old man was none other than Maruo's trusted assistant, Ebata.

"Welcome, Akira-sama. Master is waiting inside." Ebata smiled kindly.

He witnessed Akira's growth from infancy, unlike the quintuplets of children. Ebata regards them as his grandchildren but is slightly biased towards Akira.

"Good afternoon, Ebata-san. You've had lunch?"

"Thank you for asking, Akira-sama. I already had lunch, how about you?"

"I just had lunch with friends at a family restaurant."

"That friend must be a girl, right?"

Ebata notices Akira's womanizing nature.

"Ahahaha... Ebata-san knows me very well. But our relationship is only limited to classmates." Akira laughed dryly.

"Akira-sama, it's fine for you to play around with girls, but don't cross the line. Because it not only damages that girl's future, but also damages your parents' good name."

Ebata blames Akira for being a playboy. However, do not go beyond the norms of society. For example, getting a girl pregnant.

According to him, it is natural for Akira to be interested in romance at his age. Only, he didn't want to see him become a scoundrel.

"Come on, Ebata-san, I'm not that kind of person. But I appreciate your reminder. Thank you." Akira spoke lightly.

"You're welcome." Ebata opened the door and closed it after Akira entered.

Akira saw his father sitting on the main seat and reading a document.

"Finally, you came."

Raising his head, Maruo said emotionlessly. It's not that he doesn't have a heart, but he's always been like this, it's hard for him to express himself.

Sitting on the sofa, Akira unwrapped the chocolate available on the table and asked: "Dad looks busy."

"Hospitals are always like this. You will understand when you inherit it later." Maruo said while sitting on the sofa in front of his son.


The hand that was about to put the chocolate into his mouth stopped, and Akira was shocked by the inspiration.

"Dad wants me to be the next director?"

"Mhm. You are the only son of the Nakano Family. If not you, who else? Before that, you will undergo training to become a proper director."

"But dad..."

"Hmm? You do not want?"

Maruo noticed his son's reluctance.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that working in the health sector takes up a lot of time. Especially the hospital director, who is overworked and often on standby at work. Dad doesn't want to see me abandon his family for work, right?"

Hearing his son's complaints, the corners of Maruo's eyes twitched. Those words seemed to be directed at him.

"Let's discuss this in the future, it's still too early for you to think about this."

"So, what organ do you want me to make this time?"

Akira breathed a sigh of relief. His father didn't force him, it was the best choice. After all, he wasn't lacking in money, there was no need to work like a corporate slave.

"Bone marrow and pancreas." Maruo replied.

"Let me see the patient data."

"This is it."

As if he knew his son would ask this, Maruo had prepared a patient file and given it to him.

In the medical world, sharing patient data with others without consent is illegal and punishable by law.

The reason Maruo had no qualms about violating professional ethics was because the person asking for it was his son. What's more, he trusted him very much and was sure not to share the data.

"Thank you, dad."

Akira opened the file and started reading.

(No wonder dad needed two organs, apparently two patients.)

A girl who needs a pancreas named Yamauchi Sakura, a 17 year old female, and suffers from terminal pancreatic disease.

On the file was a photograph of her, it was a beautiful girl with soft chestnut hair with fluffy bangs covering the sides of her face and between her eyes, with strands straight over her shoulders and slightly curled at the ends.

If he had to rate her, Akira would give her a score of 8.5/10.

Sakura has been in the hospital with the patient's family members for months looking for a donor, but to no avail. Over time, Sakura's health deteriorated, and now she can only lie in a hospital bed.

If not operated on immediately, it is estimated that Sakura will not be able to survive for one month.

(Obviously, cigarettes are not good for health, but there are still people who buy them.) Akira thought.

Sakura suffers from terminal pancreatic disease due to inhaling too much cigarette smoke from her father, who is a heavy smoker.

(This girl is lucky enough to be admitted to this hospital. If she is admitted to another hospital, I'm afraid her life will not be saved)

Akira never considered himself a saint, but there was nothing wrong with helping others as long as it was within his means. What's more, this was his father's request.

Then he turned the next page and checked the last patient's data.

In the photo, it was a young girl with wavy blonde hair that reached her waist and pale indigo eyes.

Akira gave her a score of 7/10.

Her name is Miyazono Kaori, 14 years old, and she has aplastic anemia.

(Aplastic anemia, huh. What an unlucky girl... She already has a serious illness at such a young age. Well, she doesn't need to be in pain anymore. With the bone marrow I provided, she can live to old age if there aren't any accidents.)

Thanks to [Photographic Memory], Akira had read many books, including medical ones.

He really understands what aplastic anemia is.

Aplastic anemia is a rare disorder that causes the bone marrow to fail to produce enough red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Kaori's condition was even worse than Sakura's, she was unable to get out of bed and could only lie down.

According to the file, Akira put it on the table and said: "I understand the situation, I can make organs for both of them."

"That's good, let's go." Maruo said indifferently.

The two of them left the room and headed for the organ storage area.

The security staff on duty bowed respectfully when they saw Maruo. They didn't ask what they came here for, and they let the two in


First, Maruo prepared two different storage containers and nodded at his son.

Even though he rarely used the [Stand: Golden Experience] power, Akira didn't make any mistakes. He turned two 100 yen coins into pancreas and bone marrow with [Flesh and Organ Creation].

This wasn't the first time he saw his son's supernatural ability, but no matter how many times he witnessed it, Maruo was amazed at how guarded it was in the medical world.

However, he would not publicize or have his son mass-produce the organs to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.

Maruo only makes use of his son's strength when there are patients in desperate situations, like Sakura and Kaori


"It's finished." Akira said.

"Mhm. You may go." Maruo said.

"Then, I'll go first, dad. See you."

Leaving the hospital, Akira went to the game center and spent some time there. He just got home at 6:30 p.m.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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