
Reincarnated in Tales of Demons and Gods as Nie li's friend

Ye fan was a study nerd in his previous life, he grew up in an orphanage and became a worker who worked overtime to get more money to live a good life but he fell for a deadly virus, during the illness he started to read novels and wanted to reincarnate like a protagonist, god to a pity on him and gave him a chance but not for free.

Ishan_jain · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Meeting nie li

Ye fan felt that there should be some experts sent by his family to protect him so it should be safe to roam around. The glory city is actually very big and is divided into several areas. In the most central area, all the major families, several big noble families, and wealthy people have their residents located here.

To the north of it is the area of Holy orchid Institute most of which is actually the training grounds of Holy orchid Institute which was made to hone the actual combat of the students and some of the areas is given to some aristocrat family.

The West is used as the workplace of several major associations like the alchemy association, inscription association, fighter association, City lords office, etc.

The East area has a lot of residents of aristocratic families. Ye fans dragon saint aristocratic family is also located here, the land here is also very fertile and used for farming various herbs and crops.

The South area has the main entrance to the glory city and the market is also located here, the common people of glory city also live here and it is the most bustling area of the city. Here you can see all types of shops selling all kinds of stuff and all kinds of people in this world.

After understanding the general situation of the glory city it was already dawn and the sun was setting and Ye fan was on the way to go home but he soon heard some shouts of children, after a quick thought he decided to go to see what happened.

On a common forest shared between several families which also serves as a border zone for their family area, there were two older children bullying a child smaller than them, after looking closely Ye fan found that the one being bullied was Nie li and the bully were the grandsons of the supreme elder of the heavenly marks family. Seeing it was a good opportunity to brush Nie li's favorability and become his friend, Ye fan went to help him.

Ye fan said, "Stop bullying him."

Nie Xiaofeng scolded, "Why should we listen to you kid."

Nie Xiaori said angrily, "Don't make us beat you too."

Ye fan didn't listen to them so they started to fight but got beaten up and lost in a few seconds. Although Ye fan was younger than them but due to his dragon bloodline his height was no less than a four-year-old child's and the power was almost that of a 10-year-old kid. After scaring the kids away he helped Nie li.

Nie li said, "Thanks for helping me. I don't know what is your name."

Ye fan told introduced himself to Nie li and pretended to ask his name too "I don't know what is your name."

Nie li said, "My name is Nie li and I come from heavenly marks family."

Soon both of them talked about each other and became friends. They talked about each other's families and what they knew. But soon it was going to be nighttime so they bid their farewell to each other and went home so as not to get scolded but before going they decided to meet here every day in future.

If anyone has some ideas for the story pls share them in the comments.

Ishan_jaincreators' thoughts