
Reincarnated in Tensura as Gabiru

A guy is reincarnated into Tensura as Gabiru that's all there is to this fan fic

that_guy_hu_writes · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 8

-Rimuru's POV-

Tempest is looking great. For the past three weeks things have been peaceful as hell except that unbelievably large magicule signature in Olympus a week ago. Gabiru reassured me saying everything was alright but I secretly sent Souei to check up and he found nothing out of the ordinary. Besides that I had Vesta developing potions in Veldora's cave because honestly there's nothing else for him to do and I even lied to him saying that I was running out of the full potions to motivate him more. I had some hob-goblins cultivate some of them magical herbs from Veldora's cave for Vesta to experiment on as I was not sharing my stash with him.

What surprised me the most was Olympus. I honestly didn't think Gabiru could pull it off. The only reason I could was because of Great Sage so I theorized that Gabiru's cheat skills must be on par with Great Sage and Beelzebub. Otherwise he wouldn't have gotten to that level that fast.

From Souei's reports, Olympus' architecture is even better than ours. Man I really wish I could go visit Olympus to see it for myself, but being a Chancellor has left me with so little free time. Especially during these past few weeks. But now I finally have some time to spare---

_General POV_

'I just had to jinx everything' thought Rimuru as he sensed the same enormous magicule signature flying straight for Tempest, 'I thought Gabiru said it was nothing?'

Rimuru quickly bounced outside the city and released his aura to attract the individual outside the city and a few seconds later the large figure crash landed a few metres away from him in a loud explosion. Rimuru instinctively raised his guard against what ever had just landed before him but the magicule signature disappeared.

"Milim did you have to release your aura like that? You must have alarmed the whole city by now" said Gabiru as he walked out of the crater in his human form towards Rimuru.

"Ahh come on. I've been holding it in for a whole week so I needed to let loose for a bit." replied the dragonoid Loli who was pouting as she followed behind her new brother.

"Gabiru, would you mind explaining what's going on?" asked Rimuru in confusion. But before Gabiru could explain, Milim walked over to Rimuru and started poking him in fascination.

"Wow, this is the strongest slime I've seen" commented Milim who was still poking Rimuru.

"Rimuru this is Milim Nava, a demon lord" said Gabiru as he pointed at the girl who was poking him.

"D-D-DEMON LORD!!" shouted Rimuru in shock, "so that overwhelming magicule signature..."

"Yeah that was her" answered Gabiru as he pulled Milim away from Rimuru, "and Milim this is Rimuru Tempest, the other chancellor of the Great Jura Forest"

"He doesn't look like the one I saw fighting the Orc Disaster with you" commented Milim who was scrutinizing poor Rimuru with her Milim Eye Skill. Hearing her comment Rimuru transformed into his human form.

"Nice to meet you Demon Lord Milim" said Rimuru as he extended his arm towards her which she happily shook.

"Sorry if I offend you by asking but what are you doing here?" asked Rimuru bluntly.

"Ohh sorry I forgot about that" replied Milim, "I came here to say hello to you two"

"Huh, that's it. That's what you travelled all the way here to say" asked Rimuru with a confused expression.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it" responded Milim with a cheerful smile on her face.

"How about you invite us i---" said Gabiru before 5 figures appeared behind Gabiru armed and ready to fight interrupting him.

"Stop!!" shouted Rimuru, "She's a friend"

"Plus you would have probably died if you had attacked" added Gabiru.

"Well since you've said hello, I guess you've got no reason to stay here anymore so safe travels" said Rimuru as he turned around and started walking away. Benimaru, Hakurou, Shion, Souei and Ranga who had appeared also followed Rimuru leaving Gabiru and Milim alone.

"Did they just leave us here?" asked Milim in amazement at Rimuru's shamelessness while staring at the backs of the 6 figures that were walking away from them.

"Wow, Even I'm surprised---" said Gabiru before they sensed magicules clashing in the Tempest, 'Why the fuck am I getting interrupted so much?' Rimuru and his buddies used quickly sped towards the city.

'That should be Carrion's subordinate' thought Gabiru as he and Milim flew to the city. Although he knew what was going to happen, Gabiru was curious to see what was going to happen since Milim didn't K.O the prick.

After pushing threw the crowd that had gathered in the middle of the town, Gabiru saw Phobio and his friends whose armor was busted and they were riddled with wounds facing against a pissed off Shuna who was unscathed.

Rimuru and his buddies who had arrived just before Gabiru quickly rushed to stop the fight.

"What is going on?" asked Rimuru seriously as he stood between Shuna and the wounded beastketeer.

"Lord Rimuru it's you" said Rigurd. Half his face had been burnt severely, "This is nothing but a mere scratch"

"Like hell it is" responded Rimuru as he threw a full potion at his face, healing him.

"Lord Rimuru, this person attacked Rigurd unprovoked and attacked me after I had told him it was against the law here" said Shuna while glaring at Phobio, "Fortunately for me, I was stronger than him and his group"

"Shut up, do you know who I am!!" threatened Phobio trying to be intimidating despite his sorry appearance.

"Who are you again?" asked Rimuru while staring at Phobio and his group.

"I am Phobio, one of the-" responded Phobio before he was interrupted by Milim who had just recognized him.

"Hey, aren't you one of Carrion's lackeys, Morbius?" announced Milim as she was pointing at Phobio.

"Demon Lord Milim?!" shouted Phobio in fear when he saw Milim.

"Well since you are Demon Lord Carrion's people how about we talk about this inside?" offered Rimuru.

Phobio and his Lackeys agreed to discussing elsewhere and since Gabiru wasn't from this town he and Milim decided to return back to Olympus since the reason for their visit was no longer valid, but before they could leave 2 new groups arrived in Tempest which delayed their departure.

------- ------- --------

"Hello I am Rimuru Tempest, a Chancellor of this Forest, the leader of this town and a leader of our Nation, the Great Jura Federation" said Rimuru to the groups who had come from the Kingdoms of Blumund and Falmuth.

"Wow you really are a slime" commented Fuze, the Guild master of the Kingdom of Blumund while staring at Rimuru in his slime form.

"And I am Gabiru Nava, also a Chancellor of the Forest, Leader of my own monster town and the other leader of this Nation" said Gabiru with a relaxed tone.

"Nava?!!" shouted everyone in surprise, Rimuru included.

"Yeah, me and Milim are siblings now" responded Gabiru while enjoying their shocked expressions.

"Milim, as in Demon Lord Milim?" asked Fuze with even more shock. After all who doesn't know the name Milim Nava.

"Yep, he's my brother now" said Milim who was in the corner enjoying some sandwiches.

"Stop messing with us. You mean that little girl is Demon Lord Milim" said Youm. Luckily for him, Milim wasn't paying attention anymore.

"So you are the Dragon that was seen during the Orc Lord Incident" asked Fuze completely ignoring Youm's comment and Gabiru nodded. Youm seemed to have cooled down after knowing that Gabiru was a Dragon.

"So you're to see if the one's who defeated the Orc Lord are Friends or Foe like King Gazel?" asked Rimuru.

"Yeah, we're here to chec-- hold up, you said that the hero king Gazel Dwargo has come her before?" asked Fuze who was surprised.

"Yeah, he came here for the same reason as you and ended up acknowledging our Monster Towns as a Nation. We are trading with Dwargon" said Gabiru softly.

"Are you sure King Gazel acknowledged your Nation of Monsters as a legitimate Nation?" asked Fuze seriously.

"I can confirm that information if you want" said Vesta as he walked in at the most plot convenient time ever.

"Minister Vesta?" said Fuze in confusion.

'Was this guy eavesdropping on the discussions the whole time' thought Gabiru.

"Former Minister Vesta" corrected Vesta.

"I don't understand, what are you doing here?" asked Fuze who looked confused as fuck.

"Putting my talents to good use" said Vesta, "Anyway what they are sating is the truth. The Great Jura Federation and Dwargon have entered into an official treaty with each other."

"Now are you convinced?" asked Rimuru.

"If that's the case we aren't opposed cooperating with you or anything" finally said the defeated Fuze, "Still though we would need some kind of proof that you are allies of humans"

"We also need some kind of proof that you human are our allies" said Gabiru, "but alas we all can't get what we want"

"True, it is unfair for us to be the ones who do all the showing." said Rimuru who went into thought. Fuze couldn't refute the logic so he just stayed quiet.

"If you want to go into a treaty with us or just want to check out our towns feel free. My town Olympus is just a few miles east of Lake Siss, you can't miss it" said Gabiru as he stood up, ending the discussions.

-Clayman's Castle-

"That was quick, I hope no one caught you, Tear" said Clayman as he was staring at the woman in front of him.

"Have faith in me, I am from the Moderate Harlequin Alliance after all" responded the women in the clown attire.

"Forgive me, I was worried" said Clayman, "You do tend to go overboard sometimes"

"You don't always have to treat me like a Child, Clayman" retorted Tear.

"Anyway, I have news that Milim has taken a liking to the Dragon in the Great Forest" said Clayman, "This is turning out to be more interesting than I expected, what a delightful turn of events"

"That's good I guess...., but what's the real scoop here. Is this Dragon so interesting that even Demon Lord Milim would stick around. I know he evolved from a lizardman but there has to be more?" asked Tear with a bit of interest.

"Only to the point where he and the slime can not be ignored, but he'll never be match for me after all but Laplace thinks differently" said Clayman softly.

"How so?" asked Tear whose interest had further increased.

"He said there's an eeriness.... or something of that nature" responded Clayman, "But I think it's because the Dragon managed to fool him"

"Fascinating. If Laplace thinks so there must be something" said Tear with her hand on her chin, "At the very least I think we should investigate this Dragon some more"

"I agree" said Clayman.

"Yeah that would be fun but...." said Tear who paused to add some suspense, "Guess what I found out"

"Let's hear it" said Clayman.

"As it turns out Demon Lord Frey had no interest in the Great Forest of Jura. She seemed worried about something, it kinda looked like she was preparing for a fight" said Tear.

"Did you find out what that might be?" asked Clayman curiously.

"I did and you won't believe me" responded Tear cheerfully, "She was freaking out saying Charybdis was going to be revived"

"Huh, Charybdis?..... Interesting, you know what Tear I think I might have another task for you" said Clayman as he stood up and started walking towards Tear.

"Yey! I was hoping that you would. I have already called Footman and we are definitely ready for a fight" said Tear who was spinning happily.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. However I'd like you to avoid fighting this time around. For a start go find the seal and find out if it is possible to tame Charybdis or not. That's your new mission" said Clayman who was now standing in front of Tear.

"Leave it to me Clayman" said Tear before she started sinking into the ground.

[A/N: Sorry about the un-announced hiatus. Honestly I wanted to drop this but after I read it again I decided to continue. Don't forget to give comment especially about the Charybdis Arc that I am about to get into.

-I hate the part where Rimuru just bends to Fuze and the Youm hero thing so I changed them up-]

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